they played like 2 horus ago and they did a good job. i cried i was so happy. i just hope all the preppy girls dont come on the forums acting like omg i love them.... when theyve never even heard anything from the first record.... im sorry.. i hate preps...
In my time zone it hasn't been shown yet, but the fact that he gives them an award is pretty saddening to me. The fact that AFI even got an award is really saddening.
In my time zone it hasn't been shown yet, but the fact that he gives them an award is pretty saddening to me. The fact that AFI even got an award is really saddening.
He was so cute with Pink, though. Like, I'm not a Pink fanatic or anything, but I would explode if Lou Reed told me he loved me.
they played like 2 horus ago and they did a good job. i cried i was so happy. i just hope all the preppy girls dont come on the forums acting like omg i love them.... when theyve never even heard anything from the first record.... im sorry.. i hate preps...
Doesn't everyone? That's why it's always a love/hate thing when my favourite bands get good publicity. It's great that they get p ublicity... but it's bad because it risks icky twelve year olds popping up and gushing about how they're their "biggest fans".
No offence to twelve year old girls.
QUOTE (unicornsplzzz @ Sep 1 2006, 01:43 PM)
Just a really awful band.
Is their name actually AFI or is it an abbreviation?
GITD, I suggest you get used to preps. in fact, most of them are very nice. a lot of them even have decent taste in music. and for those that really are annoying, well, I suggest you just ignore them. but be polite. it all works out better that way.
but, I do know what you mean about people who've just discovered Ok Go. Like, two of my friends only recently started getting into them due to the JC Penney commercials, and it made me sad that they hadn't heard of them yet.
anyways, maybe now 3333 will finally think of the boys as SEXY! I mean, you don't get any sexier than the VMA's, really now. I bet PCD even won something this year.
woo...they're were just on the post show. Damian's face looked so cute when he did that nervous look. They really were the best preformance of the night. I just hope there isn't a lot of new fangirls. A lot of people are gonna know about them now. No more "OK Go who?"
Man I don't even know why I liked Panic!...their preformance sucked...Brendon can't sing and they all looked gay. The Raconteurs and the Killers were good though.
They just had a sweet little interview with them on the post-show!
I was overwhelmed with the feeling, "I've met them. I've met those guys!!!!" LOL
*grumblegrumbleluckylucky* emmm... yeah. still have yet to see them live, even. if their next concerts in Boston are huge and filled w/ teeny-boppers, I'ma kill something.
QUOTE (unicornsplzzz @ Aug 31 2006, 11:46 PM)
This is unrelated to Ok Go, but Li'l Jon was just on and he was wearing manpris, and I find that hilarious.
hee... the best part about manpris is that half the time they're supposed to be shorts, but they're so long and the guys wear 'em so low that they might as well be capris.
unless, of course, they were actual capris. which is just amazing.
Is there a link to "overdrive" I'm missing, or is that a link that was just up while the show was still on? And if not, do you have any idea which of the links that are up there would contain the bit w/the guys & Trish? And the pre-show for that matter?
hehe.. you know, as much as I dislike AFI's image, I think their songs are damn catchy. And Jade Puget is pretty hot, weird bleach-blonde overcomb or no.
but Davey Havok is just annoying. Seriously... really annoying.
/end random American Ad observation
i just hope all the preppy girls dont come on the forums acting like omg i love them.... when theyve never even heard anything from the first record....
im sorry.. i hate preps...
He was so cute with Pink, though. Like, I'm not a Pink fanatic or anything, but I would explode if Lou Reed told me he loved me.
Just a really awful band.
i just hope all the preppy girls dont come on the forums acting like omg i love them.... when theyve never even heard anything from the first record....
im sorry.. i hate preps...
Doesn't everyone? That's why it's always a love/hate thing when my favourite bands get good publicity. It's great that they get p ublicity... but it's bad because it risks icky twelve year olds popping up and gushing about how they're their "biggest fans".
No offence to twelve year old girls.
Is their name actually AFI or is it an abbreviation?
in fact, most of them are very nice. a lot of them even have decent taste in music.
and for those that really are annoying, well, I suggest you just ignore them. but be polite. it all works out better that way.
but, I do know what you mean about people who've just discovered Ok Go. Like, two of my friends only recently started getting into them due to the JC Penney commercials, and it made me sad that they hadn't heard of them yet.
anyways, maybe now 3333 will finally think of the boys as SEXY! I mean, you don't get any sexier than the VMA's, really now. I bet PCD even won something this year.
I was overwhelmed with the feeling, "I've met them. I've met those guys!!!!" LOL
Man I don't even know why I liked Panic!...their preformance sucked...Brendon can't sing and they all looked gay. The Raconteurs and the Killers were good though.
Draw your own conclusions.
I was overwhelmed with the feeling, "I've met them. I've met those guys!!!!" LOL
emmm... yeah. still have yet to see them live, even. if their next concerts in Boston are huge and filled w/ teeny-boppers, I'ma kill something.
hee... the best part about manpris is that half the time they're supposed to be shorts, but they're so long and the guys wear 'em so low that they might as well be capris.
unless, of course, they were actual capris. which is just amazing.
Draw your own conclusions.
I try not to judge books by their covers, but ew.
Maybe it's unavailable now?
Sorry if I'm being dense.
I love dan for just fixing his shoe and hopping right along, he's amazing.
Draw your own conclusions.
hehe.. you know, as much as I dislike AFI's image, I think their songs are damn catchy. And Jade Puget is pretty hot, weird bleach-blonde overcomb or no.
but Davey Havok is just annoying. Seriously... really annoying.
emmm... yeah. still have yet to see them live, even.
Your day will come! I'm sure soon!
I like "Miss Murder."