I know exactly who and what you mean, toiletdog. Because I'm meek and Canadian, I have yet to call out the exact people whose posts feel like a cheese grater on my brain, but it honestly has made me consider leaving the boards. How much time are you really saving by omitting one letter from actual words? No, really, tell me? How are ur, o, idk, ya, etc. so much more convenient? And please stop single-word and emoticon replies. A smiley face is not a response! Can you not muster up a few more thoughts or opinions to add?
i'm sorry but i think you guys are taking this WAY too seriously. do you realize that yes these youngins are typing in a manner that you might not deem as respectful or appropriate, but this is an example of a generation gap. to them, this is pretty much how they grew up typing - rather than discovering the internet and instant messaging in middle school, high school, or even college, they've had it much earlier, and when they're posting replies in here, its similar to holding a conversations through instant message. therefore, its only natural for them to use abbreviations and smileys. this is afterall a discussion forum, and not a formal letter. and also, think about when you were young - can you honestly say you never had celeb crush? i'm pretty sure you did, and many of the boardies still swoon over damian and andy - yes we should respect that damian has a wife and such, but c'mon we have a thread titled Damian is Hot, in which you can find married women saying how attractive they find damian. so how can you expect tweens/teens to stay quiet?
i honestly found your post rude tdog, and normally i would let it go, but i think its very disrespectful to those that are committing this crime you find so heinous. if you have such a problem with people using abbreviations and smileys and swooning over ok go and others, then bring up this matter in a mature and polite fashion, instead of guilt tripping anyone guilty of saying LOL.
i hope this doesn't upset you too much, but i just couldn't stay quiet, and i don't want to see the entire younger generation to be fearful of posting on the boards.
Electra and I, plus many others, are the same age as the people doing it. Obviously, nobody's asking for a formal letter or perfect structure, blah blah blah, but the point is that this isn't instant messenger, and if they so desperately need to talk to each other like that, take it to PMs or, hey, instant messenger! Also, no one said a word about not using smileys, just using them in place of actual words is pretty pointless and sort of a waste.
Ambers, I understand what you're saying, but I don't think that some of that is entirely what T-Dog meant.
In the first place, while some of us have grown up abbreviating words and using smileys, they can get overused at times. One of the things I loved most about this forum is that most people write like adults, having adult conversations - and sometimes the instant-messenger style of writing can really grate on the nerves. It's not necessarily using 'lol' every now and then, or using smileys, it's the overuse that I have the problem with, personally.
And of course we have celebrity crushes - I've seen T-Dog's own brand of swooning on the Damian is Hot thread!, and you know what I'm like! Again, it's just the way that it's expressed, in my opinion, that is the problem.
And I don't want anyone to leave the boards over this, just to take the comments on board. You know?
I agree with T-Dog. (I must also commend her use of the wonderful semi-colon, a punctuation mark with which I am rather infatuated.)
However, I must preface this with the fact that it's not the PEOPLE who annoy me. That's not the case at all. You're all fun and smart. That's possibly why it is irritating to see chatspeak and smilies. We know you are capable of complete sentences and similar. Just do it. Like said above, this argument is not worth anyone leaving the boards. Rather, it's about taking a couple of extra seconds to refine posts.
I understand what you're saying, and i understand that the excessive abbreviations/smileys and lack of coherent conversation can get annoying, i just wish this concern were conveyed in a less offensive manner.
I'll try to use less abbreviations, practice pristine typing and put more thought into my posts, as long as this remains a board of LOVE, like it usually is.
Not everyone is going to be entirely correct in their grammar and punctuation useage. But this is, first and foremost, a discussion board; not texting on a cell phone. I adore everyone who uses actual discussion, not "omg lol dami*en is so dam hot." Even with a generation gap, communication is key, unlike the fan-gone-insane notion I have been seeing entirely too much. My post was not meant to offend, but to inform.
And yes, my swooning on the "Damian is Hot" thread? Duly noted.
And of course I do not want anyone to leave. The more OK Go love, the better. I just think a little realization that this is not teeny-central is in order. Let's try and keep the JC to the JC, and better discussions to us.
QUOTE (Electra @ Sep 5 2007, 04:01 PM)
Ambers, I understand what you're saying, but I don't think that some of that is entirely what T-Dog meant.
