well i had a weird dream that i got like trapped in a sweatshirt with a kittin on it and like i was stuck in like the thread part and the only way i could talk to others is through the kitten it was really weird
I keep dreaming that I've got my exam results (I get them tomorrow) and that they're bad and I run around screaming that it's all everybody else's fault.
QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Aug 15 2007, 02:19 PM)
well i had a weird dream that i got like trapped in a sweatshirt with a kittin on it and like i was stuck in like the thread part and the only way i could talk to others is through the kitten it was really weird
LOL I would've woken up laughing.
QUOTE (Electra @ Aug 15 2007, 02:20 PM)
I keep dreaming that I've got my exam results (I get them tomorrow) and that they're bad and I run around screaming that it's all everybody else's fault.
No fun at all
That's impossible! With a kumf like yours, you'd pass any test with flying kumf colours.
Hahahaha! It's all in the Paolo Nutini thread. While drunk, I tried to type the word 'mind' and accidentally typed 'kumf' So kumf now means 'Electra's mind'.
To be honest, it makes very little sense. But I treasure my kumf
I keep dreaming that I've got my exam results (I get them tomorrow) and that they're bad and I run around screaming that it's all everybody else's fault.
totally had a nightmare....so i was at like dollar general or somthing and ok go was there and Tim was like right behind me and i knew it and like for some reason i was holding a fur coat that weighed like 5,000 pounds, and i didnt want to embarress myself so i went to the car to put it away and when i turned around they were driving off!!! omg could this mean something that nomatter how close i am ill be to afriad and always miss chances.....i hope not!
I keep waking up with coldsweats that I'm late for school, my nightmare is: getting to school late, realizing I'm in my pajamas, and there's a huge math test that I didn't study for.
I thought I'd outgrow these types of nightmares as I got older, but every year right before school they come to get me!
I had a really weird one last night. One of the uppity ups at work who's really this old French guy was this hot young French guy, and there was a work party at his house (which is odd because he's way to high up to mingle with us common folk). So I was at this party with Miranda from Sex in City because apparently I was dating her. Then something happened, I'm not sure what, but I must've done something bad because suddenly they were chasing me. So Miranda and I ran down this hill behind the guys house and it was kinda wooded so we were kinda hidden. And we got to the bottom of this hill and stopped to see if they were following us. They weren't, but I could see them at the house looking through the woods for us.
So there was a cheap crappy motel there at the bottom of the hill and we decided that would be a good place to hide so we checked in. Then it starts skipping around a bit. I was sleeping on the floor for some reason, and I looked out the window and saw one of my old friends from Fayetteville out the window. I hid my face behind a pillow so she wouldn't blow our cover, but i could hear her talking to her friends "Is that Jennifer??" Then it jumps and Miranda and I are in a restaurant celebrating our first anniversary. Then it jumps back to the hotel and it's not Miranda anymore, but it's my best friend's boyfriend (who is like the best guy in the world, he's so thoughtful and insanely sweet and treats her like a queen). And I'm wondering how best friend feels about me dating her ex, but then i figure if it's gone on a year already it must be ok. ( I love dreams)
So we check out of the hotel and go back to my place (which was my college apartment, and just down the street from out hide out motel). And then I was at work again wondering why the French guy didn't come get me there. Then I was going to move in with best friend's ex and we were looking at the hide out motel, which was now a suite with a little kitchenette, but it was still really dirty and crappy and run down. And the guy wants to SELL it to us for $2000. And I'm like wow that's really cheap to buy, but this place is crappy and while I have the money I need to use it to buy a car, and then I don't know if I wanna live with the guy and I'm worried, but I eventually buy the room.
So then we're moving in and he says I"m gonna go upstairs. "UPSTAIRS???" I didn't know it had an upstairs (it didn't!!). So I go upstairs and it's like this really nice 2 bedroom apartment and downstairs was just hte kitchen and living room which were crappy. Then I was happy with my purchase.
I keep dreaming that I've got my exam results (I get them tomorrow) and that they're bad and I run around screaming that it's all everybody else's fault.
No fun at all
Aww, good luck!!
QUOTE (hungrylikethewolf @ Aug 21 2007, 09:12 AM)
ok, so glad others are dreaming about school
I keep waking up with coldsweats that I'm late for school, my nightmare is: getting to school late, realizing I'm in my pajamas, and there's a huge math test that I didn't study for. I thought I'd outgrow these types of nightmares as I got older, but every year right before school they come to get me!
