Andy Asked: how does it feel to be the first canadian to have the forums since its been re-opend?I feel patriotic... semi blessed and mostly hungry how awesome is mafja?mafja is like the mafia of the interwebs. Watch out, we break limbs where the hell is joe? joe is busy doing stuff some where. Either in school or at work or breaking someones limbs
Mel Asked: q: my favourite question: basslines or guitar riffs? why? ok... in ok go songs its basslines for sure, but in Queen songs its a tie. In all other music its guitar rifts. I dont know why. I guess its just what each band does the best. Mel you've divided me. I am divided.
q: whats your favourite moment involving me? How could i choose! or what can a choose from ... um... but seriously folks, I would have to say at that Alexisonfire show, where you yelled out "Rap Steale!" and everyone joined in. The outcome of him rapping technically was due to you. You rule for that.
q: tell me a riddle oh wise 5 min older sis! this is more of a demand than a question. Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone. I hear you call my name, and it feels like Home.
not really a riddle, but it gets the job done
q: why have you never been on broadway? I dont know! i mean they dont call me "the Tony Danza of the north" for nothing! Oh tony...
q: fame the movie or fame the show? the show is my first love. And show doris was WAY cooler than movie doris
q: if you could only meet one of the stella boys who would you choose? You know the answer... Michael showalter
Surfer Rosa asksed: Are you the evil twin? Im not sure. Im leaning towards yes. But not as evil as that twin girl on Heroes
Would you rather have a pepperoni ice cream or a chocolate pizza? I dont eat little piggies! So i would have to say chocolate pizza. Dont they actually make that? EDIT: they do... MMMMMM
What's the worst practical joke you've ever played on Mel? None of my jokes ever seem to work out...
Asked by Mia: what's your favourite thing about being canadian? I hear the syrup is good, but I'd have to go with the fact that all over canada is so different. One place is different from the next but in the end there is this sense of being Canadian. I guess our nation is so big but there is this Canadian-ness that is paired with a Toronto-ness or a Calgary-ness or a Winnipeg-ness. Maybe this is just my pretentious Toronto idealism talking here... the syrup is starting to sound like a better answer
what are you planning for your life in the near future? is it scary that i have no plan? Maybe gradschool... maybe work
when are coming to Portugal for me to met you? Portugal sounds so beautiful... i would love to come...but im...broke
Alice asked: - Can you communicate with Mel telepathically? no, but how cool would that be! haha surprisingly this used to be one of the most common questions we used to be asked when we used to go to school together
- When are you visiting me in London? Ill take a side vist to see you when I go see Mia in portugal!... when i win the lottery
- Which is the ultimate creepy-fan item: your fave celeb's toothbrush, or their hairbrush? the toothbrush for sure is more creepy. I mean... it was in thier mouth! ick! But I would like to have Jensen Akles hair brush more than the toothbrush. So Ultimateness depends on if the item is measured by creepyness or want of the item. As you can hear from my analysis, this will be the topic of my thesis statement for my Phd.
- If you could be a sausage for a day, what kind would you be? kielbasa polish beef sausage. quite possibly the most deliciousof all sausages
- Would you rather live in an Eqyptian's shoe, or an envelope? (my sister wants to know that one) How boring would living in an envelope be. I mean, wow you get mailed to the tax man at tax time, and to Sonny on his birthday. An Egyptians shoe? Now THATS livin'! you get to smell camel bellies and walk thought the markets, and maybe even get washed in the Nile. THE NILE!
- Have you ever snorted milk through your nose through laughing too hard? during the old'n days
- Is the man, whose picture Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore posted above, significant to you in any way? No but i wish i knew that man. He seems intriguing
DJ Rose asked:
Why do you feel you'd be a good candidate for Awesome of the Year? Honestly, to tell the truth im not that awesome. But comparatively, boy am i awesome.
What is the worst possible way to end a movie? Everyone dies, except if its Macbeth. Either that or "It was alll a dream..."
