...You go through all 7 pages of this thread, and nod at every single post, thinking "finally people who think like me!"
...Except I don't drive, so I just do the Million Ways dance in the shower, or while straigtening my hair It hurts.
...When you walk past places you know OK Go have been and sigh
Also - sorry if this has been said, but when every dream includes OK Go at some point, and you wake up with one of their songs in your head every morning.
YKYOW... Damian uses your camera, but then the same night you break it, the next day you buy a new one to get the footage off of it, and think about sending the broken one to Casio to get fixed. But you put it off because you're afraid they'll give you a different camera instead.
- sometimes you feel as if you prefer chatting with your friends on the boards than with your friends in real life. (Maybe, but for me, this is very true. You guys are just too awesome, man.)
- You know every ban member's flaw (if any; but everyone has them) and still adore and worship them
- Your biggest dream involves something related to OK Go...or being related to OK Go
I won't lie: all the things I've said are 200% true for me.
your history teacher starts talking about how some people had to have their last names changed when they immigrated to America to make them more pronouncable...and you immediately think of how Damian's last name had to be changed from "Kulass" to "Kulash". darn.
I've just put down all the homework and studying I have to do- and wrote a 5 page single-spaced paper on Ok Go for absolutely no reason. And I'm still not done with it.
but, everyone else here is obsessed, and they're awesome, so I'm not mad at myself.
YKYOW... You're watching Passport to Europe at 12 in the morning and Samantha is eating goulash with a man named Milosh and want to leap out of bed to post it on the boards. Only people here would understand. If I try to explain it to anyone else they would just walk away.
Haha. I know what you mean...
YKYOW... You're watching Scrubs and the intern's name is Milosh and JD and Turk is like, "Milosh is lucky" and all you can think of is OK Go.
You'd have thought I'd have learned by now too. But no. I just can't help myself.
Last time I got up to the stripper dance bit, flung my arms up too violently and brought the shower head crashing down, which scared me into falling. I was so close!!!
That is close! Ah well. A week or so ago at school some girls in my class were talking about dancing in the shower so I shared my slippy story with them and they fully laughed for like, five minutes. and they're like, "you were really young, right?" and I'm like, "uh no it was a few weeks ago..." gosh. I'll never live that down.
...You go through all 7 pages of this thread, and nod at every single post, thinking "finally people who think like me!"
...Except I don't drive, so I just do the Million Ways dance in the shower, or while straigtening my hair
It hurts.
...When you walk past places you know OK Go have been and sigh
Also - sorry if this has been said, but when every dream includes OK Go at some point, and you wake up with one of their songs in your head every morning.
Damn, it's a nice camera too.
You're 10 minutes late for school and and can't help but visit the forum in case anything interesting appeared over night.....
argh! damn this obsession
The other night I dream Damian set me on fire.
Kinda creepy...
You're 10 minutes late for school and and can't help but visit the forum in case anything interesting appeared over night.....
argh! damn this obsession
You think that entomology is an awesome field just because Damian's grandfather discovered the click beetle Glyphonx kulashi.
Not that I'm one to brag but, I am a research assistant for an Entomology Dept. at a Univ. So in some way, I feel ever so close to Damian.
- sometimes you feel as if you prefer chatting with your friends on the boards than with your friends in real life. (Maybe, but for me, this is very true. You guys are just too awesome, man.)
- You know every ban member's flaw (if any; but everyone has them) and still adore and worship them
- Your biggest dream involves something related to OK Go...or being related to OK Go
I won't lie: all the things I've said are 200% true for me.
your history teacher starts talking about how some people had to have their last names changed when they immigrated to America to make them more pronouncable...and you immediately think of how Damian's last name had to be changed from "Kulass" to "Kulash". darn.
It must be a joy to go to class then :]
Not really. As you may gather, he is nowhere near the well-dressed gentleman our Monsieur Nordwind is.
True. No one can match dear Tim Nordwind.
He doesn't even have sideburns, dangit! Now what kind of man-who's-obviously-trying-to-look-like-Tim-Nordwind doesn't have sideburns?!!!!
but, everyone else here is obsessed, and they're awesome, so I'm not mad at myself.
You're watching Passport to Europe at 12 in the morning and Samantha is eating goulash with a man named Milosh and want to leap out of bed to post it on the boards. Only people here would understand. If I try to explain it to anyone else they would just walk away.
Haha. I know what you mean...
You're watching Scrubs and the intern's name is Milosh and JD and Turk is like, "Milosh is lucky" and all you can think of is OK Go.
It hurts.
I did it in the shower, slipped over and hit my head on the tap on the way down.
Never again.
I just can't help myself.
Last time I got up to the stripper dance bit, flung my arms up too violently and brought the shower head crashing down, which scared me into falling. I was so close!!!