Every year, wether I am excited for school or not, I dream about it, usually just during the week before, but this year, I started having the dreams during finals. And I'm still having them. In them, I usually forget my schedule, get lost, go to the wrong classes, go to last year's classes, miss the bus in the afternoon, and things like that. I hate it! It makes me more nervous. Blech.
Last night I dreamt that I was doing a fashion show with my best friend from elementary school, who I now despise because she bullied me with all my other friends in our last year together. And despite the years of friendship, she kept calling me Chelsea by mistake. So I punched her in the face and broke her nose
And while I don't agree with the violence in theory... It gave me the greatest feeling
ok, so my boss is pretty hot. He's married and my boss and all, but he sure is nice to look at. So today I'm leaning over looking at something on my cubemate's computer and he's there looking too and he steps right between us so I no longer have a view of her computer, but rather I am now eye level and about 4 inches away from his ass.
I sit up and say "Hel-lo" He turns around and looks at me, and I turn bright red and tell him he stuck his butt in my face. He says that I stuck my face in his butt and I turn even redder (I can feel it, i hate it) and stammer something about how my face was there before his butt was. Eventually he goes back to what my cubemate was doing and I turned around and tried my damned to sink inside my chair.
Well there's the set up. I took a nap a few hours ago and I dreamed that he and I were laying together on a couch somewhere. But it wasn't as intimate as that would actually be. It was more like if he put his hand on my shoulder at work or something. Something that just barely crosses the line, but is quite pleasant if a bit awkward.
So we're laying there together with his arms around me and is a bit awkward and totally pleasant. And we're talking about who knows what and he leans in like he's about to kiss me, but doesn't like he's inviting me to go the rest of the way. And I really want to, but I start freaking out in my mind about how he's married and this is wrong (nevermind the position we were in, that was ok somehow). And I finally decide I have to do the right thing and get up even thought I was REALLY comfy where I was.
Now why would my subconscious do that me. It gives me the man in the only way I can ever have him and then makes me feel guilty about it. It's a freaking dream; it wasn't gonna hurt nobody! Not fair.
I actually had another dream about him a few months ago, but I figured out I was dreaming (happens about once a year) and so I came on to him. I remember about 10 seconds of that and then I woke up. No freaking fair! My subconscious is a bastard.
Last night, I dreamt that my uncle had gone crazy, like the Hulk kind of crazy. And then he started playing screamo music. And I had to save the day, so I said, "I know some even better rock," and put on AMW. But the lyrics were different in my dream. The lyrics were, "I think you're crazy, crazy, crazy. You must be lazy, lazy, lazy." And he calmed down, but I woke up thinking, "that's all wrong." And then I sang AMW with the right lyrics.
Yesterday, I had the coolest most trippy dream I ever had. David Bowie and Marc Bolan wanted to do a concert in my backyard (my very teeny backyard) and asked me to fill the audience with whoever I wanted. I invited every one of you boardies. Then for the rest of the audience, I held interviews in a tent at the mall where all my friends and any strangers had to tell me why I should invite them. My bedroom served as dressing room for the glam-rock extravaganza. The inside and outside of the house was packed with people of my choosing. I saw many of you guys but was too excited to talk. I didn't talk or see David Bowie or Marc Bolan though. And I woke up before the concert started.
My sister is concerned that I am now becoming a glam-rock junkie. She thinks an intervention will soon be in order.
hahaha whats your favorite tv show??
well i had a weird dream that i got like trapped in a sweatshirt with a kittin on it and like i was stuck in like the thread part and the only way i could talk to others is through the kitten it was really weird
No fun at all
well i had a weird dream that i got like trapped in a sweatshirt with a kittin on it and like i was stuck in like the thread part and the only way i could talk to others is through the kitten it was really weird
I would've woken up laughing.
No fun at all
That's impossible! With a kumf like yours, you'd pass any test with flying kumf colours.
Aww Courtney, you're so sweet.
Unfortunately, though, my hot biology teacher doesn't have a kumf as such.
And he's too hot for me to get angry at him!
It's all in the Paolo Nutini thread.
While drunk, I tried to type the word 'mind' and accidentally typed 'kumf'
So kumf now means 'Electra's mind'.
To be honest, it makes very little sense.
But I treasure my kumf
No fun at all
I keep waking up with coldsweats that I'm late for school, my nightmare is: getting to school late, realizing I'm in my pajamas, and there's a huge math test that I didn't study for.
