In this Discussion

Paolo Nutini



  • awwww, bye courtney...

    oh, and since ur all talking about guys i might as well talk about this one guy, hehe
    i only saw him for like 10 min tho....he was working in one of the gift shops at the casino/hotel i stayed at
    ahhhhh he was lovely...i was just wandering and looking at him and pretending that i was buying stuff
    i dont think he was american cuz his friend sounded russian or something.
    but, awwww, i went back too and bought more stuff, but the 3rd time i went back he was gone sad.gif sad.gif
    its was like 11 in the morning, so yeah, i dont think anyone does 16 hour shifts at gift shops, haaha.


    i didn't get to see his name either.

    EDIT: awww, i come and u guys leave sad.gif sad.gif
  • aww.

    im here!
    i just keep getting off and on.

    damn chores
  • yay!!!!!!!

    im not alone!!!!!!!
  • I'm here now!
  • i love u tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my babycakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Remember guys, Paolo's performing in studio on the Today Show tomorrow at 7 AM Eastern Time.

    I don't know if your cable company does this, but mine's showing it at 7 AM regardless of my time zone.

    My mom asked me why I was recording it and I just told her it was my favorite singer. She said, kind of worried-ly, "Paolo Kootini? How come I don't know?"
  • ^^^awwwww

    im excited!!!!!!
  • Me too. I recorded it so I can watch it over and over and over. Okay, maybe not over and over.
  • wait...u recorded it???

    i thought it was tomorrow?!?
  • Hehe it is tomorrow.

    I have DVR.

    I'm not really so familiar with the VHs thing or whatever.
  • oh, hehheh

    i've only recorded one thing in my life.......i dont know how to work it either

    and, it always eventually ends up on youtube so its all good!
  • Yeah, but YouTube's been trippy lately.

    God, I hope Paolo's not high and/or drunk tomorrow.
  • it was so crazy here that i missed this:

    okay, that's a good start =P
    we could ask Juniperberry, she might be willing...
    who else?
    Ooooo Juniperberry, good idea!
    Well we're gonna need people who're willing to subject themselves to the colored font and crazy, but won't go crazy themselves....
    I'm all outta people

    i'm very flattered that you consider me sane!! but i think they've calmed down (a little) now. we can rest easy smile.gif

    btw i still think paolo's hot, but for me it's mostly in the accent
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Jul 2 2007, 09:37 PM)
    btw i still think paolo's hot, but for me it's mostly in the accent

    You're still kind of like us then, haha
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Jul 2 2007, 10:09 PM)
    God, I hope Paolo's not high and/or drunk tomorrow.

  • Yeah, high. By the way he's been acting at some shows, some people gauge he's either high, stoned, or drunk.

    But I'm pretty sure he'll be none of those on national American TV.
  • ^^ well he is a musician!

    You're still kind of like us then, haha

    nooooo! jk
    it's true, i am a fangirl
    who can't use crazy colours and massive fonts
  • aw vinnie.. hotel boy sounds nice.. too bad he's in vegas.. and you're in la.. but its okay smile.gif
    sorry i left when you were here!!!

    mmm i should set the dvr thing for tomorrow too!

    haha i showed my sis that black and white paolo pic i'm in love with.. and shes like aw yeah he is cute.. you two would make cute kids.. i was like hahahahhahaha i wish.
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Jul 2 2007, 09:46 PM)
    ^^ well he is a musician!
    nooooo! jk
    it's true, i am a fangirl
    who can't use crazy colours and massive fonts

    Sure, he's a musician, and he's young, but he doesn't have to be foolish.

    And sure, you can use colors and fonts...who's holding you back? ;)
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