In the first place, while some of us have grown up abbreviating words and using smileys, they can get overused at times. One of the things I loved most about this forum is that most people write like adults, having adult conversations - and sometimes the instant-messenger style of writing can really grate on the nerves. It's not necessarily using 'lol' every now and then, or using smileys, it's the overuse that I have the problem with, personally.
And of course we have celebrity crushes - I've seen T-Dog's own brand of swooning on the Damian is Hot thread!, and you know what I'm like! Again, it's just the way that it's expressed, in my opinion, that is the problem.
And I don't want anyone to leave the boards over this, just to take the comments on board. You know?
in all honesty I havnen't been around as much as I used to be... moslty because of all these new threads and the insane amount of repetitive posts.
and thats a totaly hypocritical of me because god knows how many times I've posted of MSTRKRFT love and my random gramatically (and spelling) incorrect rants.
but theres always love to the new generation. I guess we just have to "get with the times" and accept we're oldies.
so don't leave. just have fun. its all about the fun. if i no longer apply to the fun its me that has to accept it.
I'd like to agree, and frankly I'm glad that Tdog said this because something needed to be said. No one here wants anyone to leave. But we're talking about post counts in the thousands racked up in a matter of weeks, and the vast majority of those posts being less than a paragraph. Whereas I truly do have little else to do besides read the boards all day (I my job) and look at my measley count! I haven't gotten to a point near leaving yet, but I'll admit it's grating on my nerves.
I am just as guilty as the rest of the Damianiacs (good heavens I love that word) when it comes to the swoon-fest, and I'll readily admit to overuse of exclamation points, but we all have to reign it in every now and then.
OMG is a really useful abbreviation for me however (religious reasons), so that's not going anywhere.
i'm sorry but i think you guys are taking this WAY too seriously. do you realize that yes these youngins are typing in a manner that you might not deem as respectful or appropriate, but this is an example of a generation gap. to them, this is pretty much how they grew up typing - rather than discovering the internet and instant messaging in middle school, high school, or even college, they've had it much earlier, and when they're posting replies in here, its similar to holding a conversations through instant message. therefore, its only natural for them to use abbreviations and smileys. this is afterall a discussion forum, and not a formal letter. and also, think about when you were young - can you honestly say you never had celeb crush? i'm pretty sure you did, and many of the boardies still swoon over damian and andy - yes we should respect that damian has a wife and such, but c'mon we have a thread titled Damian is Hot, in which you can find married women saying how attractive they find damian. so how can you expect tweens/teens to stay quiet?
i honestly found your post rude tdog, and normally i would let it go, but i think its very disrespectful to those that are committing this crime you find so heinous. if you have such a problem with people using abbreviations and smileys and swooning over ok go and others, then bring up this matter in a mature and polite fashion, instead of guilt tripping anyone guilty of saying LOL.
i hope this doesn't upset you too much, but i just couldn't stay quiet, and i don't want to see the entire younger generation to be fearful of posting on the boards.
I agree 100% with Ambie. You put it perfectly. I honestly don't want to upset anybody or take sides- but it breaks my heart to see somebody singled out like this. And, well, complaining about typing style sounds like complete intellectual snobbery. I really don't want to say anything, but I think I'd regret it if I didn't say this: there are a lot of bad people in the world, and when you meet someone kind, sweet, caring and funny, it's like finding gold. A friendship with someone like that is a lucky thing, and instead of complaining snobbishly about grammar, we should be grateful we've met someone wonderful, even if only on the internet.
I want to whine: ooooooh, God! I have so much work to do. I'm at the point of crying. Why is it the aim of certain professors to make us feel worthless? And yet, here I am- book open but computer screen bright.
I agree 100% with Ambie. You put it perfectly. I honestly don't want to upset anybody or take sides- but it breaks my heart to see somebody singled out like this. And, well, complaining about typing style sounds like complete intellectual snobbery. I really don't want to say anything, but I think I'd regret it if I didn't say this: there are a lot of bad people in the world, and when you meet someone kind, sweet, caring and funny, it's like finding gold. A friendship with someone like that is a lucky thing, and instead of complaining snobbishly about grammar, we should be grateful we've met someone wonderful, even if only on the internet. I want to whine: ooooooh, God! I have so much work to do. I'm at the point of crying. Why is it the aim of certain professors to make us feel worthless? And yet, here I am- book open but computer screen bright.
