In this Discussion

Paolo Nutini



  • hmmm? met?
  • Metric system?


    Metal head?
  • so confused
  • Who knows what the future holds? Alice isn't here to tell us. sad.gif
  • she'll be back!

    do not worry
  • paolo's gonna perform at lollapalooza and its gonna be broadcasted live on the internet
    (right b4 interpol biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif )
  • aw andy you have such a lovely voice!
    you should be one of those people that read for those books on cds!
    i've only watched two of the videos, but they are so hilario!
    aw <3 brits. i miss electra mectra, but i'm glad you're back andy!

    mm paolo & interpol.. so awesome vinnie.
  • why thank you amberlino, i am rather amazing after all
  • Ooh, thanks for telling us, Vinnie.

    Yes, Andy, you should make a name for yourself using your voice.
    You could be that one narrator dude that no one knows the name of but whose voice anyone can recognize easily!
  • yes yes!
    like the dude that narrates movie previews!!

    dude you have a good voice for a documentary!

    okay sorry but you really have a lovely voice, because yes, you are rather amazing. smile.gif

    hmm its been dead in this thread today huh? sad. sad.gif
  • Yeah, it's somewhat died down.

    Maybe because the life of the party is gone (Alice).

    How I miss her. sad.gif
  • ya it's saddening

    boo that
  • yes i miss her also..
  • mmm i haven't been on to much, damn school shopping...

    i don't think anyone can not miss her... shes suuuper kumf
  • right, lovely kumf de'plemo bored, its 3am and i plan to sleep soon

    but in between my sleep and waking up a task de'challange for you nutters..

    idea for any hfoc vids are now being accepted from you nutters....ideas can be sent via the lovely PM system we have on if/when the ideas happen you can have smug smug pride as to it being you ideas!

    ideas in the form of funny things to be said/funny story ideas

    knock yourselfs out people..
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Aug 4 2007, 11:47 AM)
    Yeah, it's somewhat died down.

    Maybe because the life of the party is gone (Alice).

    How I miss her. sad.gif

    Azulaco and I have something to bring the party back, not to worry. ;-)
  • ^^^ I'm guessing it's from the V Festival..??
    How exciting! smile.gif Woo! Craziness shall reign again!!
  • yaaaaaa crazy plemoness!!!!!!!!
  • OK girls, yes from yesterday at the V-Fest (Literally a mile and a half from my parents' house):


    And I got my CD signed:


    Amy will post her shot with Paolo later. We were thinking of you guys while waiting in line to see him! biggrin.gif
  • ohmy.gif


    Lucky you!

    Thanks for posting them! I'm glad you guys thought about us (and maybe had a laugh?)


    P.S. He's quite tan.
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