I wish they had kept the cameras on the front since that was how it was shot originally, but it was cool that they had OK GO written on the treadmills.
I felt the same way.
QUOTE (Penelope @ Aug 31 2006, 08:21 PM)
Did everyone see the "treadmill techs" walking around in jumpsuits on the previews?? Thank goodness for them, they made sure everything was set right. Imagine if one of them was on 5mph instead of 1 mph or whatever...
I didn't see that. That's cool.
QUOTE (Penelope @ Aug 31 2006, 08:21 PM)
I LOVED how Damian jumped in the air at the end, so cute because you know he was so excited to have nailed it so well.
I just went back to watch that--I didn't see it the first time. That jump is awesome!! He's so excited!!!
FUCK. I totally mussed the entire thing. I jist came back from a pub crawl inmontreal and I'm tupsy and somewhat drunk and I just want to see the boys. Fuuuuck.
Hey does anyone know what time the were interviewed on the preshow? Us mountain time zone folk are just now getting it and I don't want to watch the whole thing.
won't be as amazing as seeing it full-screen on my tv, but it's better than nothing. and I can always watch the reruns and just time it so I watch it and nothing else.
FUCK. I totally mussed the entire thing. I jist came back from a pub crawl inmontreal and I'm tupsy and somewhat drunk and I just want to see the boys. Fuuuuck.
someone needs to put as much footage as possible on youtube, or else I'll cry.
cause I really don't want to spend my friday watching the rerun of the VMAs, and I doubt they'll show the pre-coverage again...
why did I have band camp? why?
Just watch the reruns It'll happen an hour into the show... so it starts at 8, ok go at 9.
Best Week Ever (of vh1) is blogging while watching. and say this: 9:08 - OK Go performs the amazing treadmill routine we told you about on live television, doesn’t mess up, and provides us with what will undoubtedly be the one true entertaining segment of the evening.
anyways, if you go to mtv.com, and go to overdrive, and the vma channel, you can find the bit with Trish and the boys practicing, as well as the before-show interview. so I've seen those.
That was incredible!!! I was on the edge of my seat, praying that everything would go well. I laughed, I cried, I cheered!! I gasped when Dan had shoe problems, but he kept right on going. They all gave it that little extra something - loved the extra-long strides from Damian and Andy, and Tim's performance had added "umph", especially at the end where everyone slides through his legs - I imagine he knew they had almost made it through successfully. It was a truly satisfying performance. I think I'll go watch it again!
QUOTE (Kaethe @ Sep 1 2006, 12:23 PM)
Dan gets super major props for his performance. I would've fallen flat on my face hopping on one leg on a treadmill. That was crazy amazing.
haha, and I definitely noticed the extra "umph" too. They were fantastic. And youtube... should die. I had to restart the upload... so i'm not really sure what the deal is.
What an amazing performance! I was so excited when it started that I just wanted to cheer, but I felt a little weird sitting alone in my living room bouncing in my seat and flailing around with excitement. Definitely one of the highlights of the night. Awesome.
I'm so proud of these boys! They're going to make it!
i'm going to put on a dfress.
someone needs to put as much footage as possible on youtube, or else I'll cry.
cause I really don't want to spend my friday watching the rerun of the VMAs, and I doubt they'll show the pre-coverage again...
I'll post them ASAP.
They won't be the BEST quality. but they should be ok.
omg. i'm so proud of them. they were amazing. the set was amazing. the ok go treadmills were amazing. their excitement at the end was amazing.
alright! off to get the footage on my comp!
won't be as amazing as seeing it full-screen on my tv, but it's better than nothing. and I can always watch the reruns and just time it so I watch it and nothing else.
i'm going to put on a dfress.
Or at least what her reaction at the end was. She must have gone completely apeshit.
someone needs to put as much footage as possible on youtube, or else I'll cry.
cause I really don't want to spend my friday watching the rerun of the VMAs, and I doubt they'll show the pre-coverage again...
Just watch the reruns
It'll happen an hour into the show... so it starts at 8, ok go at 9.
Best Week Ever (of vh1) is blogging while watching. and say this:
9:08 - OK Go performs the amazing treadmill routine we told you about on live television, doesn’t mess up, and provides us with what will undoubtedly be the one true entertaining segment of the evening.
anyways, if you go to mtv.com, and go to overdrive, and the vma channel, you can find the bit with Trish and the boys practicing, as well as the before-show interview. so I've seen those.
you tube is being slow but in about 10 minutes you should have something.
you tube is being slow but in about 10 minutes you should have something.
Dammmmn you're quick
I found out MTV2 was playing the VMAs east-coast time. So I could've seen the actual performance and not the lame overdrive one.
haha, and I definitely noticed the extra "umph" too. They were fantastic.
And youtube... should die.
I had to restart the upload... so i'm not really sure what the deal is.
haha, and I definitely noticed the extra "umph" too. They were fantastic.
And youtube... should die.
I had to restart the upload... so i'm not really sure what the deal is.
anyways, no one should kill themselves trying to get the performance on youtube tonight... I can wait. really.
let me know if the sound is absolutely awful. I can understand, but I know what they were saying so I don't really count...
The actual dance should be up shortly!