I honestly don't think anyone has been intentionally singled out, and I think that steps have been taken to make those who might feel singled out welcome. The matter *has* been brought up in a more polite manner, and that turned into a drama fest as well. And several people have said "I don't want anyone to leave, but I think we all might take some feedback."
There are people that agree with T-dog's post who are chronically bad spellers - this isn't about spelling or typing or grammar snobbery. T-dog herself misspelled "Impeccable". This is about communication in a discussion forum. There have been a number of posts on here recently that took me inordinate amounts of time to read simply because they didn't include punctuation, capitalization, or any sense of effective communication. If a post isn't written in any sort of language I can comprehend (and I try, believe me I do), how can I continue that conversation? I understand leet speak and the occasional abbreviation, but there's got to be a balance. And what's more, to your point Sally, how can I find out what a "wonderful person" anyone is if I don't understand what it is they're trying to say? I'd love to find out how awesome these kids are. My teenaged cousins type like this and it drives me up a wall (and back down the other side, I might add) but I know how awesome and wonderful they are so I put up with it - well, to a point. I am sorry for the generational gap, and I'm aware of its presence. But it's not like teenagers are incapable of effective communication, as evidenced by Electra, Mixtape, and even you, Amber and Sally. Don't sell yourselves short like that. Meet us old people half-way, okay? We'll slog through the LOLs, the IDKs, and the OMGs if you guys make a bit more of an effort to make yourselves clear, please?
And what's more, to your point Sally, how can I find out what a "wonderful person" anyone is if I don't understand what it is they're trying to say? I'd love to find out how awesome these kids are. My teenaged cousins type like this and it drives me up a wall (and back down the other side, I might add) but I know how awesome and wonderful they are so I put up with it - well, to a point.
You make a very good point. I didn't look at it that way, sorry
This discussion reminds me a lot of my eighth grade lit class, when we were reading Huckleberry Finn. There were a lot of literary scholars in the past who frowned upon dialect and colloquial dialogue and so Huck Finn was controversial even beyond its subject matter. The novel was written, though, partly to show the value of colloquial speech. Well, according to Mrs. B and her articles anyway. ...I didn't mean that as part of an argument. This all just reminds me of my eighth grade class. Mrs. B was creepy...but not as creepy as my French teacher with one eyeball...
You do put things very well, Rachel and you've convinced me of the importance of moderation.
I am sorry for the generational gap, and I'm aware of its presence...Don't sell yourselves short like that. Meet us old people half-way, okay?
Rachel, you're so sweetly motherly. But don't call yourself old! You're younger than Andy, the OK Go baby. Instead, you're a sister (who is way cooler than my real older sister...actually, cooler than my little sisters too).
I honestly don't think anyone has been intentionally singled out, and I think that steps have been taken to make those who might feel singled out welcome. The matter *has* been brought up in a more polite manner, and that turned into a drama fest as well. And several people have said "I don't want anyone to leave, but I think we all might take some feedback."
There are people that agree with T-dog's post who are chronically bad spellers - this isn't about spelling or typing or grammar snobbery. T-dog herself misspelled "Impeccable". This is about communication in a discussion forum. There have been a number of posts on here recently that took me inordinate amounts of time to read simply because they didn't include punctuation, capitalization, or any sense of effective communication. If a post isn't written in any sort of language I can comprehend (and I try, believe me I do), how can I continue that conversation? I understand leet speak and the occasional abbreviation, but there's got to be a balance. And what's more, to your point Sally, how can I find out what a "wonderful person" anyone is if I don't understand what it is they're trying to say? I'd love to find out how awesome these kids are. My teenaged cousins type like this and it drives me up a wall (and back down the other side, I might add) but I know how awesome and wonderful they are so I put up with it - well, to a point. I am sorry for the generational gap, and I'm aware of its presence. But it's not like teenagers are incapable of effective communication, as evidenced by Electra, Mixtape, and even you, Amber and Sally. Don't sell yourselves short like that. Meet us old people half-way, okay? We'll slog through the LOLs, the IDKs, and the OMGs if you guys make a bit more of an effort to make yourselves clear, please?
