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  • QUOTE (Ushies @ Nov 30 2006, 01:38 AM)
    Oh, I know. I mean, I didn't really yell at them... I'm generally a very quiet person. My inner beast lets out at concerts and I transform into my alternate personality, but I still am not bold enough to yell to the performers while they are singing. Maybe between songs next time. But I did make eye contact with Tim a few times while he was scanning the crowd. So I'd smile super big and kinda wave. He smiled back a few times biggrin.gif For the next concert I'll be sure to have something to yell to Damian and hopefully start him off on an interesting speach about something random. That will be fun.
    I realized that I got that quote backwards though... It goes "hey Tim. Tim" rather than the "Tim. Hey, Tim" that I put up there *smacks forhead*

    Baha. If ever I do go to a show, I'm aiming for one of those 'anger the musicians during intermission' thing. Er,that was vague, I mean like when they're preparing for the next song make some random comment that is sure to anger one of the guys and heat up some pointless argument between two completely random statements. *shrug* It would be fun to me atleast.

    I thought Trish's stampede across the treadmills with a chair in her hand and this insane yet concentrated look on her face kind of scared me. And then, she was seemingly ramming screw drivers up Tim's butt, which also scared me yet I smiled and giggled at. The relation between the brother and sister is somewhat evident in that little slice of dvd right there, atleast to me. Hehe. I liked it where Andy hopped off the treadmill all of a sudden and jumped around, then the other guys seeing his wound quickly said, "ooo.." I thought it was cute and hilarious, reminded me of the podcast with Jonathan Goldstein about the 'harmony' possessing all of them to say various things at the same time.. and in some cases.. the exact same thing.. Baha..
  • After I got the DVD, which was all thanks to my dear friend, Angela, I was so excited that I didn't even realize the purple wrapping was the one that said, "OK Go" and if I ripped it off the "OK Go" would rip too. Therefore, purple wrapping got trashed, because it was too ripped apart to even try to salvage.

    Also, of the two stores I desperately went to, I was HUGELY disapointed with the fact that both stores had absolutely no idea what I was talking about. When I was at walmart, I asked two guys, who seemingly looked like they would have a slight bit of clue as to what I was talking about, and instead of actually answering my question, one tried to hand me a meatloaf CD/DVD compilation (he was at least close with that aspect) the other simply stared at me like I fell off my rocker and asked, "OK...who?"

    I thought for sure Target would at least have it, or prepare to have it, but alas they failed me too. I was on the phone with Angela, who told me it would be there, and I exclaimed, "They don't have it!" A nice worker heard my concern and decided to try to help me find said CD/DVD. She was very nice, and at least realized that when I said, "OK Go" I meant the band name. The other lady, had absolutely no idea what I was talking about. She asked once if OK Go was the name of the band or CD/DVD, which is understandable, she was a fairly older lady, but the third time she asked, I was a little frustrated and perterbed that she didn't get it yet. I even gave her the flyer I recieved at the show I was just at, and the ol' bat still didn't get it.

    I gave up looking for it there, and decided to buy a box of crayons and a princess coloring book and ran off to the food court to ease my pain by regressing into my childhood, but I couldn't shake the fact that it was the 8th already and I didn't have the DVD. Thankfully to Angela and her mom driving all around to find it, we got a hold of the beloved CD/DVD. The moment I got it home, I watched it, stupidly with my dad around, in which he proceeded to hate, and call them gay.

    He's just jealous.
  • ^Psh.. Old hound.

    My parents also don't delight in the OK Go specialness, but, atleast they have learned to tolerate it. I strictly remember being in the car, listening to my OK Go cd, in which my own father proceeded to tell me that he would get me 'real' music for my birthday.

    *rolls eyes*

    While I can understand that the genres in our world today are far more different in a relatively extreme way, I do not see how you can categorize OK Go into the same line of thinking and then even go so far as to suggest that it isn't 'real music'.. I know my dad wasn't quite thinking that far into the subject matter, but the far mention of OK Go not being 'real' or 'music', is just too far.. too far and too much.

    I was surprised when I went to Best Buy actually, in search of the dvd, and I wasn't smart enough to look in the CD area rather than the DVD area seemingly not understanding the fact that if it was a cd/dvd it would be in the cd shelving.. *sigh* Anyways, I asked a relatively young man that seemed to be into the whole music lifestyle.. and he also didn't have a clue what I was talking about. And the only reason he probably knew I was talking about a band was the fact that I motioned with a cool guitar strum after I mentioned OK Go. I figured that more people would know about the band now, but, you can't appeal to old ladies at Target and then the younger generation of Best Buy inhibitors at the same time now can you?
  • Oh, I believe if my dad hadn't seen them dancing, he might actually like them, as they really aren't like todays "music", and have a very british feel, something I was sure my dad would get. And my mom, at least she lets me listen to them in the car now, for some reason about a month before my concert I went to play their first CD, and before I even got it into the CD player she shouted at me to never play it in her car. I was confused. Still am.