What's your favorite movie ever? Of ALL TIME? Ferris bueller's day off. Do i cry at the end? Yes, even though this movie isnt remotely sad. I feel like Ferris now... or maybe like Cameron.
I think I'll save more questions for later. Do you think that's a good idea? yes!
Mixxy asked: - What's your favourite thing about living in Toronto? FREE STUFF! Buck 65 recently moved to toronto and made a comment on how he didnt buy anything for his apartment, everything he needed he randomly found on the street. I dont go street corner browsing... but about 90% of the shows ive ever been to have been free. Am i cheap? Semi
- Best live show you've ever seen? Daft Punk! I give mel alot of flack for spending our birthday money on tickets, but she knows it was on of he best nights of my life ever.
- Are you named after anyone? my middle name is Nivida. Its one of my grandmas names.
- Thoughts on Sam Roberts' beard? Clean shaven Sam is just weird. His beard is ingrained in my minds image of him. Also, I think beards are manly!
taco [ta-co] or taco [tar-co]? milk [milk] or milk [melk] yoghurt [yog-hurt] or yoghurt [yow [as in bow]-gurt]
darn. i had a whole line of these questions i used to ask my friends... but i appear to have forgotten them. how about some riddles..??
if you drove a bus to australia [a flying bus] then to the usa, then to france, then to the uk, then back to canada, what would be the bus drivers name? if a bluehouse is made of blue bricks, a red house is made of red bricks, and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of? what do you put in a toaster?
and one last question... do cows drink milk?? [no, seriously... DO THEY?? i spent hours thinking about this..]
wait, i thought of another one [sorry about all the questions] what came first, the chicken or the egg
Wolfie asked: Will I ever be able to keep up with this thread (I failed horribly during electra month)? Hopefully! you have will power dont you? if you dont, your soul power will step in.
Who are those people dancing in your avatar? The lovely and manly Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black. Both of "Stella" and "The State fame". I love them dearly and will one day meet them. Fart jokes will ensue.
Why am I so bad at this? Its hard! and plus your not bad at all! ... by "this" you ment making the jello come out of the jello mold in one piece, right?
Is it cause I don't know ya'll very well? time will change that, but i cant change time....
Wouldn't this be the best way to achieve that? It would be, if those darn toot'n jello molds wern't so finicky
Am I really still asking you questions or am I just rambling on in question form? These are questions, and they're BLOWING MY MIND!
OH I got one!!! Do you like Star Trek? No... Im so sorry to yall star trek fans... but star trek to me is just a collection of "nerd fantasys", or maybe just the old ones... All of the old episodes ive seen had weird double entendras and innuendos. Also planets inhabited only by women.
but i do enjoy me some Scott Bakalu rawrrrr
and that movie "Trekies" was life changing
porifera asked: Is pluto really a planet? yes. When I was a kid it was my favourite planet. When I was an older kid it was my favourte sailor....
If you owned a robot, would you use it for good, or for evil?? haha Its a known fact that all robots are evil. Even if i wanted to use it for good it would end up doing something evil. Then id have to tell it an illogical statement that will melt its little robot mind.
Joey Russo asked: favorite 'heroes' hero? (is it hiro?) Semi. I like Ando the best. Hes not technically a hero right? so then Hiro
harvey birdman or boston legal? Ive never seen either show. So id have to go with Crossing Jordan
fish or phish? im divided! Showalter fed a kitty phish on stella once... but i dont like phish... and i love fish... but...
brocolli or cauliflower? brocolli.. mmmmm
smeja asked: taco [ta-co] or taco [tar-co]? First one. milk [milk] or milk [melk] First one. yoghurt [yog-hurt] or yoghurt [yow [as in bow]-gurt]Second one
darn. i had a whole line of these questions i used to ask my friends... but i appear to have forgotten them. how about some riddles..?? YEAH YEAH!
if you drove a bus to australia [a flying bus] then to the usa, then to france, then to the uk, then back to canada, what would be the bus drivers name? Felicia if a bluehouse is made of blue bricks, a red house is made of red bricks, and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of? Glass? what do you put in a toaster? Bread?