Since I am generally quite laconic, terse, and every other synonym for concise i learned for the SATs, my reply to that is:
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Sep 5 2007, 06:40 PM)
You do put things very well, Rachel and you've convinced me of the importance of moderation. Rachel, you're so sweetly motherly. But don't call yourself old! You're younger than Andy, the OK Go baby. Instead, you're a sister (who is way cooler than my real older sister...actually, cooler than my little sisters too).
Seriously, Rachel rocks. Oh yeah, were you really a DJ? or is DJRose a nickname? You may have answered this elsewhere, but I don't think I've come across it in a thread.
I think T-dog was too strong in her wording, but I will say that these exact words went through my mind the other day: "If I wanted to be on the JC, I'd be on the JC." So I'm glad that something was said.
Awwww, girls, you make this Molly Weasley Wannabe proud. I you. Thank you for coming together on this - I didn't want to see a rift in the board and I'm very glad that we could bridge this gap. And to the girls who felt singled out - come back, don't leave. We love you too. Just chill a bit. I love the boys and get mushy over them too, okay? I think we all do, but I also think a lot of OK Go fans pride themselves on the intellectual level of the music and enjoy a certain intellectual conversation on the merits of the music (when we're not choking for air over the hotness that is all four of those boys).
QUOTE (amberdino @ Sep 5 2007, 09:45 PM)
Oh yeah, were you really a DJ? or is DJRose a nickname? You may have answered this elsewhere, but I don't think I've come across it in a thread.
Yes, I really was a DJ at a radio station called WLIR on Long Island. I was an on-air personality for about a total of 9 months when Adam was transferred down to Delaware. Right before the move, Howard Stern went to satellite and every broadcast rock station lost its mind and either went jockless or changed formats completely, flooding the job market with way more experienced jocks. So I couldn't find a job and eventually went to work at a law firm. If you are interested, I do have an MP3 of my radio demo that includes a few of my airchecks.
The "Rose" is because I played Mama Rose in Gypsy my freshman year of college. Biggest stage opportunity I've ever had. Now 8 years ago. Yeah.
EDIT: And how PERFECT is it that this post makes my status "Bad As My Momma"? Who's House?
Yes, I really was a DJ at a radio station called WLIR on Long Island. I was an on-air personality for about a total of 9 months when Adam was transferred down to Delaware. Right before the move, Howard Stern went to satellite and every broadcast rock station lost its mind and either went jockless or changed formats completely, flooding the job market with way more experienced jocks. So I couldn't find a job and eventually went to work at a law firm. If you are interested, I do have an MP3 of my radio demo that includes a few of my airchecks.
The "Rose" is because I played Mama Rose in Gypsy my freshman year of college. Biggest stage opportunity I've ever had. Now 8 years ago. Yeah.
EDIT: And how PERFECT is it that this post makes my status "Bad As My Momma"? Who's House?
OOOHHH okay I understand. I'd been meaning to ask you for awhile, and then i forgot, and then I forgot some more.. I have a very poor memory as you can see. That's so cool though!! I definitely want to hear the radio demo.. not quite sure how you'd send it to me though.. And although you were a DJ on the radio and not like a DJ spinning tracks at clubs, do you happen to know where I can buy a record player? and how to even select one? I don't know anything about them other than the fact that I want one ha.
This is the closest thing to drama I have seen in the OK Go fandom and I'm surprised and impressed.
Now I want to complain about my roommate some more. She didn't have a car when we signed the papers to rent our apartment. Only I did. Which was just fucking fine because we only have ONE car park. Now she has a car that she decided to get a loan to buy even though she can't afford it right now and she expects me to hand over the undercover parking spot.
Fuck off.
I'm not being incredibly unreasonable am i? I mean, fuck it. If she knew she was definitely going to get a car she should've sorted something out with the other tennants here to see if she could use an unused carpark of theirs by now. Why the hell should I hand over my carpark because she's suddenly got a car? Damnit, I had it first.
Tell me if I'm being an insanely selfish bitch, but I don't see why I should have to hand over the carpark when I've been parking there the last few weeks and she knew from the beginning I was going to bring my car down. I told her I'd be happy to pay half the expenses that she might get charged by whoever rents out their carpark to her and that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. If she has been too lazy to get off her arse and try to sort out a carpark by name that shouldn't be my problem to deal with.
lol Thank you. I've been having a panic over it ever since she brought it up. Her parents are coming down next week 'cause they're bringing some of her furniture from interstate and I'm worried they're going to try and gang up on me about it but they can seriously go fuck themselves if they try.
