Simon's hair makes me sad, but it was a good episode, so I'll forgive him...for now.
Useless fact: When I watched it, I was dressed almost exactly like Jamie from Klaxons. I was wearing a grey t-shirt and a cardigan that was almost the exact same shade of purple. It was kind of freaky.
Yeah, he's supposed to do the four specials next year. I have no clue who should be the next Doctor. Lately I've just been missing Christopher Eccleston.
so i think im still cool..
was good fun!
can someone please teach adell how to speak
oh and whilst your at it, teach her how to sing
BOOM! take that adell
Useless fact: When I watched it, I was dressed almost exactly like Jamie from Klaxons. I was wearing a grey t-shirt and a cardigan that was almost the exact same shade of purple. It was kind of freaky.
who is it actually?
that makes me incredibly happy. I don't know when I'll get to watch it, but I'm so looking forward to it!
and there were a LOT of QI references in the show
which you american girls (and canadian boy) wont get
unless you watch QI
which you should
cause its fuckin amazing
You know what he taught me yesterday?!
You should never accept cock, i mean sweets, from strangers lol
and there were a LOT of QI references in the show
which you american girls (and canadian boy) wont get
unless you watch QI
which you should
cause its fuckin amazing
I've seen enough QI to get a lot of the references
and I agree, it was phenomenal
That being said, I was kind of expecting it, and also he has to move on at some point, and I'm excited about the regeneration and Eleven!
who do you think should be Eleven?
and i loved Eccleston.
ive not cared about dr who since he left, and i never watch it anymore
from his amazing amazingness on Buzzcocks
from his amazing amazingness on Buzzcocks