and one last question... do cows drink milk?? [no, seriously... DO THEY?? i spent hours thinking about this..] baby cows drink milk. So Calfs drink milk. I dont think there would be any way that a full grown cow could drink milk though. Except if there was kinky cow action... but thats a whole different story...
wait, i thought of another one [sorry about all the questions]dont be sorry, i loved your questions! what came first, the chicken or the egg The chicken is my stance. A chicken evolved from a lizard, and then laid an egg with another lizard-chickem
Meli-bo-belly asked: what about ligers?! they creep me out, thats what tell me your opinions on them why don't ya? they are pretty darn creepy. I guess not "freaks of nature"... maybe natures miricle freak Russian or French accent? Russian If you could open a themed restaurant what would be your theme? ummm... i dont know... maybe all of my favorite foods of the world. And each table would be a diffent continet. and all the celebrites can sit at a table that represents a different planet. would you rather wear a winter jacket or smallest bikini ever to go swimming? winter jacket! maybe it will give me some boyancy
Do you think I could get Steale to rap again? only if you asked very nicely with sprinkles on top
Whats your favourite queen song? it depends Why did you start dressing like me? your a fashion icon, mel! /when will this disturbing trend stop? when stop dominating my wordrobe
Did you just cut your hair so you could look like connor? Only conor can look like conor. And peter patrelli
Andu asked: can i see your new hair? okie... ill show you dudes a lil later... EDIT: ok... here it goes... weird light from the gigantic neon guitar outside the hardrock ... i look creepy.. and my eyes are closed... please? i saiiid ok!
tonetoile asked: Dearest Fel:
Favorite poetic form? i dont know what its called... but the way Shel Silverstein writes
Favorite veggie? tie between the exotic bok choy and the delicious garlic. Is garlic considered a veggie?
What IS life, really? Life is life, life is strife, life is stabbings, with a knife.
Life sings songs, life moves on, life is accepting, that they're gone.
life is life.
oh yeah, and the number 42
Wrost kid's name ever? Calamari. Ive never heard a kid with this name, but this would be too cruel
If you were an evil villain, would you rather have a space fortress or a volcano fortress? Why cant it be from a volcano on a foreign space planet?! that would be too rad
Favorite room? in my house is the kitchen. Its so 80's with out being tacky:P. In my dream house, the library/studio/zen garden
- Favorite cuisine? - How do you de-stress? - When going bowling, do you give the skittles personalities? If so, what are they like? Or do you imagine the face of whoever has annoyed you most recently? - If you were a super hero or villain, what would your costume be like? - And your power? - What makes a good teacher? - Favorite Disney character?
how awesome is mafja?
where the hell is joe?
q: my favourite question: basslines or guitar riffs? why?
q: whats your favourite moment involving me?
q: tell me a riddle oh wise 5 min older sis! this is more of a demand than a question.
q: why have you never been on broadway?
q: fame the movie or fame the show?
q: if you could only meet one of the stella boys who would you choose?
more laters.
Are you the evil twin?
Would you rather have a pepperoni ice cream or a chocolate pizza?
What's the worst practical joke you've ever played on Mel?
what's your favourite thing about being canadian?
what are you planning for your life in the near future?
when are coming to Portugal for me to met you?
- Can you communicate with Mel telepathically?
- When are you visiting me in London?
- Which is the ultimate creepy-fan item: your fave celeb's toothbrush, or their hairbrush?
- If you could be a sausage for a day, what kind would you be?
- Would you rather live in an Eqyptian's shoe, or an envelope? (my sister wants to know that one)
- Have you ever snorted milk through your nose through laughing too hard?
- Is the man, whose picture Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore posted above, significant to you in any way?
Why do you feel you'd be a good candidate for Awesome of the Year?
What is the worst possible way to end a movie?
What's your favorite movie ever? Of ALL TIME?
I think I'll save more questions for later. Do you think that's a good idea?
- What's your favourite thing about living in Toronto?
- Best live show you've ever seen?
- Are you named after anyone?
