Tempe and roachie asked: what's your favorite vegitable? i already said! tie between bok coy and garlic, but im unsure if garlic is really a veggie. Its darn delicious though!
should people be more scared of dentists or vampires? well ive always been freaked by vampires. so i say vampires. maybe thats why i like garlic so much
what's your favorite type of cheese? HAVARTI! Havarti is deliscioso!
do you like old 80s tv shows? if so, which show is your favorite? oh man... i love so many 80s shows! I guess my fav would have to be magnum PI. he was so cool, had the best shirts, best car, and ooo what a ladies man
Mello asked: are you ever going to tell us the secret to head turning hair? when i meet bon jovi ill ask him to tell me and ill refer this info to you why you like that? like what!? if you could do one latin dance what would it be? Tango.
hehehehhe or hahahahah or lol or lamo hehehehhe!
what is your favourite lolcat?
why don't they call it round tine?! i dont know, the round, the cups round!
Tempe-tation asked: do twins get jealous of each other? i have nothing that mel would get jealous of me for. but mel is one smooth operator, so im jealous of her for that
how is the Cirque de Sole thing going? tempe, do you know the song " sad movies always make me cry" . Actually i got laid off after a month, but it was probably one of the coolest summer jobs ill ever have.
And now for the obscure soft drink question: shasta, fresca, or tab? ive never tried any of those! so ill say Yohoo. Chocolate milk from a can is basiclly the best idea ever. Yohoo is my favourite, ive havent had it since i was a kid. It always reminds me of the States, because it never was sold in Canada. I want one right now!
the Wolf-a-nator asked: how much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck was bored as fuck? oh man, enough to make a bazzillion toothpicks
Melinac asked: whats your favourite gadget that you have? as of yesterday , vinyl/cd player/radio! what gadget do you wish you had? The hitchhikers guide to the universe lonny toons or animaniacs? loony toons! silvester was my favourite. I rooted for him when he tried to eat tweety. whats your favourite smiliey? NINJA!
are you going to give back my identity anytime soon? dont count on it
whats with you and Narnia? i dunno. i was one of its rulers? I killed witches?
Wolf McWolfinstein asked: Do you agree? Narnia is rockin??? i do agree! one of my fav books as a kid. Second behind the "boxcar children" series
Electric-a asked: What would be your 3 top rules in a "Survivor's Guide To Knowing Fel"? 1. I dont pay much attention to things like spelling and grammar but that doesnt mean that im an idiot. 2. Im unsure of alot of things 3. Im not ashamed of the "lame" things that i love
What do you like most about yourself? that im still a little nieve
If we lived in a world made entirely of candy, what would you want your house to be like/made out of? jub-jubs... those things could withstand a nuclear meltdown
Jon Bon Baby asked: Then would you like picturrrreess??? YES! oh man... JBJ hosted Saturday night live last night. I almost fainted when i saw him pop out of amy phoelers poster... oh man i lub you JBJ
Tabby Cat asked: Fel, I love your name. I think Felicia is one of the most gorgeous names ever. Just had to say that. Let's see... really? i always thought it was kind of boring... Tabetha is one of the cutest names ever
what is your favorite color? purple. But i dont look good in purple... shampoo?I think Futisis its called? im not sure. Ganier i think... number?6. the number of people in my family word?megatron toy?when i was a kid, my susie snapshot doll. It had a camera, and every time you pressed the camera the doll would do a different pose. it was wicked door design?slidding
Queen of the wolves asked: What "lame" things do you like? so many things... i dont know... for one Jon Bon Jovi is supposedly lame. I dont believe this. I love the man. Also i do like alot of pop music... and i love dancing at shows. And i love dressing up at halloween. also other extremely more lame things than these that i just cant remember right now
Melimonster asked: If you could name a company... or fashion line... or something... what would you call it? i have no idea! Ghetto Pies incorperated
beads or chains? chains 'cause they're off the chain
what breed of dog do you equate yourself with? equate myself? ive always wanted a Great dame... but i think im more like Basset Hound
whats your favourite of dads old records? so far its the electric light orchestra one and the elvis ones
What are you being for halloween. and should i dress to match? if not what should I be? i have no idea what.... but we HAVE to dress up for that Grand:pm cd release thinger
Alice of Oz asked: Have you ever wished you were a boy? when i was little i had this werid view that boys got things a whole lot easier If only it made it easier to like Ninja turtles and stuff being a boy would be pretty cool. hehe when i grew up a little bit i found out why i would never want to be a boy
Or wondered what you'd be like if you were a boy? i was a girly tom boy... does that make sense? i was girly in that i loved to dressup at times and boy-y in that i loved dinosaurs and powerrangers.
What personality trait (on anyone) really annoys you? fakeness. even when you're naive you shouldnt be fake. Also being loudly fake, as i witnessed this morning... i guess people grow out of thier fakeness though... most people atleast
How did you get into OK Go? it was a chance sighting of AMW on a late indie show in canada. then mel won tickets to see them the next week... and i was hooked
Do you like the rain? i love it
Favorite kind of soup? the one my mom makes on rainny days
should people be more scared of dentists or vampires?
what's your favorite type of cheese?
do you like old 80s tv shows? if so, which show is your favorite?
why you like that?
if you could do one latin dance what would it be?
hehehehhe or hahahahah or lol or lamo
what is your favourite lolcat?
why don't they call it round tine?!
what's your favorite vegitable?
i already said! tie between bok coy and garlic, but im unsure if garlic is really a veggie. Its darn delicious though!
should people be more scared of dentists or vampires?
well ive always been freaked by vampires. so i say vampires. maybe thats why i like garlic so much
what's your favorite type of cheese?
