QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 25 2008, 09:30 AM)
awww wow, i have lots of man love for mr stewart...sigh
was he funny? charming? everything else? was colbert there?
Not as funny as usual, but he definitely had his moments. And he's always Charming. It's a gene us Entertainment Industry Jews have. I didn't see Colbert, but I missed the first half hour.
i missed it all, and i'm sad i had to work from 6-10:45. Boooooo
however... I used to watch the daily show my sophomore year of college and i stopped shortly after and just recently started watching religiously again... oh how i've missed jon
Lately, TDS has been completely off the ball though. He mostly skips campaign coverage, and when he does look at it, the news is already a week old. Seriously, he's been spending whole episodes on Bush (who just isn't all that relevant to current events anymore right now) or random things and ignoring the election.
I mean, this is a BRUTAL election season, the most loaded in decades. When Hillary's first lady records were forced into release, he ignored it. When her taxes were released, he ignored it. The sniper fire incident, he ignored it. The James Carville Judas comment, he ignored it. Penn steps down, he ignored it. On the Obama side, Samatha Powers- he ignored it. Oil connections questioned, he ignored it. Obama has an ebay stalker, he ignored it. etc. etc. I don't know why but TDS is largely ignoring the news. When he does mention something, it's like, "Leno discussed this 3 days ago...Where have you been, Jon Stewart?"
I don't watch on tv; I watch online, so I just look at the eposode summaries, see that it has nothing to do with the election, and sigh.
i think, in all fairness (i might be completely wrong) you have to give equal coverage to all partys, as to not piss somthing off somewhere...and getting enough material on all partys and covering them the same amount could be too much?
I agree with Andy. There's too much to cover, there's only a half hour, and the election isn't the only thing going on in the world. I just looked at the summaries. They were just off for two weeks. Right before the break was the Bear Stearns buyout (which was a HUGE economic event) and the Spitzer scandal/David Patterson admission of adultery. Since coming back on April 1,
April 1 - Obama goes bowling April 2 - McCain "Monsters of Nostalgia" tour April 3 - Fox News' Obama Watch April 7 - The candidates weigh in on MLK's assassination.
And for the record, March 10, 12, 13, and 18 all featured stories on the election. The week where it wasn't covered so much had stories on the state of our economy, the anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war, and the New York gubernatorial situation - these are important things too!
I know there's a lot to cover, and like I said, he does mention some election things, but it tends to be glancing if at all, and tends to have been done by the other late night shows 3 days ago. Mar20: Iraq and Saddam Mar 19: Horny govs and economy Mar 18: ok, Wright. Mar17: David Paterson, economy Mar13: ok, Ferraro Mar12: ok, Mississppi's primary coverage Mar11: Spitzer Mar6: Bush, Iraq, Bush's influence on the election Mar5: finally an election focus Mar4: Iraq Mar3: he interviews Hillary, ok
So Mar20. Mar 19, Mar 17, Mar 11 and Mar 4 there was no mention of the election at all, and on all the other days but Mar 5 and Mar 3 (though Mar 3 isn't really objective to look at, since it was the night before a primary and Hillary chose to promote herself for it on his show) the mention was glancing. So glancing that things like the release of Hill's White House schedule records, her "as far as I know" moment, the Sinbad and Bosnia fiasco, the donors threat to Pelosi, the Obama NAFTA fiasco, Obama's tax releases and Hill's refusal til April...list goes on of huge issues TDS didn't even touch. TDS is half an hour- Jay Leno and David Letterman give 10 minute monologues and managed to cover everything. I love Jon Stewart, don't get me wrong, but he isn't perfect by far, or too good to be critiqued- he did a much, much better job covering past elections than he's doing now. But he is fake news, so I guess I can't call it incomplete journalism.
I appear to be the only person in the world who doesn't like Jon Stewart's show. I'm interested to see what Tony Blair was like on it last night though.
was he funny? charming? everything else? was colbert there?
was he funny? charming? everything else? was colbert there?
Not as funny as usual, but he definitely had his moments.
however... I used to watch the daily show my sophomore year of college and i stopped shortly after and just recently started watching religiously again... oh how i've missed jon
Did you see that bit with John Oliver doing the "In Memoriam" to all the British soldiers who died in WWII with the funny names???
i nearly cried with laughter at jon crying with laughter
jon oliver is amazing
I mean, this is a BRUTAL election season, the most loaded in decades. When Hillary's first lady records were forced into release, he ignored it. When her taxes were released, he ignored it. The sniper fire incident, he ignored it. The James Carville Judas comment, he ignored it. Penn steps down, he ignored it. On the Obama side, Samatha Powers- he ignored it. Oil connections questioned, he ignored it. Obama has an ebay stalker, he ignored it. etc. etc. I don't know why but TDS is largely ignoring the news. When he does mention something, it's like, "Leno discussed this 3 days ago...Where have you been, Jon Stewart?"
I don't watch on tv; I watch online, so I just look at the eposode summaries, see that it has nothing to do with the election, and sigh.
April 1 - Obama goes bowling
April 2 - McCain "Monsters of Nostalgia" tour
April 3 - Fox News' Obama Watch
April 7 - The candidates weigh in on MLK's assassination.
And for the record, March 10, 12, 13, and 18 all featured stories on the election. The week where it wasn't covered so much had stories on the state of our economy, the anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war, and the New York gubernatorial situation - these are important things too!
Mar20: Iraq and Saddam
Mar 19: Horny govs and economy
Mar 18: ok, Wright.
Mar17: David Paterson, economy
Mar13: ok, Ferraro
Mar12: ok, Mississppi's primary coverage
Mar11: Spitzer
Mar6: Bush, Iraq, Bush's influence on the election
Mar5: finally an election focus
Mar4: Iraq
Mar3: he interviews Hillary, ok
So Mar20. Mar 19, Mar 17, Mar 11 and Mar 4 there was no mention of the election at all, and on all the other days but Mar 5 and Mar 3 (though Mar 3 isn't really objective to look at, since it was the night before a primary and Hillary chose to promote herself for it on his show) the mention was glancing. So glancing that things like the release of Hill's White House schedule records, her "as far as I know" moment, the Sinbad and Bosnia fiasco, the donors threat to Pelosi, the Obama NAFTA fiasco, Obama's tax releases and Hill's refusal til April...list goes on of huge issues TDS didn't even touch. TDS is half an hour- Jay Leno and David Letterman give 10 minute monologues and managed to cover everything. I love Jon Stewart, don't get me wrong, but he isn't perfect by far, or too good to be critiqued- he did a much, much better job covering past elections than he's doing now. But he is fake news, so I guess I can't call it incomplete journalism.
andy showed me a rad comic!
first of all, he was great.
and. i wish i had money to donate!
from about 1:40
i mean what the fuck?
what a cunt..
i guess fox has no other moments than of jon showing what douchebags the people of fox are to mock
RAWR. F-ing Fox News.
I'm interested to see what Tony Blair was like on it last night though.
1) his stupid smuggness
2) his stupid fake laugh
3) his tie is far too long