In this Discussion

OK Go Captions

edited November -1 in OK Go
VIVA PAINTBRUSH! laugh.gif you know when sometimes you come across OK Go pics and you're like, "whoa...what are those guys doing?!" blink.gif well, this thread is for creating weird captions of the band's pics and give others (like me) a good laugh... I'll show you an example:

Rosa smile.gif


  • haha omg thats the funniest thing ever im soo gunna make one haha i love what you made Tim say hahahahahaa
  • Thats so cute! This is a great idea Rosa, I can't wait to see what some of you come up with.
  • What a great idea, how funny!

    Rosa, that is hilarious!
  • I don't know who's picture this is, but I always liked it.


    I don't know if anyone will like it, but I always thought that they seemed to talk during the dance.

    I realized I wrote hand instead of hands, so I fixed it.
  • image

    yeah this one doesnt beat surfer rosa but hey
  • It really looks like thats what Dan is saying smile.gif
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA laugh.gif ...beautiful cap Christine...
  • woah... you people catch on quickly, I LOVE Dan's..he looks like such a dork in that one LOL!

    Rosa biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (Surfer Rosa @ Aug 2 2007, 07:55 PM)
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA laugh.gif ...beautiful cap Christine...

    Why thank you smile.gif
  • HAHAHAH i am seriously laughing so hard over Andy's "Does...Mary know?" haha
  • LOL OMG laugh.gif

    These are fantastic.
  • You're good at this allthegoodnamesaretaken!
    HAHAHAH i am seriously laughing so hard over Andy's "Does...Mary know?" haha

    cultural barrier here... could someone explain please? I don't get it! unsure.gif

  • QUOTE (nostabenitsirhc @ Aug 2 2007, 08:09 PM)
    You're good at this allthegoodnamesaretaken!

    thanks i feel like i should stop at the bowling picture bc i dont htink i can make a funnier one
  • Rosa, it's what Andy said when the boys were on Las Vegas, some stupid show here. And they were all joking about their parts and stuff, and Andy's line was "Does...Mary know?" haha
  • QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Aug 2 2007, 08:11 PM)
    thanks i feel like i should stop at the bowling picture bc i dont htink i can make a funnier one

    Haha no please keep them coming.

    QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Aug 2 2007, 08:15 PM)

    Brilliant smile.gif
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