I've always wanted to start a trend, and here it is. A complaints thread. Seeing as we like to complain and might fill "Random Stuff" with our random complaints, here is where you'll find our complaints from now on.
Contribute. Just think about it. Some sorry person out there might be feeling miserable today, and to feel better, he/she reads all our stupid complaints to assure him/herself that it's not so bad. And one day, that person just might be you.
Remember...anywhere else, and you're a whiner. Here, you're just another member of our cool weirdos club. Peace out.
I have a big cyst in my knee. I was slapshotted in the knee with a hockey puck yesterday and it hurrrrtsss like a mother.
My co-op teacher is a meanie.
Ah, you just really made me giggle, Clara-bow.
....Sorry, I'm being too cheery!
We have to do this project in photography where we recreate a children's book, but for all of the illustrations, we have to make them into live scenes and take pictures. I chose "What's A Fraggle?" based simply on the fact that Fraggles are the best ever. So, I ordered Fraggle dolls off eBay ON APRIL SECOND and we were supposed to start photographing two weeks ago, it was due this past monday, AND THEY STILL HAVEN'T COME!!
Basically, 25% of my final mark is in the hands of some clueless fucker in California.
It's spring and I have the world's worst cold! I haven't been able to breath out of my fucking nose since Thursday!
Thanks Courtney, I needed to get that out
Edit: Fraggles ARE the best.
i have my ap tests in like 2 weeks and i haven't started studying....NOTHING
omg im such a procrastinator
and this is the only chance i have to get a good gpa...the highest in the school, i think
and i just took my german test...i did horrible
plus i need to lose a lot of weight cuz im FAT
haha...thanks that felt nice
*hugs* courtney for being so awesome
OH, and the interpol cd doesn't come out until july...and there r live versions of their songs out, but im trying to stay away from them and its so hard and everyone says they're so awesome...
You just reminded me of another complaint-- Me too! Ugh!
And since I'm such a procrastinator, I kinda feel like I should complain at courtney for starting a thread that makes me want to procrastinate even more!
it's k Courtney!
i love to complain and my family hates that i always complain about everything. i think this is awesome.
complaints of the day: im really fucking sore and cant move because i too am fat and need to lose weight, but my roomie (pseudo athlete kinda) and i are starting this workout schedule..
and now i cant fucking move cuz everything hurts!! hahaha
keep me motivated guys!!
ok wait im also really annoyed that i've missed like billions of concerts because i dont have my car with me at uni, and because i dont have a friend here that would go with me - for instance, i wanna see mute math and the cinematics this thursday - cant go... travis is playing this sunday, couldn't get tickets... bloc party is playing a show the day i have to move out in june... john mayer is playing the weekend before finals.. thats all i can think of at the moment but theres loads of shows i've already missed in the past like 6 months.
I'm sick... I just sneezed. I woke up and my face was wet from tears. Why do I have to get sick right after my exams are done and I'm free for a couple days before summer courses?
lots of them!!!!
I'm just generally exhausted and stressed, I have exams very very soon and that girl with whom I had an argument recently hasn't spoken to me since. And has done this thing that she does every now and then, because she is shallow, which is to name, on her myspace, her friends. And miss me off the list. It's a deliberate thing. She does it often. *sigh*
And not even OK Go is cheering me up.
I need one of those squeezy stress balls...
Lets see, since I am the expert complainer in the family...My whole body is in pain because we are doing weight lifting in gym. I don't weight lift. Period.
And, I burnt my arm on the stupid pan I took out of the oven for my pizza. And the pizza wasnt even good
I have too many projects to do and too little time. Add that to my amazing procrastinating skills and it gets even worse. Ugh. Ok, that was good to get out.
Exactly. Why is it that sports teachers do not understand this simple fact? I will not weigh anything heavier than I can lift comfortably, unless I need to move it somewhere for a specific reason. Is this so difficult to comprehend??
I love that you guys all use the word "procrastinating" so often. I haven't heard anyone say it in England. Ever. I don't think
i never heard it used over here, till people kept useing it on here
now i hear it now and then
in fact someone said it on tuesday to me!
now i hear it now and then
in fact someone said it on tuesday to me!
yeah i use that word all the time. mostly because that is the ultimate description of myslef ha.
It's spring and I have the world's worst cold! I haven't been able to breath out of my fucking nose since Thursday!
My friends went to ice cream today and I went with them and they all ate delicious ice cream and I didn't because I'm diabetic.
(Well, on the flipside, after ice cream we went and bought My Chemical Romance tickets [on the floor!! YEAH] so I get to be crushed by a crazed mob of moshers on the 12th of May and have my face melted off by MCR. Yee.
Aww, Dani, I know how that feels! Candy stores are so painful.
Have you seen a doctor about the diabetes? Coz you know, with the different treatments available, I can eat whatever I like now. You can have a lot more freedom nowadays. I have chocolate ice cream all the time!! Just a thought
Have you seen a doctor about the diabetes? Coz you know, with the different treatments available, I can eat whatever I like now. You can have a lot more freedom nowadays. I have chocolate ice cream all the time!! Just a thought
I have. She just keeps telling me to test my blood twice a day and take the meds and blah blah blah, that regular stuff (I'm type 2, so I don't need the insulin shots and stuff). She said I can have candy and such every now and then, but it's best if I don't... I'll definitely ask about the different treatments next time I see her though.