Tempe-tation island asked: Oh Rama Yamah Guru Felster, why does Friday come so slow and go so fast? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind. Can I have your autograph? oook, but youll have to join my offical fanclub first!
Do you have a magic carpet and if so where can I aquire one? i wish i did. but i dont http://www.themagiccarpet.biz , you can find anything online
Ando asked how do you feel about your sisters freckle fetish? a fickle freckle fetish? sounds finicky...
"Can i have some money" Mels asked how do you feel about Pinkys* new pink hair?
pink hair is zesty... alot of the ladies who come to see dirty dancing dye their hair pink. I dont understand how they have the time, but it still looks zesty!
Why is snow more magical than rain? Why are helium balloons more fun than normal balloons? How come some people can lick their elbow while others can't? Do you like earmuffs?
Uh, I realized I never asked anything... I'M SO SORRY
So, why is it that bear cubs are so cute? (there actually is a logical reason, but I want to hear yours! ) What is your opinion on people who look at their watches and instantly forget the time? (it's like a vicious circle of watch-watching) Do you like mashed potatoes?
Why is snow more magical than rain? so that you can forget that you are freezing your butt off Why are helium balloons more fun than normal balloons? ooo, i dont know, but i love helium balloons. They take me back to my childhood How come some people can lick their elbow while others can't? ali, soon you will learn that somepeople have intense genetic gifts. This licking of the eyebrows is just one feature that soon nature will select is necessary for all! Do you like earmuffs? Ive never really had a good pair of earmuffs. Im more of a hood type of gall. but earmuffs are cute, so ill say yes.
the mayo-master and comander of the universe asked:
So, why is it that bear cubs are so cute? (there actually is a logical reason, but I want to hear yours! ) so that cubs can lead humans to thier dens, and then the mamma bears can make human-wiches (which is sandwiches made out of humans) What is your opinion on people who look at their watches and instantly forget the time? (it's like a vicious circle of watch-watching) im one of those people! i think it just happens when you REALLY want time to pass. so your like, is it time YEt?!!! Do you like mashed potatoes? mmmmm who doesnt? Its like baby food, but for adults!
SWEEET! ness asked: how does it feel to defy logic and time/space and keep your appreciation thingy this long? [/quote] kinda weird... but i do still luv it
adjective forming suffix asked: oww! Can't believe I didn't see this before! I live for asking questions!!
do you have an 8 track machine? no... but i do have an 8 track cartridge... its like stepping back in time
have you ever been to the top of the empire state bldg? yes when i was lil... all i remember was that the elevator was covered in red velvet
college rule or wide? it rullllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss... kinda
Olde English or St. Ides? olde english ... but i dont really understand the question. I just know that words with extra "e"s have a lil raditude
Olde English or St. Ides? olde english ... but i dont really understand the question. I just know that words with extra "e"s have a lil raditude
Here yae goe Felstere:
Olde English:
St. Ides
Now, Ye shall goe out and trye eache of these malt liquors and decide which one ye doth prefereth-e
ahh yes, and please forget not to poureth out a little for ye homies:
"pour one for my homies"
the act of pouring liquid (usually an alcoholic beverage) on the ground as a sign of reverence for friends or relatives that have passed away. in most cases, a 40 ounce bottle of liquor is used.
"yo man, i just heard mista rogaz died dogg. i'm-a pour one for my homies."
^^ my homies and me be drinking butter beer forties.
I googled butterbeer cuz I never heard of it
found a recipe
from "Madam Rosmerta's Magical Recipes"
* 1 cup (8 oz) club soda or cream soda * ½ cup (4 oz) butterscotch syrup (ice cream topping) * ½ tablespoon butter
Step 1: Measure butterscotch and butter into a 2 cup (16 oz) glass. Microwave on high for 1 to 1½ minutes, or until syrup is bubbly and butter is completely incorporated.
Step 2: Stir and cool for 30 seconds, then slowly mix in club soda. Mixture will fizz quite a bit.
Step 3: Serve in two coffee mugs or small glasses; a perfectly warm Hogwarts treat for two!
you guys should get some 40 OZ bottles and bottle it up
Fel, how did I get sick? Did I catch some sort of flu-y thing flu from my dean? hehehe im such a fan girl... when u said "flu from my dean" i could just only picture you cathing a flu from MY Dean
ooo and i to bull-dogg-in-it:
i dont really, urm, drink [yeah im lame(in a cool way!)] but ill stick to my olde english answer. and next time i get a dr.pepper ill try to remember to pour one for my homies!
spicy taquito asked: What's the best ever name of a movie you've heard/seen? I was reading this book at work that has a list of every movie made ever. Looking at the gangster section i saw a movie called "A Gentle Gangster" (1943)
Are you the Mole? shhhh youll blow my cover!
Cake, brownies, cookies, or pie? CAKE . the band and dessert
are you ready to lose your forums soon?
mr Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore will be taking it away from ya soon..
Can I have your autograph?
Do you have a magic carpet and if so where can I aquire one?
Oh Rama Yamah Guru Felster, why does Friday come so slow and go so fast?
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind,
the answer is blowing in the wind.