Bah. It's stressing me out like crazy but I'm just seriously not prepared to deal with this crap. She's driving me up the fucking wall with everything else, this is the last thing I need.
do you realize that yes these youngins are typing in a manner that you might not deem as respectful or appropriate, but this is an example of a generation gap. to them, this is pretty much how they grew up typing - rather than discovering the internet and instant messaging in middle school, high school, or even college, they've had it much earlier, and when they're posting replies in here, its similar to holding a conversations through instant message. therefore, its only natural for them to use abbreviations and smileys.
this is afterall a discussion forum, and not a formal letter.
and also, think about when you were young - can you honestly say you never had celeb crush? i'm pretty sure you did, and many of the boardies still swoon over damian and andy - yes we should respect that damian has a wife and such, but c'mon we have a thread titled Damian is Hot, in which you can find married women saying how attractive they find damian. so how can you expect tweens/teens to stay quiet?
i honestly found your post rude tdog, and normally i would let it go, but i think its very disrespectful to those that are committing this crime you find so heinous.
if you have such a problem with people using abbreviations and smileys and swooning over ok go and others, then bring up this matter in a mature and polite fashion, instead of guilt tripping anyone guilty of saying LOL.
i hope this doesn't upset you too much, but i just couldn't stay quiet, and i don't want to see the entire younger generation to be fearful of posting on the boards.
In the first place, while some of us have grown up abbreviating words and using smileys, they can get overused at times. One of the things I loved most about this forum is that most people write like adults, having adult conversations - and sometimes the instant-messenger style of writing can really grate on the nerves. It's not necessarily using 'lol' every now and then, or using smileys, it's the overuse that I have the problem with, personally.
And of course we have celebrity crushes - I've seen T-Dog's own brand of swooning on the Damian is Hot thread!, and you know what I'm like! Again, it's just the way that it's expressed, in my opinion, that is the problem.
And I don't want anyone to leave the boards over this, just to take the comments on board. You know?
Edit - And what Kay said. Haha.
However, I must preface this with the fact that it's not the PEOPLE who annoy me. That's not the case at all. You're all fun and smart. That's possibly why it is irritating to see chatspeak and smilies. We know you are capable of complete sentences and similar. Just do it. Like said above, this argument is not worth anyone leaving the boards. Rather, it's about taking a couple of extra seconds to refine posts.
Now I'm going to apply some Calamine lotion.
I'll try to use less abbreviations, practice pristine typing and put more thought into my posts, as long as this remains a board of LOVE, like it usually is.
Not everyone is going to be entirely correct in their grammar and punctuation useage. But this is, first and foremost, a discussion board; not texting on a cell phone. I adore everyone who uses actual discussion, not "omg lol dami*en is so dam hot." Even with a generation gap, communication is key, unlike the fan-gone-insane notion I have been seeing entirely too much. My post was not meant to offend, but to inform.
And yes, my swooning on the "Damian is Hot" thread? Duly noted.
And of course I do not want anyone to leave. The more OK Go love, the better. I just think a little realization that this is not teeny-central is in order. Let's try and keep the JC to the JC, and better discussions to us.
In the first place, while some of us have grown up abbreviating words and using smileys, they can get overused at times. One of the things I loved most about this forum is that most people write like adults, having adult conversations - and sometimes the instant-messenger style of writing can really grate on the nerves. It's not necessarily using 'lol' every now and then, or using smileys, it's the overuse that I have the problem with, personally.
And of course we have celebrity crushes - I've seen T-Dog's own brand of swooning on the Damian is Hot thread!, and you know what I'm like! Again, it's just the way that it's expressed, in my opinion, that is the problem.
And I don't want anyone to leave the boards over this, just to take the comments on board. You know?
Edit - And what Kay said. Haha.
in all honesty I havnen't been around as much as I used to be... moslty because of all these new threads and the insane amount of repetitive posts.
and thats a totaly hypocritical of me because god knows how many times I've posted of MSTRKRFT love and my random gramatically (and spelling) incorrect rants.
but theres always love to the new generation. I guess we just have to "get with the times" and accept we're oldies.
so don't leave. just have fun. its all about the fun. if i no longer apply to the fun its me that has to accept it.
