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wtf..i love oklahoma weather. =]



  • i get so confused when you guys talk about 90 degrees as i talk in Celsius and you talk in Fahrenheit... and i thought 40 degrees was hot!! tongue.gif

    but yeah i prefer the cold to hot especially at night
  • haha the farenheit-celsius thing always confuses me too.

    but thankfully, I'm a nerd and remember the conversion, so when I get confused about a temperature I convert it and then usually it makes sense =)

    and back to the weather, it's incredibly disgustingly humid... and I'm in the office which is where all the heat in my house rises to... we don't have AC but we have this incredibly noiy fan that does absolutely no good.... and it's supposed to break with thunderstorms all tonight and tomorrow, so I'm excited... but at the same time I'm dying because it's too impossibly hot/sweaty/sticky to survive.

  • yeah..its humid here, too.
    like boiling
    the humidity is crazayyyy cool.gif
  • It's raining. Again. Theresa help me.
  • its raining again here too


    ohmy.gif dry.gif
    we need to all get kidnapped and taken to somewhere where it isn't raining...
  • or just shove all the rain here, please.

    It was supposed to start thunder-storming last night.
    the humidity/awful heat was supposed to break.

    neither of these things have happened, and now there's only a 40% chance of rain at all =O
    which means we're still suffering.

    so can I have your rain?
  • its sunny! yaaaaay! but, there might be more rain on the way.

  • i wish i could! ugh! its hot here too!
  • it's really lovely weather today! i have no idea why i'm sitting at the computer...

    it's sunny and i'm assuming warm, but that may be the air con.

    i want to go to the park but no one is replying to their text messages. fools! don't they know we have to go park scouting for our video. it's going to be electric
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Jul 2 2007, 09:08 PM)
    it's sunny and i'm assuming warm, but that may be the air con.

    So I'm not the only one who calls it "air con"?
  • haha i guess not. honestly, who can be bothered to say the whole thing anyway!!??
  • Haha, that's true, but most people here say "AC."
  • really, AC? i mostly hear air con, AC would mean alternating current hehe but that might be because i go to a nerd school. that and i live in THE shire tongue.gif
  • jkfaj. i hear thunder.
  • siiigh.
    Well, after a lovely nudge from global warming, it's been very warm- almost 80- for half of October.
    But today I went outside and it happened: I saw my breath. It's cold.
    I hate the cold; I hate winter; I hate snow.
    I know some ppl like it, but I'm convinced these ppl are having a drastically different experience. For me, it's like this: I'm knee deep in snow, already 10 minutes late for class, can't get on the subway b/c they're "experiencing delays due to the weather" (can someone explain that one? stupid MBTA) and the notoriously congested Boston traffic is even worse- not good for me, as I'm trying to walk down the block to class but the sidewalks are snowed in, so I'm walking in the street and trying not to slip and get run over. And the whole city just keeps on trucking: school, work, shopping- everybody does what they have to do, irregardless of the wet and freezing and icy world. It's like they don't notice. That's what frustrates me the most. Every year I get lock jaw, every year my toes turn white in my boots, every year my coat is spewing down feathers, I lost my scarf and I forgot to wear gloves- one of these days, while fighting back hypothermia, I am going to step right in front of the next car that honks (and oh, there are many) and shout, "GOD DAMN IT! IT'S SNOWING! LET'S ALL GO INSIDE!"
    But no- this city is just too busy to care about slowing down for the snow.
  • We're having the first big storm of the year here in San Francisco. It's pouring outside and so many trees have fallen down. Most of them were small trees or branches off of bigger trees, but I saw this one really big tree that had fallen over and its roots had pulled up the ground. I had to go to my eye doctor today and it took forever getting there because a tree had fallen on the road. Then the appointment took forever because the power kept going out and we had to wait. I'm just glad that I wasn't in the elevator when the power went out like some other people.

    The only good thing about this weather is that I get to wear my pretty rain boots.
  • The storm Kalinda speaks of has made its way down to southern California and omg its raining and all foggy and it looks like I'm driving through a cloud.
    It's wonderful!!!!!!!! smile.gif
  • it's about... 56 degrees here in the shitty state of Michigan, mid-Michigan to be exact. It is MUGGY and grey. i hate it.
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