Can I have your autograph?
oook, but youll have to join my offical fanclub first!
Do you have a magic carpet and if so where can I aquire one?
i wish i did. but i dont
http://www.themagiccarpet.biz , you can find anything online
*Pinky refers to the crazyone
how do you feel about your sisters freckle fetish?
a fickle freckle fetish? sounds finicky...
"Can i have some money" Mels asked
how do you feel about Pinkys* new pink hair?
pink hair is zesty... alot of the ladies who come to see dirty dancing dye their hair pink. I dont understand how they have the time, but it still looks zesty!
*Pinky refers to the crazyone
I haven't asked anything in a while, so:
Why is snow more magical than rain?
Why are helium balloons more fun than normal balloons?
How come some people can lick their elbow while others can't?
Do you like earmuffs?
So, why is it that bear cubs are so cute? (there actually is a logical reason, but I want to hear yours!
What is your opinion on people who look at their watches and instantly forget the time? (it's like a vicious circle of watch-watching)
Do you like mashed potatoes?
Why is snow more magical than rain?
so that you can forget that you are freezing your butt off
Why are helium balloons more fun than normal balloons?
ooo, i dont know, but i love helium balloons. They take me back to my childhood
How come some people can lick their elbow while others can't?
ali, soon you will learn that somepeople have intense genetic gifts. This licking of the eyebrows is just one feature that soon nature will select is necessary for all!
Do you like earmuffs?
Ive never really had a good pair of earmuffs. Im more of a hood type of gall. but earmuffs are cute, so ill say yes.
the mayo-master and comander of the universe asked:
So, why is it that bear cubs are so cute? (there actually is a logical reason, but I want to hear yours!
so that cubs can lead humans to thier dens, and then the mamma bears can make human-wiches (which is sandwiches made out of humans)
What is your opinion on people who look at their watches and instantly forget the time? (it's like a vicious circle of watch-watching)
im one of those people! i think it just happens when you REALLY want time to pass. so your like, is it time YEt?!!!
Do you like mashed potatoes?
mmmmm who doesnt? Its like baby food, but for adults!
how does it feel to defy logic and time/space and keep your appreciation thingy this long?
do you have an 8 track machine?
have you ever been to the top of the empire state bldg?
college rule or wide?
Olde English or St. Ides?
hmmm? huhh? Hmmm?
how does it feel to defy logic and time/space and keep your appreciation thingy this long?
kinda weird... but i do still luv it
adjective forming suffix asked:
oww! Can't believe I didn't see this before! I live for asking questions!!
do you have an 8 track machine?
no... but i do have an 8 track cartridge... its like stepping back in time
have you ever been to the top of the empire state bldg?
yes when i was lil... all i remember was that the elevator was covered in red velvet
college rule or wide?
it rullllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss... kinda
Olde English or St. Ides?
olde english ... but i dont really understand the question. I just know that words with extra "e"s have a lil raditude
hmmm? huhh? Hmmm?
huhh with a side of hmmm
olde english ... but i dont really understand the question. I just know that words with extra "e"s have a lil raditude
Here yae goe Felstere:
Olde English:
St. Ides
Now, Ye shall goe out and trye eache of these malt liquors and decide which one ye doth prefereth-e
ahh yes, and please forget not to poureth out a little for ye homies:
"pour one for my homies"
the act of pouring liquid (usually an alcoholic beverage) on the ground as a sign of reverence for friends or relatives that have passed away. in most cases, a 40 ounce bottle of liquor is used.
"yo man, i just heard mista rogaz died dogg. i'm-a pour one for my homies."
Fel, how did I get sick? Did I catch some sort of flu-y thing flu from my dean?
I googled butterbeer cuz I never heard of it
found a recipe
from "Madam Rosmerta's Magical Recipes"
* 1 cup (8 oz) club soda or cream soda
* ½ cup (4 oz) butterscotch syrup (ice cream topping)
* ½ tablespoon butter
Step 1: Measure butterscotch and butter into a 2 cup (16 oz) glass. Microwave on high for 1 to 1½ minutes, or until syrup is bubbly and butter is completely incorporated.
Step 2: Stir and cool for 30 seconds, then slowly mix in club soda. Mixture will fizz quite a bit.
Step 3: Serve in two coffee mugs or small glasses; a perfectly warm Hogwarts treat for two!
you guys should get some 40 OZ bottles and bottle it up
Fel, how did I get sick? Did I catch some sort of flu-y thing flu from my dean?
hehehe im such a fan girl... when u said "flu from my dean" i could just only picture you cathing a flu from MY Dean
ooo and i to bull-dogg-in-it:
i dont really, urm, drink [yeah im lame(in a cool way!)] but ill stick to my olde english answer. and next time i get a dr.pepper ill try to remember to pour one for my homies!
Are you the Mole?
Cake, brownies, cookies, or pie?
What's the best ever name of a movie you've heard/seen?
I was reading this book at work that has a list of every movie made ever. Looking at the gangster section i saw a movie called "A Gentle Gangster" (1943)
Are you the Mole?
shhhh youll blow my cover!
Cake, brownies, cookies, or pie?
CAKE . the band and dessert