I thought I'd outgrow these types of nightmares as I got older, but every year right before school they come to get me!
So there was a cheap crappy motel there at the bottom of the hill and we decided that would be a good place to hide so we checked in. Then it starts skipping around a bit. I was sleeping on the floor for some reason, and I looked out the window and saw one of my old friends from Fayetteville out the window. I hid my face behind a pillow so she wouldn't blow our cover, but i could hear her talking to her friends "Is that Jennifer??" Then it jumps and Miranda and I are in a restaurant celebrating our first anniversary. Then it jumps back to the hotel and it's not Miranda anymore, but it's my best friend's boyfriend (who is like the best guy in the world, he's so thoughtful and insanely sweet and treats her like a queen). And I'm wondering how best friend feels about me dating her ex, but then i figure if it's gone on a year already it must be ok. (
So we check out of the hotel and go back to my place (which was my college apartment, and just down the street from out hide out motel). And then I was at work again wondering why the French guy didn't come get me there. Then I was going to move in with best friend's ex and we were looking at the hide out motel, which was now a suite with a little kitchenette, but it was still really dirty and crappy and run down. And the guy wants to SELL it to us for $2000. And I'm like wow that's really cheap to buy, but this place is crappy and while I have the money I need to use it to buy a car, and then I don't know if I wanna live with the guy and I'm worried, but I eventually buy the room.
So then we're moving in and he says I"m gonna go upstairs. "UPSTAIRS???" I didn't know it had an upstairs (it didn't!!). So I go upstairs and it's like this really nice 2 bedroom apartment and downstairs was just hte kitchen and living room which were crappy. Then I was happy with my purchase.
I love stupid random dreams like that!!
No fun at all
Aww, good luck!!
I keep waking up with coldsweats that I'm late for school, my nightmare is: getting to school late, realizing I'm in my pajamas, and there's a huge math test that I didn't study for.
I thought I'd outgrow these types of nightmares as I got older, but every year right before school they come to get me!
Every year, wether I am excited for school or not, I dream about it, usually just during the week before, but this year, I started having the dreams during finals. And I'm still having them. In them, I usually forget my schedule, get lost, go to the wrong classes, go to last year's classes, miss the bus in the afternoon, and things like that. I hate it! It makes me more nervous. Blech.
Thanks, I aced them
Last night I dreamt that I was doing a fashion show with my best friend from elementary school, who I now despise because she bullied me with all my other friends in our last year together.
And despite the years of friendship, she kept calling me Chelsea by mistake. So I punched her in the face and broke her nose
And while I don't agree with the violence in theory...
It gave me the greatest feeling
I sit up and say "Hel-lo" He turns around and looks at me, and I turn bright red and tell him he stuck his butt in my face. He says that I stuck my face in his butt and I turn even redder (I can feel it, i hate it) and stammer something about how my face was there before his butt was. Eventually he goes back to what my cubemate was doing and I turned around and tried my damned to sink inside my chair.
Well there's the set up. I took a nap a few hours ago and I dreamed that he and I were laying together on a couch somewhere. But it wasn't as intimate as that would actually be. It was more like if he put his hand on my shoulder at work or something. Something that just barely crosses the line, but is quite pleasant if a bit awkward.
So we're laying there together with his arms around me and is a bit awkward and totally pleasant. And we're talking about who knows what and he leans in like he's about to kiss me, but doesn't like he's inviting me to go the rest of the way. And I really want to, but I start freaking out in my mind about how he's married and this is wrong (nevermind the position we were in, that was ok somehow). And I finally decide I have to do the right thing and get up even thought I was REALLY comfy where I was.
Now why would my subconscious do that me. It gives me the man in the only way I can ever have him and then makes me feel guilty about it. It's a freaking dream; it wasn't gonna hurt nobody! Not fair.
I actually had another dream about him a few months ago, but I figured out I was dreaming (happens about once a year) and so I came on to him. I remember about 10 seconds of that and then I woke up. No freaking fair! My subconscious is a bastard.
And then he started playing screamo music.
And I had to save the day, so I said, "I know some even better rock," and put on AMW.
But the lyrics were different in my dream. The lyrics were, "I think you're crazy, crazy, crazy. You must be lazy, lazy, lazy."
And he calmed down, but I woke up thinking, "that's all wrong." And then I sang AMW with the right lyrics.
My sister is concerned that I am now becoming a glam-rock junkie. She thinks an intervention will soon be in order.