    Crazy units.
  • QUOTE (Redstar7 @ Nov 30 2006, 02:51 PM)
    Oh, I believe if my dad hadn't seen them dancing, he might actually like them, as they really aren't like todays "music", and have a very british feel, something I was sure my dad would get. And my mom, at least she lets me listen to them in the car now, for some reason about a month before my concert I went to play their first CD, and before I even got it into the CD player she shouted at me to never play it in her car. I was confused. Still am.

    Crazy units.

    I have this theory that parents are actually children of our age competing against our own ideas, principles, and understanding of the world, just because they refuse to give up their own personal ideals. Atleast, that is the impression I get from my parents.

    Supposedly, my mom has had a headache the 'whole day' whenever I pop in the OK Go CD in the car. It's usually a pointless argument:

    Ma: "Lena, turn that off, I've had a headache the whole day."
    Me: "Mom,you seem to have headaches a lot, is there something wrong with you? I suggest seeing a doctor or something because, I, don't want to have to turn off OK Go every time you get a supposed 'headache', why can't you just take medication or something? I mean, it's a whole lot easier than having to lecture me over the statistics of music in our world today, if there even is such a thing..."

    (At this time I'll be tapping my foot and singing a long for a few seconds)

    Ma: *switches off CD*
    Me: *sigh*...

    It's a daily routine, seeing as to how I rely on her as my main source of transportation... I considered investing in bus tickets for awhile, but then I realized that would involve walking to bus stops, in which, my incredibly lazy personality objects to the sheer idiocy of the thought. *shrug* I'm in the process of developing a way to get parents to also delight in OK Go, er well, atleast tolerate it enough to make it a stress-reliever rather than a 'stressor'... erg, I think this is just my parents anway. I'll just tie them to a chair and then make them listen to the music, threatening their own music collection in the process... It's how I feel whenever I'M attacked for my musical interests..

    Ugh.. You're right, crazy parental units indeed. You think giving birth to a child leaves you with that kind of attitude?
  • I got it in once, sneaky me. While she was in a car part place, I sneakily pulled out the CD and put it in. When she came back she didn't seem to notice what it was, or even complain, until I stupidly said, "These are the guys I'm going to see in November!"

    I will forever hate myself for that moment. She made me take out the CD and got all pissed off because it's not my car, and I have no right to go around playing stuff without her permission. That being said, I agree with you on your theory. I think they have a button, or a switch in their brain that turns off when they realize that like, or can tolerate something our generation produced. It's just not natural for them to like something from a generation that, for the most part produces crap. Can't really blame 'em, specially with all those fruity emo bands popping up like wild fires, I'd be weary and defensive too.

    I believe with time, and constant playing my parents can come to at least appreciate them, even if just a tad.
  • My parents have learned from the past that they can't change my obsessions over people. First there was Pirates/Johnny Depp. Then U2. Back to Pirates, and then OK Go blew them all out of the water. I've never liked anything more. But my parents don't say anything to me about any of those people. Ever. Which is nice, but sometimes I feel tension when I start to talk about the greatness of OK Go, or when one of my parents (particularly my dad) walks into my little room here when I'm in the middle of doing one of the dances or putting on one of his ties that I stole. It's a strange feeling. But I also had that with Pirates at first too, and after a while my parents gave into it all and surrendered to my babbling. They have realized that no matter how hard they try they cannot talk me out of spending money on anything that has to do with the people I like.

