We'll definitely say hi to Bliss for you (want us to call him Bliss? LOL!) and Tempe, hopefully we'll manage more than a wave, hehe
Since I already let the cat outta the bag on that one, by all means go ahead. Though he should be called by the full title, bliss in silver pants, even if he's wearing his brown pants.
EDIT: Crap, I didn't realise that Rachel was signed in! This is Alice I'm such an idiot....
Thanks guys!!
We'll definitely say hi to Bliss for you (want us to call him Bliss? LOL!) and Tempe, hopefully we'll manage more than a wave, hehe
LOL!!! It's so strange to see Alice typing as Rachel, I think my head might 'splode. You two really are sisters. Ah, yes, I'm sure they'll have amazing stories to tell. I couldn't stop squeeing over Alice's accent. I hope I didn't sound like a boring weirdo. I was driving, so I couldn't hear my phone perfectly over the car AC blowing. But I appreciate the call and hearing the excitment in you and Rachel's voices!
Hi everyone, bad news. We didn't get to talk to the boys AT ALL. By the time we found the bus they had long gone off partying with friends. Alice did however get an all access pass (after the concert was over) from their tour manager who felt bad for her having flown all the way from England. So she's got that as a souvenir. But no good stories, sorry.
Ahh well, Amy and I at least have Fairfax to look forward to, I feel terrible for Allie.
Hi everyone, bad news. We didn't get to talk to the boys AT ALL. By the time we found the bus they had long gone off partying with friends. Alice did however get an all access pass (after the concert was over) from their tour manager who felt bad for her having flown all the way from England. So she's got that as a souvenir. But no good stories, sorry.
Ahh well, Amy and I at least have Fairfax to look forward to, I feel terrible for Allie.
Oh Rachel and Alice, that sucks. Katie, Angie and I have Grand Rapids in a little under two weeks, we'll see what we can do. Right girls?
How was their set? I hope they at least rocked the house!
Added: Hey, you can try again tonight if you don't have plans. They're gonna be at UVA's Springfest. Granted it's about 4 hours away from where you are now and I don't know if it's general admission. But it's worth a shot to try and brighten your day.
Added: Hey, you can try again tonight if you don't have plans. They're gonna be at UVA's Springfest. Granted it's about 4 hours away from where you are now and I don't know if it's general admission. But it's worth a shot to try and brighten your day.
Yeah, it's up for consideration already. ;-)
So Yes, the concert was AMAZING!!!! Alie and I jumped around and generally made fools of ourselves. We elicited MANY stares from the college students who were generally shouting things like "Where are the treadmills?" and "Play something I know!" and then there was the chant for "Here We Go". Alice says she wanted to punch them. But all is well. We got to hear mostly stuff off Oh No. They opened with Television Television, and Damian told a story after a few songs about how Trish went to UPenn and he'd go visit her when he was 15 or so. Then he'd go back to school and say to his friends "OH MY G-D, There were like 175 Kegs!" His wide eyed high pitched voice impression of himself had Alie and I both dying. That and the whisper of "This is the second verse" in OLISQ, which we both thrill over. Another great moment was when Damian did the vote for the cover song bit where he talked a bit about the upcoming primary, saying it would be like a trial primary (the PA primary is in a week and a half or so) and after Violent Femmes won the vote, and he said re: the primary "I'm not going to tell you who to vote for because the answer's pretty fucking obvious if you ask me". Later on he said he felt bad for the people who lost the vote, and then he said he kept voting for the Good Guys and he keeps losing as a result, but this time he was happy because there is a chance they might win!
You might be interested to know that Andy has sideburns that might put Sam Swallow's to shame. Actually, now that I'm looking at the photo, I can say that they unequivocally DO put Sam's sideburns to shame. They're way fluffier. And Tim was wearing his stripey jacket, and from what I could tell was NOT wearing a tie (or even an ascot). Damian's still rocking the short hair and black suit/white shirt, and Dan's in a vest (as per usual).
and then there was the chant for "Here We Go". Alice says she wanted to punch them.
I probably would have done the same thing.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Apr 12 2008, 08:32 AM)
That and the whisper of "This is the second verse" in OLISQ, which we both thrill over.
Ah yes, that makes me weak in the knees, too.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Apr 12 2008, 08:32 AM)
You might be interested to know that Andy has sideburns that might put Sam Swallow's to shame. Actually, now that I'm looking at the photo, I can say that they unequivocally DO put Sam's sideburns to shame. They're way fluffier.
Wonder if he'll still have them when we see him in Grand Rapids. Maybe I'll ask if I can pet them. On second thought, no, too creepy.
Hi everyone, bad news. We didn't get to talk to the boys AT ALL. By the time we found the bus they had long gone off partying with friends. Alice did however get an all access pass (after the concert was over) from their tour manager who felt bad for her having flown all the way from England. So she's got that as a souvenir. But no good stories, sorry.
Ahh well, Amy and I at least have Fairfax to look forward to, I feel terrible for Allie.
That sucks! Especially for Alice. But at least you guys have a second chance! I'm sending lots of good luck vibes!!