HAVARTI! Havarti is deliscioso!
do you like old 80s tv shows? if so, which show is your favorite?
oh man... i love so many 80s shows! I guess my fav would have to be magnum PI. he was so cool, had the best shirts, best car, and ooo what a ladies man
Mello asked:
are you ever going to tell us the secret to head turning hair?
when i meet bon jovi ill ask him to tell me and ill refer this info to you
why you like that?
like what!?
if you could do one latin dance what would it be?
hehehehhe or hahahahah or lol or lamo
what is your favourite lolcat?
why don't they call it round tine?!
i dont know, the round, the cups round!
I am going to see Bon Jovi in concert. Are you jealous?
i am
how is the Cirque de Sole thing going?
And now for the obscure soft drink question: shasta, fresca, or tab?
if a wood chuck was bored as fuck?
what gadget do you wish you had?
lonny toons or animaniacs?
whats your favourite smiliey?
are you going to give back my identity anytime soon?
whats with you and Narnia?
Do you agree? Narnia is rockin???
What do you like most about yourself?
If we lived in a world made entirely of candy, what would you want your house to be like/made out of?
I am going to see Bon Jovi in concert. Are you jealous?
i am
Then would you like picturrrreess???
Let's see...
what is your favorite color?
door design?
do twins get jealous of each other?
i have nothing that mel would get jealous of me for. but mel is one smooth operator, so im jealous of her for that
how is the Cirque de Sole thing going?
tempe, do you know the song " sad movies always make me cry"
And now for the obscure soft drink question: shasta, fresca, or tab?
ive never tried any of those! so ill say Yohoo. Chocolate milk from a can is basiclly the best idea ever. Yohoo is my favourite, ive havent had it since i was a kid. It always reminds me of the States, because it never was sold in Canada. I want one right now!
the Wolf-a-nator asked:
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck,
if a wood chuck was bored as fuck?
oh man, enough to make a bazzillion toothpicks
Melinac asked:
whats your favourite gadget that you have?
as of yesterday , vinyl/cd player/radio!
what gadget do you wish you had?
The hitchhikers guide to the universe
lonny toons or animaniacs?
loony toons! silvester was my favourite. I rooted for him when he tried to eat tweety.
whats your favourite smiliey?
are you going to give back my identity anytime soon?
dont count on it
whats with you and Narnia?
i dunno. i was one of its rulers? I killed witches?
Wolf McWolfinstein asked:
Do you agree? Narnia is rockin???
i do agree! one of my fav books as a kid. Second behind the "boxcar children" series
Electric-a asked:
What would be your 3 top rules in a "Survivor's Guide To Knowing Fel"?
1. I dont pay much attention to things like spelling and grammar but that doesnt mean that im an idiot.
2. Im unsure of alot of things
3. Im not ashamed of the "lame" things that i love
What do you like most about yourself?
that im still a little nieve
If we lived in a world made entirely of candy, what would you want your house to be like/made out of?
jub-jubs... those things could withstand a nuclear meltdown
Jon Bon Baby asked:
Then would you like picturrrreess???
YES! oh man... JBJ hosted Saturday night live last night. I almost fainted when i saw him pop out of amy phoelers poster... oh man i lub you JBJ
Tabby Cat asked:
Fel, I love your name. I think Felicia is one of the most gorgeous names ever. Just had to say that.
Let's see...
really? i always thought it was kind of boring... Tabetha is one of the cutest names ever
what is your favorite color?
purple. But i dont look good in purple...
shampoo?I think Futisis its called? im not sure. Ganier i think...
number?6. the number of people in my family
toy?when i was a kid, my susie snapshot doll. It had a camera, and every time you pressed the camera the doll would do a different pose. it was wicked
door design?slidding
What "lame" things do you like?
so many things... i dont know... for one Jon Bon Jovi is supposedly lame. I dont believe this. I love the man. Also i do like alot of pop music... and i love dancing at shows. And i love dressing up at halloween. also other extremely more lame things than these that i just cant remember right now
beads or chains?
what breed of dog do you equate yourself with?
whats your favourite of dads old records?
What are you being for halloween. and should i dress to match? if not what should I be?
Or wondered what you'd be like if you were a boy?
What personality trait (on anyone) really annoys you?
How did you get into OK Go?
Do you like the rain?
Favorite kind of soup?
If you could name a company... or fashion line... or something... what would you call it?
i have no idea! Ghetto Pies incorperated
beads or chains?
chains 'cause they're off the chain
what breed of dog do you equate yourself with?
equate myself? ive always wanted a Great dame... but i think im more like Basset Hound
whats your favourite of dads old records?
so far its the electric light orchestra one and the elvis ones
What are you being for halloween. and should i dress to match? if not what should I be?
i have no idea what.... but we HAVE to dress up for that Grand:pm cd release thinger
Alice of Oz asked:
Have you ever wished you were a boy?
when i was little i had this werid view that boys got things a whole lot easier
Or wondered what you'd be like if you were a boy?
i was a girly tom boy... does that make sense? i was girly in that i loved to dressup at times and boy-y in that i loved dinosaurs and powerrangers.
What personality trait (on anyone) really annoys you?
fakeness. even when you're naive you shouldnt be fake. Also being loudly fake, as i witnessed this morning... i guess people grow out of thier fakeness though... most people atleast
How did you get into OK Go?
it was a chance sighting of AMW on a late indie show in canada. then mel won tickets to see them the next week... and i was hooked
Do you like the rain?
i love it
Favorite kind of soup?
the one my mom makes on rainny days
How did those two weeks fly like that?
Where was your best vacation ever?
What do you think would be the best vacation ever?
Coke or Pepsi?
What do you want for your next birthday?
Can I take a nap?