In this Discussion




  • ^^^
    hahahahhahhahahah!!! omg, i love you jb wub.gif wub.gif
    5yo gangsters, hahahahahahah!!

    omg, and thanks for the pics...even if you only did it for g-man. aw, i missed the pictures. we've been off topic for a while =/ the paul one with crazy eyes = *love*
  • aww i suppose i didn't do it just for the g-man... we have been lacking in Interpol pics but I just haven't got any new ones! I have nothing more to give besides g-man spam sad.gif

    I LOVE Paul's crazy eyes!!!! haha, he looks so stunned! that's the look we'll get when he discovers our "bus cleaning" skills (this is happy shock btw smile.gif )
  • Ewan McGregor and Edward Norton are amazing. I love them!

    You guys just get awesomer and awesomer by the minute.
  • ^^^
    that is very true ;] hehe

    omg, this is paul's face when we clean interpol's bus -

    <<oh, i get it, hehe>>

    <<whoopsy, i made a mess over here!>>>

    <<you're all getting a raise!!!>>

    hahah, sorry for...yeah =/
  • ^^
    hahahahahahahaha!!! that's adorable! omg, vinnie I love you! wub.gif wow!
    I can't wait to see that! Oooh a raise! That means we'll actually get paid something! laugh.gif

    QUOTE (ezorvera @ Oct 8 2007, 01:25 PM)
    Ewan McGregor and Edward Norton are amazing. I love them!

    You guys just get awesomer and awesomer by the minute.

    What can I say? the people in this thread are full of impeccable taste ;D
  • hahahahha Vinnie you're great wub.gif

    that was priceless

    I love you guyses
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Oct 8 2007, 03:34 AM)
    hahahahahahahaha!!! that's adorable! omg, vinnie I love you! wub.gif wow!

    QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Oct 8 2007, 03:41 AM)
    hahahahha Vinnie you're great wub.gif

    that was priceless
    I love you guyses

    awww wub.gif only you guys would appreciate my craziness <3
  • Oooh is that first picture one you took?? That makes it even more amazing! wub.gif

    I think I used one of yours in the 10x10 Paul collage too. I meant to anyway tongue.gif
  • ^^
    yeah, it is!!! hehe...i don't even know how i was able to catch him like that [maybe cuz im cool? idk, haha, jk jk] but its sexy biggrin.gif

    aww, well thanks for even thinking about it...hopefully i can take some sexier ones in 16 sleeps!!! heheh!!!! ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
  • I checked and there is a picture from that party thing. This one:
    Is that one of yours?
    He's so groovy

    Oh yes, use your coolness to get more sexy pictures! i'm counting on you (no pressure)
  • ^^
    hahah!! omg, yes, that is mine. yay! im in one of ur sexy/awesome collages...what an honor!! biggrin.gif

    aww, well, if i can take a camera in, then i'll make sure to take some sexy pictures ;] ah, i miss the old winky. this is sad.
  • Aww biggrin.gif Well you provided me with excellent material to work with!

    I had so much fun using that picture to confuse this guy who wanted to know who it was rolleyes.gif He has jealousy issues

    You can always sneak the camera in, right? Have you been to the venue before?
    Although, I can't imagine them stopping you! Nothing will stop the }:]

    sad.gif poor old mr winky! we should start an investigation into the cause of his death!
  • Oh man guys, I have so much to do..
    I wanna stay here and have fun!
    But linear algebra is in the way.. ughhhh

    Carlos and I send our love!!
  • So very very late...
    ooo, that dream sounds sexy!!! aww, magical hugs? like sams? omg,

    I wanna magical hug from Sam! No, scratch that, I kinda want a magical hug from Daniel, rowr!

    That is very true but the thing is, emos can be really lovely people... well some of them. But while I want the emos to win the war, it's not going to happen cause they're all wimpy.

    That's true. Not saying they aren't. I once got into a huge argument with my former friend who was an emo about what was 'mainstream' and stuff. I was actually thinking about your description of 'lads' and I espied this guy with a cap and as my eyes travelled downwards, I saw polo shirt and then I was getting really excited about seeing if he wore Nike shoes but alas, they were etnies. I don't know if that's worse or not...

    but it has young Ed Norton in it (sexy)

    God yes! Yes, yes yes. I sat through 'Keeping the Faith' twice for that man. Oh the things I do for you, Mr Norton...
    oh and who honestly thinks Brad Pitt is sexier than Ed? Seriously, Eddie is almost on the same level as Gary yet Brad beats them both on all the "sexiest man" countdowns. There are some sick people out there.

    I concur. Brad Pitt = ew. Except for the Gary part. I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!!! tongue.gif

    I wanna study somewhere in Britain, but I don't know how what I would be studying. Either that or Hawaii, because I'm looking into geology and especially vulcanology.... you know, volcanoes and stuff? that would be so cool.

