Highroad says OK Go is playing Spring Fling at UPenn (UPenn's site doesn't say anything about it, but). Philadelphia. 20 minutes from home.
::dialing friend who goes to UPenn:: Hi, Courtney? OK Go is playing your school. Can you get me tickets? Thanks!
ZOMG. And I can tell Andy and Dan about how great England and The Hoosiers are!
This day just went from crap to awesome in 30 seconds flat.
And thus persuade them to come back to London, yes? That's what you mean, right?
HAHAHAHA, YES. And I'll be wearing my Mayo Original, so I'll tell them to go play Hamburg while they're over there.
(Although really, what I want most of all is for OK Go to tour WITH The Hoosiers)
I jokingly said to my mom "There's an OK Go show in Philly on 11th April, that's during the easter holidays... do you reckon, if I could stay with Rachel, I could go for a few days?"
And instead of the expected "Ha, fuck no", she said "Well you'd have to look into flights..."
Rachel, are we thinking this is insane/at all possible?
You, Miss Rachel, are an enabler.
And we ALL LOVE you for it.
Oh my god. I can't believe that this might actually happen...
Trying not to get too over excited now, because my dad's gonna freak when he hears this plan...
And we ALL LOVE you for it.
I love you guys too. I wouldn't do this if I didn't like you. Besides, I love having visitors.
BUT LET THE RECORD SHOW THAT THIS WAS NOT MY IDEA!!!!!! I'm just not going to say no if my little sister wants to visit me.
I don't have classes on Fridays.
'Course, I'm already missing tonnes of weekends at my school for other shows, and Tally Hall is the day before, buuuuut...
If Alie's going, too, I might just have to take a trip, HAHA.
Ahhh Katy you're too spectacular for words.
My parents say yes. I can go.
I jut have to sort out flights, and I've found some that work fine.
My parents say yes. I can go.
I jut have to sort out flights, and I've found some that work fine.
Holy Shit, really?????????
*points at Rachel* ENABLER!!!
Alice, that's so awesome that you can come to the states for this! And so very awesome of your mom for letting you.
How freaking devoted are OK Go fans? Seriously.
This is a little crazy, but it really looks like it's going to happen.
Oh, I might cry.
I'm gonna be a DJRose camper!
Katie are you serious??
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Rach, you're going to wear that shirt???? That is so so amazing, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, this makes my day, my week, my month
(I'm crazy, I just checked flights... haha, I need some money... )