    Yes, I love pry that whole sequence starting at Damian sitting on the floor talking about how Trish should yell at them, through when they are talking to Tim after. But in general, I love that whole Treadmill video. Wonderful. I thought it was really itneresting though how Damian said "She was ramming screw drivers up your butt", while Trish said "ass". I would have expected Damian to use ass... And I hate it how they've bleeped out "Don't waste my F*ing time", and there was another video where they bleeped a lyric. Why? I mean, they are in the songs normally, and that's the best part of Don't Ask Me! I can always see Damian up on stage screaming the F word with all his might. It makes me sad to not be able to quietly yell it with him (so that my parents don't come burtsing into the room all freaked out about what sort of music I'm listening to. My dad has heard part of Minuet in C# Minor as he got something out of this room and left and I could see a strange look on his face. Now I'm sure to change the songs if he comes in during one I know he would hate. And on one occasion the next song was HIGA- the only OK Go song he recognises- and he said "Oh no, not these guys again!"
    I wish we could have seen the gash in Andy's leg. It must have been pretty bad. And I want to sit here in front of the tv, zoom in on it, and weep while I sigh "Poor, poor Andy" every once in a while.
    I love this line-
    "I just ate a whole burrito, so everything is a little unstable right now..."
    And I love the way he says "Lets do this. Yeah?" I feel like he needs to have some kind of accent the way he says it. And I love it when Trish yells the whole "It's OK Go!" and they show him standing there half smiling with his suit on, and then that white head band standing out. That picture=amazing
  • Yeah, I had that Pirate craze before too.. Good times, good times.

    I'm actually partial to the bleepedness of some of the lyrics present on the dvd. Although I don't like how it symbolically destroys the purity and originality the lyrics have, I think in order to keep the parents satisfied. Atleast, if that's a reason, I'm thankful for it. I have reasons in filtering music that has particularly explicit language, just for the unwanted fact that my parents would freak if any 'bad word' was uttered in anything I take interest in. The only reason I'm allowed to rejoice in OK Go now is because they only hear the music that doesn't contain the profanity, which proves useful for just that matter.

    But other than that, I'd much rather have it be 'unbleeped'.

    I ran through the dvd again and this time noticed that Damian indeed says 'butt' and Trish says 'ass'. I think it's just a matter of timing and what they were doing at that particular time. Perhaps Damian disregarded an explicitive and substituted it bearing in mind that this would be on the dvd? But then, what about Trish's little utterance of bad language, hm? I really don't want to further analyze the predicament, my mind has just been considerably blown today.

    We can just make it easy and let it remain a mystery, atleast then it will be something to always ponder on *shrug*

    Ah Andy.. lol.. I see him as the quiet, sometimes over-looked one of the band, but when you focus in on him and his cuteness it makes it seem like the world should revolve around him. Teehee. To me he carries this sense or 'aura' of pureness and complete cluelessness. Certainly I'm not even hinting that he's in fact stupid, because we of the fanship of OK Go know that it isn't, BUT, I mean clueless as in 'childlike'.. Actually, the whole band possesses this 'child-like' quality that I'm speaking of, when I think about it.

    Anyways, this only stands true for when I see him in the dvd. I don't think the dvd exposes the truth and justly portrays the Andy we know best. (As our talented blogger who does not cease to be clever.) It's a shame that maybe some will never know about those blogs, but then again, I feel special for knowing myself. ^.^
  • Wow, you guys are hard core compared to me, but I hope I will still be accepted.

    I can totally relate to crazy parental units.

    I have my own room right!? Shouldn't I be able to listen to my own music? I'll be sitting in my room doing homework (which seems to constantly take over my life) or reading, whatever holds my fancy, and my mom will walk in. Immediately "Why do you listen to that? That's way too punky!"

    Does it matter?!
  • QUOTE (ForeverNewbie!? @ Dec 1 2006, 11:27 AM)
    Wow, you guys are hard core compared to me, but I hope I will still be accepted.

    I can totally relate to crazy parental units.

    I have my own room right!? Shouldn't I be able to listen to my own music? I'll be sitting in my room doing homework (which seems to constantly take over my life) or reading, whatever holds my fancy, and my mom will walk in. Immediately "Why do you listen to that? That's way too punky!"

    Does it matter?!

    Well, I'm not 'hardcore' per say. I am but a 'newb' myself, but at any rate, I accept you amongst myself. I haven't had much experience or have been a resident of this board, in particular, for a long time, but, I welcome you here anyways. =)

    And, of course, I can relate to your position as the victim of scrutiny. As you'll see a lot of people do, but, it's all part of life. And what wouldn't we do without our parents? We wouldn't have the money to buy all our OK Go products is what, and that, is something we can all be grateful for. Atleast us ones that are still under the eagle's eye of our parents. *shrug*

    Anyways, welcome.
  • Thank you for accepting me.

    Umm... yeah. I kind of can't relate to the DVD topic because I don't have it, but it is something I asked for for Christmas. So I'll ask you a question about you fan-ness. How would you say you came by their music? I mean, it seems like most people came upon them because of the famous treadmill dance. I came to like them because of one of my friends. She spends almost all her waking time trying to scheme to get to a concert in March. I really want to help her get there but I have a feeling it may not happen. I just know our parents would never take us there no matter what we say or do. Plus tickets have got to be expensive wouldn't you say? I dunno though.