- Thoughts on Sam Roberts' beard?
how does it feel to be the first canadian to have the forums since its been re-opend?I feel patriotic... semi blessed and mostly hungry
how awesome is mafja?mafja is like the mafia of the interwebs. Watch out, we break limbs
where the hell is joe? joe is busy doing stuff some where. Either in school or at work or breaking someones limbs
Mel Asked:
q: my favourite question: basslines or guitar riffs? why?
ok... in ok go songs its basslines for sure, but in Queen songs its a tie. In all other music its guitar rifts. I dont know why. I guess its just what each band does the best. Mel you've divided me. I am divided.
q: whats your favourite moment involving me?
How could i choose! or what can a choose from
q: tell me a riddle oh wise 5 min older sis! this is more of a demand than a question.
Life is a mystery,
everyone must stand alone.
I hear you call my name,
and it feels like
not really a riddle, but it gets the job done
q: why have you never been on broadway?
I dont know! i mean they dont call me "the Tony Danza of the north" for nothing! Oh tony...
q: fame the movie or fame the show?
the show is my first love. And show doris was WAY cooler than movie doris
q: if you could only meet one of the stella boys who would you choose?
You know the answer... Michael showalter
Surfer Rosa asksed:
Are you the evil twin?
Im not sure. Im leaning towards yes. But not as evil as that twin girl on Heroes
Would you rather have a pepperoni ice cream or a chocolate pizza?
I dont eat little piggies! So i would have to say chocolate pizza. Dont they actually make that?
EDIT: they do... MMMMMM
What's the worst practical joke you've ever played on Mel?
None of my jokes ever seem to work out...
Asked by Mia:
what's your favourite thing about being canadian?
I hear the syrup is good, but I'd have to go with the fact that all over canada is so different. One place is different from the next but in the end there is this sense of being Canadian. I guess our nation is so big but there is this Canadian-ness that is paired with a Toronto-ness or a Calgary-ness or a Winnipeg-ness. Maybe this is just my pretentious Toronto idealism talking here... the syrup is starting to sound like a better answer
what are you planning for your life in the near future?
is it scary that i have no plan? Maybe gradschool... maybe work
when are coming to Portugal for me to met you?
Portugal sounds so beautiful... i would love to come...but im...broke
Alice asked:
- Can you communicate with Mel telepathically?
no, but how cool would that be! haha surprisingly this used to be one of the most common questions we used to be asked when we used to go to school together
- When are you visiting me in London?
Ill take a side vist to see you when I go see Mia in portugal!... when i win the lottery
- Which is the ultimate creepy-fan item: your fave celeb's toothbrush, or their hairbrush?
the toothbrush for sure is more creepy. I mean... it was in thier mouth! ick! But I would like to have Jensen Akles hair brush more than the toothbrush. So Ultimateness depends on if the item is measured by creepyness or want of the item. As you can hear from my analysis, this will be the topic of my thesis statement for my Phd.
- If you could be a sausage for a day, what kind would you be?
kielbasa polish beef sausage. quite possibly the most deliciousof all sausages
- Would you rather live in an Eqyptian's shoe, or an envelope? (my sister wants to know that one)
How boring would living in an envelope be. I mean, wow you get mailed to the tax man at tax time, and to Sonny on his birthday. An Egyptians shoe? Now THATS livin'! you get to smell camel bellies and walk thought the markets, and maybe even get washed in the Nile. THE NILE!
- Have you ever snorted milk through your nose through laughing too hard?
during the old'n days
- Is the man, whose picture Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore posted above, significant to you in any way?
No but i wish i knew that man. He seems intriguing
DJ Rose asked:
Why do you feel you'd be a good candidate for Awesome of the Year?
Honestly, to tell the truth im not that awesome. But comparatively, boy am i awesome.
What is the worst possible way to end a movie?
Everyone dies, except if its Macbeth. Either that or "It was alll a dream..."
What's your favorite movie ever? Of ALL TIME?