I am just as guilty as the rest of the Damianiacs (good heavens I love that word) when it comes to the swoon-fest, and I'll readily admit to overuse of exclamation points, but we all have to reign it in every now and then.
OMG is a really useful abbreviation for me however (religious reasons), so that's not going anywhere.
do you realize that yes these youngins are typing in a manner that you might not deem as respectful or appropriate, but this is an example of a generation gap. to them, this is pretty much how they grew up typing - rather than discovering the internet and instant messaging in middle school, high school, or even college, they've had it much earlier, and when they're posting replies in here, its similar to holding a conversations through instant message. therefore, its only natural for them to use abbreviations and smileys.
this is afterall a discussion forum, and not a formal letter.
and also, think about when you were young - can you honestly say you never had celeb crush? i'm pretty sure you did, and many of the boardies still swoon over damian and andy - yes we should respect that damian has a wife and such, but c'mon we have a thread titled Damian is Hot, in which you can find married women saying how attractive they find damian. so how can you expect tweens/teens to stay quiet?
i honestly found your post rude tdog, and normally i would let it go, but i think its very disrespectful to those that are committing this crime you find so heinous.
if you have such a problem with people using abbreviations and smileys and swooning over ok go and others, then bring up this matter in a mature and polite fashion, instead of guilt tripping anyone guilty of saying LOL.
i hope this doesn't upset you too much, but i just couldn't stay quiet, and i don't want to see the entire younger generation to be fearful of posting on the boards.
I agree 100% with Ambie. You put it perfectly.
I honestly don't want to upset anybody or take sides- but it breaks my heart to see somebody singled out like this.
And, well, complaining about typing style sounds like complete intellectual snobbery.
I really don't want to say anything, but I think I'd regret it if I didn't say this: there are a lot of bad people in the world, and when you meet someone kind, sweet, caring and funny, it's like finding gold. A friendship with someone like that is a lucky thing, and instead of complaining snobbishly about grammar, we should be grateful we've met someone wonderful, even if only on the internet.
I want to whine: ooooooh, God! I have so much work to do. I'm at the point of crying. Why is it the aim of certain professors to make us feel worthless? And yet, here I am- book open but computer screen bright.
I honestly don't want to upset anybody or take sides- but it breaks my heart to see somebody singled out like this.
And, well, complaining about typing style sounds like complete intellectual snobbery.
I really don't want to say anything, but I think I'd regret it if I didn't say this: there are a lot of bad people in the world, and when you meet someone kind, sweet, caring and funny, it's like finding gold. A friendship with someone like that is a lucky thing, and instead of complaining snobbishly about grammar, we should be grateful we've met someone wonderful, even if only on the internet.
I want to whine: ooooooh, God! I have so much work to do. I'm at the point of crying. Why is it the aim of certain professors to make us feel worthless? And yet, here I am- book open but computer screen bright.
I honestly don't think anyone has been intentionally singled out, and I think that steps have been taken to make those who might feel singled out welcome. The matter *has* been brought up in a more polite manner, and that turned into a drama fest as well. And several people have said "I don't want anyone to leave, but I think we all might take some feedback."
There are people that agree with T-dog's post who are chronically bad spellers - this isn't about spelling or typing or grammar snobbery. T-dog herself misspelled "Impeccable". This is about communication in a discussion forum. There have been a number of posts on here recently that took me inordinate amounts of time to read simply because they didn't include punctuation, capitalization, or any sense of effective communication. If a post isn't written in any sort of language I can comprehend (and I try, believe me I do), how can I continue that conversation? I understand leet speak and the occasional abbreviation, but there's got to be a balance. And what's more, to your point Sally, how can I find out what a "wonderful person" anyone is if I don't understand what it is they're trying to say? I'd love to find out how awesome these kids are. My teenaged cousins type like this and it drives me up a wall (and back down the other side, I might add) but I know how awesome and wonderful they are so I put up with it - well, to a point.
You make a very good point. I didn't look at it that way, sorry
This discussion reminds me a lot of my eighth grade lit class, when we were reading Huckleberry Finn. There were a lot of literary scholars in the past who frowned upon dialect and colloquial dialogue and so Huck Finn was controversial even beyond its subject matter. The novel was written, though, partly to show the value of colloquial speech. Well, according to Mrs. B and her articles anyway.