    Anyways, I just want to know how most people came upon the awesome-ness of OK Go.
  • I'm one of the treadmill fans. That's the first thing I heard of theirs. I pry would have heard of them earlier, but I don't listen to the radio, so I couldn't have heard one of their songs come on before and gone "Wow, that was cool! *runs to itunes*". A friend of my father's sends him funny things through email every once in a while, and HIGA happened to be one of those things, so he showed it to me and I showed it to some people and posted it on my myspace right away cuz I thought it was cool. I didn't know it was a music video though unsure.gif until I payed attention to the "OK Go on Treadmills" part at the start and tried looking up OK Go on myspace. When I found out they were a band I listened to their other music they had posted, loved all of them, and bought the CD right away. After that I listened to it over and over again every chance I got and went searching online for fan sites and things and joined the JC right away. Loved all their other videos on and kept sending their links to my best friend Emily (her SN is crazyfrogg14 on the JC) which included the ping pong video. After that video was sent she was sold on them and told me these have got to be the best guys on Earth. Which is inescapably true. Got her to buy the CD after that. Soon after we got their first CD, and now we've got the Appendices and stuff too. We are both crazy for them now and our lives pretty much revolve around them and their music. Which is nice, because it makes school more bearable knowing that any time I have a break I've got my handy dandy ipod in my backpack filled with the greatness that is OK Go. I guess that's more a story of 2 people. But yeah.
  • Aha. I myself am trying to get to a show in March. Which venue are you planning on attending?

    Anyways, to answer your question indirectly stated towards me, I became a fan of their music in the most craziest of ways, I think.

    I was talking to some internet friends I have and they mentioned a band named 'OK Go'. At this time I wasn't about to flourish over the utterance of their name, but, I indeed felt compelled to go and atleast listen to one of their songs. I don't know why I felt so in need of doing so, It's most likely fate.

    At any rate, I eventually stumbled upon the site and then the music and instantly fell in love with "Do What You Want." After that, I listened to all their other music and bought their 2nd album. Quickly I realized they had produced a 1st album and bought that one right away too.

    After being very closely aquainted with their music, I stumbled over Andy's blogs and fell in love with them. And, I suppose, the rest is history...

    And, relating to your other statement about 'not having the dvd', I highly recommend buying it, since you said yourself that you want it, AND because you sound like someone who will love it. =)
  • ha... don't know if anyone else knows this but they have signed dvds up for grabs in the capitol street team site. fun!
  • I did not know that. Very nice.

    But, I think that it would be of more value to me if I actually had it signed for myself intentionally. I'm sure the posession of such a notable gift would be awesome for anyone. But, for me specifically it would be of more value if it was presented to me and only for me. *shrug*

    I remember seeing a signed CD by all 4 of the band members on eBay, however, I didn't jump at the chance for the sole purpose of my beliefs stated above.

    But for anyone else who likes the idea of having one of the dvds should surely jump on the chance.. now.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Dec 10 2006, 02:25 PM)
    ha... don't know if anyone else knows this but they have signed dvds up for grabs in the capitol street team site. fun!

    They also have signed photos, posters, and singles. I kind of want the single because I already have a poster and I don't really need a signed picture of them.
  • Excuse me for cutting in on you guys, but I just want to thank OK Go for lifting me up...

    I got to see the DVD, and I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT A LOT.
    I bought a Chic-a-go-go video long time ago, this time the DVD reminds me how their dance cracked me up.
    Lots of troubles have depressed me these days, the works of OK Go made me laugh, and I feel a little bit better now.
    My love to the boys will never die.
    Ah, I gave the regular version of OH NO album to my OK-Go-virgin friend.
  • QUOTE (EcstaticGrandmas?! @ Dec 10 2006, 06:09 PM)
    But, I think that it would be of more value to me if I actually had it signed for myself intentionally. I'm sure the posession of such a notable gift would be awesome for anyone. But, for me specifically it would be of more value if it was presented to me and only for me. *shrug*

    Ya i totally know what you mean. I treasure my autographed poster... as it comes with sweet, sweet memories... *sigh* But I still have both albums that need autographing (well I have Dan, amazing, but still the whole band would be amazing)... so it will be cool to have some of thier actual work autographed. Plus i don't have the dvd yet *shame*...
  • yea i got it and on the first day too. i went everywhere lookin for it. i found it at best buy. they have everything.
  • Well, aparently my Best Buy is a little behind or something. I went there the first day, as well as 3 other places, and none had it. I figured Best Buy would, but they didn't. Or at least they weren't out and they couldn't be found in the back of the store.
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