Ferris bueller's day off. Do i cry at the end? Yes, even though this movie isnt remotely sad. I feel like Ferris now... or maybe like Cameron.
I think I'll save more questions for later. Do you think that's a good idea?
Mixxy asked:
- What's your favourite thing about living in Toronto?
FREE STUFF! Buck 65 recently moved to toronto and made a comment on how he didnt buy anything for his apartment, everything he needed he randomly found on the street. I dont go street corner browsing... but about 90% of the shows ive ever been to have been free. Am i cheap? Semi
- Best live show you've ever seen?
Daft Punk! I give mel alot of flack for spending our birthday money on tickets, but she knows it was on of he best nights of my life ever.
- Are you named after anyone?
my middle name is Nivida. Its one of my grandmas names.
- Thoughts on Sam Roberts' beard?
Clean shaven Sam is just weird. His beard is ingrained in my minds image of him. Also, I think beards are manly!
Who are those people dancing in your avatar?
Why am I so bad at this?
Is it cause I don't know ya'll very well?
Wouldn't this be the best way to achieve that?
Am I really still asking you questions or am I just rambling on in question form?
OH I got one!!! Do you like Star Trek?
If you owned a robot, would you use it for good, or for evil?? haha
harvey birdman or boston legal?
fish or phish?
brocolli or cauliflower?
milk [milk] or milk [melk]
yoghurt [yog-hurt] or yoghurt [yow [as in bow]-gurt]
darn. i had a whole line of these questions i used to ask my friends... but i appear to have forgotten them. how about some riddles..??
if you drove a bus to australia [a flying bus] then to the usa, then to france, then to the uk, then back to canada, what would be the bus drivers name?
if a bluehouse is made of blue bricks, a red house is made of red bricks, and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?
what do you put in a toaster?
and one last question...
do cows drink milk?? [no, seriously... DO THEY?? i spent hours thinking about this..]
wait, i thought of another one [sorry about all the questions]
what came first, the chicken or the egg
..and thats all folks!
Will I ever be able to keep up with this thread (I failed horribly during electra month)?
Hopefully! you have will power dont you? if you dont, your soul power will step in.
Who are those people dancing in your avatar?
The lovely and manly Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black. Both of "Stella" and "The State fame". I love them dearly and will one day meet them. Fart jokes will ensue.
Why am I so bad at this?
Its hard! and plus your not bad at all!
... by "this" you ment making the jello come out of the jello mold in one piece, right?
Is it cause I don't know ya'll very well?
time will change that, but i cant change time....
Wouldn't this be the best way to achieve that?
It would be, if those darn toot'n jello molds wern't so finicky
Am I really still asking you questions or am I just rambling on in question form?
These are questions, and they're BLOWING MY MIND!
OH I got one!!! Do you like Star Trek?
No... Im so sorry to yall star trek fans... but star trek to me is just a collection of "nerd fantasys", or maybe just the old ones... All of the old episodes ive seen had weird double entendras and innuendos. Also planets inhabited only by women.
but i do enjoy me some Scott Bakalu
and that movie "Trekies" was life changing
porifera asked:
Is pluto really a planet?
yes. When I was a kid it was my favourite planet. When I was an older kid it was my favourte sailor....
If you owned a robot, would you use it for good, or for evil?? haha
Its a known fact that all robots are evil. Even if i wanted to use it for good it would end up doing something evil. Then id have to tell it an illogical statement that will melt its little robot mind.
Joey Russo asked:
favorite 'heroes' hero? (is it hiro?)
Semi. I like Ando the best. Hes not technically a hero right? so then Hiro
harvey birdman or boston legal?
