this time ok go was performing at my school. they played all my favorite songs. but it was weird because our teachers were everywhere and we couldn't jump or shout or have fun we just had to sit there or they'd kick us out..
it kinda reminded my of Sally's experience with the dumb Fray fans.
oh yeah and they all signed my cd. and damian was wearing his new shirt
i had a dream that one of my guy friends was sittin on my chest laughin at me
I've had that. In real life. It hurts
I've had too many utterly ridiculous dreams involving OK Go. One included my school's roof being covered in chocolate and me and the band helping to remove it before it melted. And Damian caught me when I started to slip off... Another involved me writing an article on Damian's wife, so I conducted an interview in which I found out that she was married to 8 other men and found it funny, and I got really angry and tried to claw out her eyes. Ridiculous, huh?
Well, I had a dream that my mom was pregnant. I was extremely disgusted, not because of "how it got there" but because of the large age difference. Imagine being 25 years older than your sister. Um...not so nice to me.
But the most horrifying were the maternity dresses.
Last night in my dream, Derren Brown (a famous British dude who is amazing at psychology and mind manipulation. He's genius and has a sexy voice) walked past me and my friends wearing sunglasses so that he wouldn't be recognized, but I did recognize him and told my friends a little too loudly that I thought he was hot. So he sorta looked back at me and I was totally embarrassed but he just smiled and carried on walking. Then, a minute later, he turned around and walked past again and smiled at me again, and this repeated itself for a good few minutes. In the end he asked me out and I said yes (sooo happy at this point) and then...
I had this dream that I was at somebody's house on Halloween and my mom and I were about to go trick-or-treating, when this storm started up. I was dressed like the grim reaper, and so I had this huge scythe, right? Well lightning started striking the front yard (not just once, I'm talking 5 or 6 times), and I'm standing there holding this 7 foot tall thing, so I drop it and run into the house. The lightning caught the grass on fire, and it's coming towards the house, so we're trying to get out the back door...
I remembered more of it when I first woke up, but now that's all I've got... it was all really odd...
so they were playing a show in NY and i was in my house when all of a sudden, OK Go shows up at my house. And they were like, we thought we would stop by before our show. And I was trying not to be all fangirlish, but i was like soooo excited. So I got a bunch of stuff for them to sign, like a bunch of ok go stuff. and they were there for only a couple of minutes and they were..."o man, we gotta go to our show now." and then they brought me to there show
So yeah, last night I had a dream that I was Mrs. K... not like, me married to Damian, but actually BEING the woman he's married to. It was kind of crazy. I was surprised at how much my mind could piece together by the very few pictures I've seen of her.
I don't remember much, but I do recall playing cards on a tour bus with Andy.
So yeah, last night I had a dream that I was Mrs. K... not like, me married to Damian, but actually BEING the woman he's married to. It was kind of crazy. I was surprised at how much my mind could piece together by the very few pictures I've seen of her.
I don't remember much, but I do recall playing cards on a tour bus with Andy.
Haha, awesome. I've only seen, like, one and a half pics.
I guess I should clarify though: the comment isn't meant as a personal jab against your comment (I think you're pretty kick-ass actually), but I do know you're relatively new to the Boards and we decided a while ago to pretty much ignore the whole marriage thing since it ended up getting into the band's personal lives a bit too much. That's all.
Please try to keep the band's personal lives secret - just how they want them to be!
It's probably my fault. I didn't mean to sound like I wanted to see any pics. I understand you're new and you probably don't know not to do that. Again I'm sorry if I accidentally prompted you to do that.
They were like,
"The clear waters of Lake Tahoe are now muddy with ash."
So sad!
One time I dreamt the world was all skeletons. And everybody looked the same, but when I saw OK Go I could recognize them.
Because Tim was still wearing his glasses.
thats an amazing dream.
kinda scary but still
thats all i remember. hmm
hehe i like the skeleton and okgo dream ^^ did tim still have his sideburns?
this time ok go was performing at my school. they played all my favorite songs. but it was weird because our teachers were everywhere and we couldn't jump or shout or have fun we just had to sit there or they'd kick us out..
it kinda reminded my of Sally's experience with the dumb Fray fans.
oh yeah and they all signed my cd. and damian was wearing his new shirt
I've had that. In real life. It hurts
I've had too many utterly ridiculous dreams involving OK Go.
One included my school's roof being covered in chocolate and me and the band helping to remove it before it melted. And Damian caught me when I started to slip off...
Another involved me writing an article on Damian's wife, so I conducted an interview in which I found out that she was married to 8 other men and found it funny, and I got really angry and tried to claw out her eyes.
Ridiculous, huh?
But the most horrifying were the maternity dresses.
I woke up
Grrr and a half.
I remembered more of it when I first woke up, but now that's all I've got... it was all really odd...
so they were playing a show in NY and i was in my house when all of a sudden, OK Go shows up at my house. And they were like, we thought we would stop by before our show. And I was trying not to be all fangirlish, but i was like soooo excited. So I got a bunch of stuff for them to sign, like a bunch of ok go stuff. and they were there for only a couple of minutes and they were..."o man, we gotta go to our show now." and then they brought me to there show
and then i woke
So yeah, last night I had a dream that I was Mrs. K... not like, me married to Damian, but actually BEING the woman he's married to.
I don't remember much, but I do recall playing cards on a tour bus with Andy.
So yeah, last night I had a dream that I was Mrs. K... not like, me married to Damian, but actually BEING the woman he's married to.
I don't remember much, but I do recall playing cards on a tour bus with Andy.
Haha, awesome.
i cant agree more with this
there is a very big and bold line we shouldn't and don't cross, and on reads
"keep away from the personal stuff"
Please try to keep the band's personal lives secret - just how they want them to be!
It's probably my fault. I didn't mean to sound like I wanted to see any pics. I understand you're new and you probably don't know not to do that. Again I'm sorry if I accidentally prompted you to do that.