i had a dream that for some reason me and my friends went to wal mart to get condoms. not to use them just to have i guess. i dont think walmart even sells condoms.
i had a dream that for some reason me and my friends went to wal mart to get condoms. not to use them just to have i guess. i dont think walmart even sells condoms.
lol i did that with friends but at priceline, we don't have wal marts here. we actually went to get them for another girls birthday then she broke up with her boy the next day. so she missed out
i dreamt i was a hero from heroes last night. peter petrelli and spiderman had an "emo-hair-off"
lol i did that with friends but at priceline, we don't have wal marts here. we actually went to get them for another girls birthday then she broke up with her boy the next day. so she missed out
i dreamt i was a hero from heroes last night. peter petrelli and spiderman had an "emo-hair-off"
hahah omg hair again
Peter wins. mmm foxy...I never watched that when it was actually on, but since I've been home for the summer and bored I've watched the entire season online and now I love the show.
I dreamed the other day that my friend and I were somewhere and she was telling me about how she was going to break up with her boyfriend (she's not actually dating said guy in real life). I was being sympathetic but thinking about how she should so I could date him. haha wow that was so messed up.
i can't believe julian said that!! even if it was a dream. Can i join in the spanking?? pleease??
u sure can
QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Jun 11 2007, 07:38 PM)
hmm, so jules is just mean in dreams... he threw a bag of swedish fish at my head in one of my dreams, though he gave me a thumbs up after doing so, so maybe he was just giving me the fish and they happened to hit my head? haha...
awwwww, swedish fish??? thats random.
QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Jun 12 2007, 06:42 AM)
i dreamt i was a hero from heroes last night. peter petrelli and spiderman had an "emo-hair-off"
my friend told me he had a dream about ok go last night. He said they were magicians with him. Apparently Tim did not tell him magic is the spirit of illusion...
I guess in anticipation of the concert Saturday, I have been having a slew of OK Go dreams. They usually consist of me being all fan-girly to them and then something strange. Last night, I dreamt that I saw Damian on the subway. He got on with his guitar like all the Berklee school of music kids, and sat down right next to me. At first I talked to him like a normal person but then I started to say how he was like Mozart, and he didn't want to hear it and answered sarcastically. Anyway, the strange(er) part: in my dream, he had a British old lady as a maid. And he called her Margaret, but she wasn't doing what he asked. So I said, "Maybe her name isn't Margaret." So he asked her her name, and to his surprise, her name wasn't Margaret.
wow sally. thats so weeeird! haha [[and your sig is awesome]]
well turns out last night i had a short OK Go dream super short. so i was like sitting on my couch and the mailman came and dropped off the mail. so i went and got it and to my surprise there was an envelope addressed to me from "OK Go" i opened it up and inside was a copy of their "new album" [even though that doesn't exist]
In this one the whole band was for some reason staying at my house.. and my parents cooked them french toast for breakfast and then my entire family went to their concert... but it was a very small concert, which was weird. but anyways, I remember in my dream seeing my parents start getting into the music..and tapping their feet and crazy stuff. they don't even know who OK Go is..
but after the concert the room cleared out and I went and found Damian and was going to get something signed when he found this huge piece of cardboard and said to me "come on!" and then we started playing on the slippery stage floor slideing around on the cardboard.. then I went to go find Tim, Andy and Dan. But I woke up.
freakin crazy.. I mean come on. a huge piece of CARDBOARD. I musta eaten something weird before bed...
not to use them just to have i guess.
i dont think walmart even sells condoms.
not to use them just to have i guess.
i dont think walmart even sells condoms.
lol i did that with friends but at priceline, we don't have wal marts here.
we actually went to get them for another girls birthday then she broke up with her boy the next day. so she missed out
i dreamt i was a hero from heroes last night. peter petrelli and spiderman had an "emo-hair-off"
hahah omg hair again
we actually went to get them for another girls birthday then she broke up with her boy the next day. so she missed out
i dreamt i was a hero from heroes last night. peter petrelli and spiderman had an "emo-hair-off"
hahah omg hair again
Peter wins. mmm foxy...I never watched that when it was actually on, but since I've been home for the summer and bored I've watched the entire season online and now I love the show.
I dreamed the other day that my friend and I were somewhere and she was telling me about how she was going to break up with her boyfriend (she's not actually dating said guy in real life). I was being sympathetic but thinking about how she should so I could date him. haha wow that was so messed up.
all your dreams are funny
hahah omg hair again
omg, awwww, i love both peters
Apparently Tim did not tell him magic is the spirit of illusion...
[[and your sig is awesome]]
well turns out last night i had a short OK Go dream
super short.
so i was like sitting on my couch and the mailman came and dropped off the mail. so i went and got it and to my surprise there was an envelope addressed to me from "OK Go" i opened it up and inside was a copy of their "new album" [even though that doesn't exist]
and hehe, I think if I see him, I'll tell him about Margaret.
and your dream was awesome! Maybe it's a sign!
thats happened to me before
i had a dream that me and an old ex-friend decided we didn't hate each other and became friends again.
and then three days later she emailed me and now we are talking again
thats happened to me before
i had a dream that me and an old ex-friend decided we didn't hate each other and became friends again.
and then three days later she emailed me and now we are talking again
aw, that's so sweet and awesome! A happy dream came true!
I don't think mine will though, unless Damian is keeping his maid a secret from us, tehe!
ok total weirdness but i had ANOTHER ok go dream
In this one the whole band was for some reason staying at my house.. and my parents cooked them french toast for breakfast and then my entire family went to their concert...
but it was a very small concert, which was weird. but anyways, I remember in my dream seeing my parents start getting into the music..and tapping their feet and crazy stuff.
but after the concert the room cleared out and I went and found Damian and was going to get something signed when he found this huge piece of cardboard and said to me "come on!" and then we started playing on the slippery stage floor slideing around on the cardboard..
then I went to go find Tim, Andy and Dan. But I woke up.
freakin crazy..
I mean come on. a huge piece of CARDBOARD.
I musta eaten something weird before bed...
Haha. Your dream kind of reminds me of the time my sister and I went "sledding" in Lake Tahoe using cardboard. Didn't work so well.
Yeah whenever it snows here , its only like an inch or two
but people go sledding down big hills but they have huge mud tracks after everybodys done..
and theres always like a million pieces of cardboard left behind...
I wish it snowed down here...!
Did you hear what happened in Lake Tahoe though?
what happened?
are you serious?
i can't believe i haven't heard about it.
thats really sad...