    So tempted to make a Trekkie joke here, but I won't. I'm kind of curious how the whole uni system works over in the states in regards to majors and stuff. Does your college degree usually set you up for the type of career you want? Because over here in Australia, all our degrees (well most) are really career specific. Like there's a Bachelor of Pharmacology where you basically come out being able to do one thing - a pharmacist. Is that the same over there?

    haha, omg, a clockwork orange wasn't what i thought it would be. it was still sexy tho. omg, and alex does look like damian!! well, damian's sexier, but during some parts, when he wears a suit....

    Hahaha, ever since my obsession with OK Go, I too have this crazy appreciation for guys in three piece suits.

    Hot damn that's good Jacqui! We should stick that onto a little button (pin thing)! Wouldn't that be brilliant?!

    I can't wait to see that! Oooh a raise! That means we'll actually get paid something!

    If I'm reading correctly between Angela's }:] lines, I don't think that was the kind of 'raise' she meant ... ow chika chika!

    But linear algebra is in the way.. ughhhh

    Carlos and I send our love!!

    Algebra bites. Say hi to Carlos back! And remember, Imaginary!Friends are way better than boyfriends. Because boys are stupid.

    Anyways, I am here for a reason. So this last weekend we went out to, coincidentally the same bar that OK Go and the Kaiser Chiefs went to that night they were here (so I was going around the place yelling "Tim could've sat THERE! *points at random couch* hahah), and they played "The Heinrich Maneouver!" It was so so so good! And my friend and I danced like two fucking twins, hahaha! ANNNND they played "Last Nite" and "When it Started"!! It was so awesome! Unfortunately as we were on the look out for Paul Banks look a likes, but alas, there were none. Although funnily enough, as my friend and I were drunkenly reciting the lyrics of Leif Erikson to one another, some random guy came up to us and was like "Is that from Interpol?" and we just both yelled out YES!! Hahaha. We didn't mind him so much after that.

    And because I really wanna end a post by saying this
    punch punch punch punch!
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Oct 8 2007, 11:51 AM)
    So tempted to make a Trekkie joke here, but I won't. I'm kind of curious how the whole uni system works over in the states in regards to majors and stuff. Does your college degree usually set you up for the type of career you want? Because over here in Australia, all our degrees (well most) are really career specific. Like there's a Bachelor of Pharmacology where you basically come out being able to do one thing - a pharmacist. Is that the same over there?

    uhhh.... kinda?

    well, you can do career-specific undergraduate majors if you want, like pharmacology or I dunno, engineering maybe.
    but mostly you get a bachelor's degree in a subject- geology, linguistics, history, international relations, math, biochemistry, whatever. and then you either go out and find a job that works with that field, or you go on to graduate school.
    Graduate school is a lot more career-minded- you go for law, medicine, or a master's degree in your field.
    you can get a job either way, but generally the more education you get, the more you get paid.

    did that make sense? can other US-dwellers back me up on this? I'm not sure if I explained it right.

    ps awww, Trekkies <3<3
  • ^^Oooh thanks Milky for that info!

    I'll stop asking you annoying questions now haha!
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Oct 8 2007, 04:09 AM)
    Aww biggrin.gif Well you provided me with excellent material to work with!

    I had so much fun using that picture to confuse this guy who wanted to know who it was rolleyes.gif He has jealousy issues

    You can always sneak the camera in, right? Have you been to the venue before?
    Although, I can't imagine them stopping you! Nothing will stop the }:]

    haha, wub.gif thanks biggrin.gif

    well yeah, i can, but the guards are all around and if they see you with a camera they'll take it away sad.gif plus, i'll be right in the yeah, there's like no way i can take pics. AND my cheapo phone doesn't have a camera.

    QUOTE (amberdino @ Oct 8 2007, 04:22 AM)
    Oh man guys, I have so much to do..
    I wanna stay here and have fun!
    But linear algebra is in the way.. ughhhh

    Carlos and I send our love!!

    awwww sad.gif good luck with all that math. im sure you'll figure it out.
    *hugs* for both of you <3

    QUOTE (LolaBert @ Oct 8 2007, 03:51 PM)
    If I'm reading correctly between Angela's }:] lines, I don't think that was the kind of 'raise' she meant ... ow chika chika!

    Anyways, I am here for a reason. So this last weekend we went out to, coincidentally the same bar that OK Go and the Kaiser Chiefs went to that night they were here (so I was going around the place yelling "Tim could've sat THERE! *points at random couch* hahah), and they played "The Heinrich Maneouver!" It was so so so good! And my friend and I danced like two fucking twins, hahaha! ANNNND they played "Last Nite" and "When it Started"!! It was so awesome! Unfortunately as we were on the look out for Paul Banks look a likes, but alas, there were none. Although funnily enough, as my friend and I were drunkenly reciting the lyrics of Leif Erikson to one another, some random guy came up to us and was like "Is that from Interpol?" and we just both yelled out YES!! Hahaha. We didn't mind him so much after that.