...I didn't mean that as part of an argument. This all just reminds me of my eighth grade class. Mrs. B was creepy...but not as creepy as my French teacher with one eyeball...
You do put things very well, Rachel and you've convinced me of the importance of moderation.
Rachel, you're so sweetly motherly. But don't call yourself old! You're younger than Andy, the OK Go baby. Instead, you're a sister (who is way cooler than my real older sister...actually, cooler than my little sisters too).
There are people that agree with T-dog's post who are chronically bad spellers - this isn't about spelling or typing or grammar snobbery. T-dog herself misspelled "Impeccable". This is about communication in a discussion forum. There have been a number of posts on here recently that took me inordinate amounts of time to read simply because they didn't include punctuation, capitalization, or any sense of effective communication. If a post isn't written in any sort of language I can comprehend (and I try, believe me I do), how can I continue that conversation? I understand leet speak and the occasional abbreviation, but there's got to be a balance. And what's more, to your point Sally, how can I find out what a "wonderful person" anyone is if I don't understand what it is they're trying to say? I'd love to find out how awesome these kids are. My teenaged cousins type like this and it drives me up a wall (and back down the other side, I might add) but I know how awesome and wonderful they are so I put up with it - well, to a point.
Since I am generally quite laconic, terse, and every other synonym for concise i learned for the SATs, my reply to that is:
Rachel, you're so sweetly motherly. But don't call yourself old! You're younger than Andy, the OK Go baby. Instead, you're a sister (who is way cooler than my real older sister...actually, cooler than my little sisters too).
Seriously, Rachel rocks.
Oh yeah, were you really a DJ? or is DJRose a nickname? You may have answered this elsewhere, but I don't think I've come across it in a thread.
Yes, I really was a DJ at a radio station called WLIR on Long Island. I was an on-air personality for about a total of 9 months when Adam was transferred down to Delaware. Right before the move, Howard Stern went to satellite and every broadcast rock station lost its mind and either went jockless or changed formats completely, flooding the job market with way more experienced jocks. So I couldn't find a job and eventually went to work at a law firm. If you are interested, I do have an MP3 of my radio demo that includes a few of my airchecks.
The "Rose" is because I played Mama Rose in Gypsy my freshman year of college. Biggest stage opportunity I've ever had. Now 8 years ago. Yeah.
EDIT: And how PERFECT is it that this post makes my status "Bad As My Momma"? Who's House?
The "Rose" is because I played Mama Rose in Gypsy my freshman year of college. Biggest stage opportunity I've ever had. Now 8 years ago. Yeah.
EDIT: And how PERFECT is it that this post makes my status "Bad As My Momma"? Who's House?
okay I understand.
I'd been meaning to ask you for awhile, and then i forgot, and then I forgot some more.. I have a very poor memory as you can see.
That's so cool though!!
I definitely want to hear the radio demo.. not quite sure how you'd send it to me though..
And although you were a DJ on the radio and not like a DJ spinning tracks at clubs, do you happen to know where I can buy a record player? and how to even select one? I don't know anything about them other than the fact that I want one ha.
Now I want to complain about my roommate some more. She didn't have a car when we signed the papers to rent our apartment. Only I did. Which was just fucking fine because we only have ONE car park. Now she has a car that she decided to get a loan to buy even though she can't afford it right now and she expects me to hand over the undercover parking spot.
Fuck off.
I'm not being incredibly unreasonable am i? I mean, fuck it. If she knew she was definitely going to get a car she should've sorted something out with the other tennants here to see if she could use an unused carpark of theirs by now. Why the hell should I hand over my carpark because she's suddenly got a car? Damnit, I had it first.
Tell me if I'm being an insanely selfish bitch, but I don't see why I should have to hand over the carpark when I've been parking there the last few weeks and she knew from the beginning I was going to bring my car down. I told her I'd be happy to pay half the expenses that she might get charged by whoever rents out their carpark to her and that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. If she has been too lazy to get off her arse and try to sort out a carpark by name that shouldn't be my problem to deal with.
As you said, she can fuck off.
Bah. It's stressing me out like crazy but I'm just seriously not prepared to deal with this crap. She's driving me up the fucking wall with everything else, this is the last thing I need.
God, I wish I could afford to live on my own