Ive never seen either show. So id have to go with Crossing Jordan
fish or phish?
im divided! Showalter fed a kitty phish on stella once... but i dont like phish... and i love fish... but...
brocolli or cauliflower?
brocolli.. mmmmm
smeja asked:
taco [ta-co] or taco [tar-co]? First one.
milk [milk] or milk [melk] First one.
yoghurt [yog-hurt] or yoghurt [yow [as in bow]-gurt]Second one
darn. i had a whole line of these questions i used to ask my friends... but i appear to have forgotten them. how about some riddles..?? YEAH YEAH!
if you drove a bus to australia [a flying bus] then to the usa, then to france, then to the uk, then back to canada, what would be the bus drivers name?
if a bluehouse is made of blue bricks, a red house is made of red bricks, and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?
what do you put in a toaster?
and one last question...
do cows drink milk?? [no, seriously... DO THEY?? i spent hours thinking about this..]
baby cows drink milk. So Calfs drink milk. I dont think there would be any way that a full grown cow could drink milk though. Except if there was kinky cow action... but thats a whole different story...
wait, i thought of another one [sorry about all the questions]dont be sorry, i loved your questions!
what came first, the chicken or the egg
The chicken is my stance. A chicken evolved from a lizard, and then laid an egg with another lizard-chickem
..and thats all folks!
tell me your opinions on them why don't ya?
Russian or French accent?
If you could open a themed restaurant what would be your theme?
would you rather wear a winter jacket or smallest bikini ever to go swimming?
Do you think I could get Steale to rap again?
Whats your favourite queen song?
Why did you start dressing like me?/when will this disturbing trend stop?
Did you just cut your hair so you could look like connor?
what about ligers?!
they creep me out, thats what
tell me your opinions on them why don't ya?
they are pretty darn creepy. I guess not "freaks of nature"... maybe natures miricle freak
Russian or French accent?
If you could open a themed restaurant what would be your theme?
i dont know...
maybe all of my favorite foods of the world. And each table would be a diffent continet. and all the celebrites can sit at a table that represents a different planet.
would you rather wear a winter jacket or smallest bikini ever to go swimming?
winter jacket! maybe it will give me some boyancy
Do you think I could get Steale to rap again?
only if you asked very nicely with sprinkles on top
Whats your favourite queen song?
it depends
Why did you start dressing like me?
your a fashion icon, mel!
/when will this disturbing trend stop?
when stop dominating my wordrobe
Did you just cut your hair so you could look like connor?
Only conor can look like conor. And peter patrelli
Favorite poetic form?
Favorite veggie?
What IS life, really?
Wrost kid's name ever?
If you were an evil villain, would you rather have a space fortress or a volcano fortress?
Favorite room?
can i see your new hair?
EDIT: ok... here it goes...
weird light from the gigantic neon guitar outside the hardrock ... i look creepy.. and my eyes are closed...
i saiiid ok!
tonetoile asked:
Dearest Fel:
Favorite poetic form?
i dont know what its called... but the way Shel Silverstein writes
Favorite veggie?
tie between the exotic bok choy and the delicious garlic. Is garlic considered a veggie?
What IS life, really?
Life is life,
life is strife,
life is stabbings,
with a knife.
Life sings songs,
life moves on,
life is accepting,
that they're gone.
life is life.
oh yeah, and the number 42
Wrost kid's name ever?
Calamari. Ive never heard a kid with this name, but this would be too cruel
If you were an evil villain, would you rather have a space fortress or a volcano fortress?
Why cant it be from a volcano on a foreign space planet?! that would be too rad
Favorite room?
in my house is the kitchen. Its so 80's with out being tacky:P. In my dream house, the library/studio/zen garden
Right, more questions:
- Favorite cuisine?
- How do you de-stress?
- When going bowling, do you give the skittles personalities? If so, what are they like? Or do you imagine the face of whoever has annoyed you most recently?
- If you were a super hero or villain, what would your costume be like?
- And your power?
- What makes a good teacher?
- Favorite Disney character?
whats the first thing you'd do if you became president of the world?
Do you want revenge? why?
how are you going to get revenge? (if you want if of course)
whats your stance on gremlins? do you think gizmo should have just been killed as to prevent the world domination by gremlins?
what about llamas?!
Don't you love my daft punk sweater your wearing in that pic?
life is strife,
life is stabbings,
with a knife.
Life sings songs,
life moves on,
life is accepting,
that they're gone.
life is life.
who wrote that poem fels?