    And because I really wanna end a post by saying this
    punch punch punch punch!

    hahahahhahahhaahh!! omg...wub.gif
    dude, that bar sounds totally sexy!! aw, and that guy is totally cool.

    QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Oct 8 2007, 06:06 PM)
    did that make sense? can other US-dwellers back me up on this? I'm not sure if I explained it right.

    umm, idk. i know so little about college and all that stuff...sad.gif
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Oct 9 2007, 01:51 AM)
    So very very late...

    I wanna magical hug from Sam! No, scratch that, I kinda want a magical hug from Daniel, rowr!
    That's true. Not saying they aren't. I once got into a huge argument with my former friend who was an emo about what was 'mainstream' and stuff. I was actually thinking about your description of 'lads' and I espied this guy with a cap and as my eyes travelled downwards, I saw polo shirt and then I was getting really excited about seeing if he wore Nike shoes but alas, they were etnies. I don't know if that's worse or not...

    But Daniel doesn't give magical hugs, he gives vitamins!! Imaginary!Sam is going to prove to you that his hugs have the most healing proporties, he'll be up there in a moment!

    Oooh I think Etnies are in the same league as Nike, they're just cheaper... or not. Whatever, one is for the poor lad and the other is for the rich lad, but that guy was definitely still a lad!

    God yes! Yes, yes yes. I sat through 'Keeping the Faith' twice for that man. Oh the things I do for you, Mr Norton...

    I concur. Brad Pitt = ew. Except for the Gary part. I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!!! tongue.gif

    Or more rather the things you'd let him to do you }:]
    He is so gorgeous and really talented! Supposedly he was 28 playing a 19 year old in Primal Fear but I hadn't a clue until I looked up more about the movie!

    I have "more" of Gary, would you like to see? I might save "it" for later }:]

    Hot damn that's good Jacqui! We should stick that onto a little button (pin thing)! Wouldn't that be brilliant?!
    If I'm reading correctly between Angela's }:] lines, I don't think that was the kind of 'raise' she meant ... ow chika chika!
    Algebra bites. Say hi to Carlos back! And remember, Imaginary!Friends are way better than boyfriends. Because boys are stupid.

    Anyways, I am here for a reason. So this last weekend we went out to, coincidentally the same bar that OK Go and the Kaiser Chiefs went to that night they were here (so I was going around the place yelling "Tim could've sat THERE! *points at random couch* hahah), and they played "The Heinrich Maneouver!" It was so so so good! And my friend and I danced like two fucking twins, hahaha! ANNNND they played "Last Nite" and "When it Started"!! It was so awesome! Unfortunately as we were on the look out for Paul Banks look a likes, but alas, there were none. Although funnily enough, as my friend and I were drunkenly reciting the lyrics of Leif Erikson to one another, some random guy came up to us and was like "Is that from Interpol?" and we just both yelled out YES!! Hahaha. We didn't mind him so much after that.

    And because I really wanna end a post by saying this
    punch punch punch punch!

    I've always wanted to make my own buttons!! I even researched button makers, the cost, where to order them from. We had all these ideas from bio camp, like "Why duck when you can limbo!" and "I survived 10 Leeches" It was sooooo funny at the time rolleyes.gif Um, so buttons eh? A girl I know has a button maker, I'll have a talk with her.

    Omg! Well done with the }:] "raise" thing! That was good and I'm very happy now!

    When I'm 18 and in Brisbane you must take me to this Bar! It sounds fantastic! That place has excellent taste in music, no wonder OK Go went there wub.gif
    Hahaha, that drunk recitation sounds so bad in my head. Oh God, I can just hear that dreadful Australian accent slurring over Paul's beautiful poetry tongue.gif Jk, i'm sure you two sound wonderful when you're drunk.
  • ^^
    hahahah!! so mean jb!!!

    those ed pictures are wonderful wub.gif
    have you guys seen american history x? he's HUGE there...aww, but the raping..that was no fun. well, a little...cuz yeah, naked ed }:] ohmy.gif

    omg, not cool. haha.

    you come here to me, we'll collect those lonely parts and set them down paul must come to us }:]
  • I haven't seen American History x. I'm frightened to! I don't want to tarnish my image of Eddie. I like him as an endearing psycho not as a giant racist who rapes people!! ohmy.gif But then again, naked Ed is very appealing...

    awwwww! what a smile! smile.gif


    do eddie pictures make you happy too? I hope so, i'm posting them for you!

    yes, yes, paul must AND WILL come to us. all in god time! no one can resist our cleaning services!
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