And I REALLY want to see Andy's sideburns if they put Sam's to shame.
ah, thank god, you're going to see them again, I'd feel so sorry for Alice. YAY, YOU'RE SEEING THEM AGAIN!! (so basically you're their British stalker now, congrats! )
"Yo, BLISS, I wanna stroke your sideburns!" might be the best thing I've heard today, and I bet if you shout that when they're about to leave they'll talk to you... haha
Again and again, HAVE FUN! And after that I think we're all waiting for photos here...
And Alice I'm glad to hear you made it to the states safely and soundly. Though I don't envy your body clock being all outta whack.
Oh, oh, say hi to bliss for me? Pwease?
Thanks guys!!
We'll definitely say hi to Bliss for you (want us to call him Bliss? LOL!) and Tempe, hopefully we'll manage more than a wave, hehe
Aaah, tonight!!!
Since I already let the cat outta the bag on that one, by all means go ahead. Though he should be called by the full title, bliss in silver pants, even if he's wearing his brown pants.
And emphatic yes to Tim love.
And 'cause I can't say it enough, have FUN!!!!
they'll have great stories to tell. i'm sure of it.
Thanks guys!!
We'll definitely say hi to Bliss for you (want us to call him Bliss? LOL!) and Tempe, hopefully we'll manage more than a wave, hehe
LOL!!! It's so strange to see Alice typing as Rachel, I think my head might 'splode. You two really are sisters.
Ah, yes, I'm sure they'll have amazing stories to tell. I couldn't stop squeeing over Alice's accent. I hope I didn't sound like a boring weirdo. I was driving, so I couldn't hear my phone perfectly over the car AC blowing. But I appreciate the call and hearing the excitment in you and Rachel's voices!
Ahh well, Amy and I at least have Fairfax to look forward to, I feel terrible for Allie.
Ahh well, Amy and I at least have Fairfax to look forward to, I feel terrible for Allie.
Oh Rachel and Alice, that sucks.
How was their set? I hope they at least rocked the house!
Hey, you can try again tonight if you don't have plans. They're gonna be at UVA's Springfest. Granted it's about 4 hours away from where you are now and I don't know if it's general admission. But it's worth a shot to try and brighten your day.
Hey, you can try again tonight if you don't have plans. They're gonna be at UVA's Springfest. Granted it's about 4 hours away from where you are now and I don't know if it's general admission. But it's worth a shot to try and brighten your day.
Yeah, it's up for consideration already. ;-)
So Yes, the concert was AMAZING!!!! Alie and I jumped around and generally made fools of ourselves. We elicited MANY stares from the college students who were generally shouting things like "Where are the treadmills?" and "Play something I know!" and then there was the chant for "Here We Go". Alice says she wanted to punch them. But all is well. We got to hear mostly stuff off Oh No. They opened with Television Television, and Damian told a story after a few songs about how Trish went to UPenn and he'd go visit her when he was 15 or so. Then he'd go back to school and say to his friends "OH MY G-D, There were like 175 Kegs!" His wide eyed high pitched voice impression of himself had Alie and I both dying. That and the whisper of "This is the second verse" in OLISQ, which we both thrill over. Another great moment was when Damian did the vote for the cover song bit where he talked a bit about the upcoming primary, saying it would be like a trial primary (the PA primary is in a week and a half or so) and after Violent Femmes won the vote, and he said re: the primary "I'm not going to tell you who to vote for because the answer's pretty fucking obvious if you ask me". Later on he said he felt bad for the people who lost the vote, and then he said he kept voting for the Good Guys and he keeps losing as a result, but this time he was happy because there is a chance they might win!
You might be interested to know that Andy has sideburns that might put Sam Swallow's to shame. Actually, now that I'm looking at the photo, I can say that they unequivocally DO put Sam's sideburns to shame. They're way fluffier. And Tim was wearing his stripey jacket, and from what I could tell was NOT wearing a tie (or even an ascot). Damian's still rocking the short hair and black suit/white shirt, and Dan's in a vest (as per usual).
DO IT!!!!
I probably would have done the same thing.
Ah yes, that makes me weak in the knees, too.
Wonder if he'll still have them when we see him in Grand Rapids. Maybe I'll ask if I can pet them. On second thought, no, too creepy.
Wonder if he'll still have them when we see him in Grand Rapids. Maybe I'll ask if I can pet them. On second thought, no, too creepy.
OH MY GOD that would be hilarious - "Yo, Bliss, I wanna stroke your sideburns!"
Looks like we're doing this, guys.
We're insane.
Alice sees OK Go in the US, take two
Ahh well, Amy and I at least have Fairfax to look forward to, I feel terrible for Allie.
That sucks! Especially for Alice. But at least you guys have a second chance! I'm sending lots of good luck vibes!!
And I REALLY want to see Andy's sideburns if they put Sam's to shame.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. I'd die. Literally.
We're insane.
Alice sees OK Go in the US, take two
YAY!!! Good luck and have more fun!
Looks like we're doing this, guys.
We're insane.
Alice sees OK Go in the US, take two
YES YES YESSSS!!!! I was so sad when I read Rachel's post this morning
Have fun, girls:)
"Yo, BLISS, I wanna stroke your sideburns!" might be the best thing I've heard today, and I bet if you shout that when they're about to leave they'll talk to you... haha
Again and again, HAVE FUN! And after that I think we're all waiting for photos here...