ooo, you both look so lovely! And, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw those photos was, "Wow! They really do look like sisters!" It's an Oprah story-the world's most beautiful redheads find each other! I looove Tim's shirt there! All the photos are adorable! Thx for sharing!
Just thought I'd mention this, because I've been squealing about it for a while now, and I keep zooming in on the picture on my camera.... Look at Damian's hand on my arm. SKIN-ON-SKIN CONTACT, PEOPLE!!!! He just couldn't resist, huh?
And Dan hand to. Never wash your shoulder again
GORGEOUS pictures!!! The sunlight was beautiful too. You girls really do look like sisters. And the guys looks so happy to see you. It's like karmically they're saying, "We're glad we got the chance to see you lovely girls afterall." I think the guys should go with the regular clothes for awhile. Andy looks adorable, sideburns and all.
edit: Forgot to mention, Alice, now that you've seen the short Kulashi locks of hair in person, what do you make of the hair style?
edit #2: I just love your pics! I was staring at the one of you girls with Andy and I'm like, "Ah, who's that cute guy in the background?" Then I realize it was Damian *slaps forhead*
Those pictures are wonderful and you two are gorgeous! I'm so happy that you got a second chance to talk to the guys! And you two have been photographed by both Dan AND Damian. That's pretty amazing. Even I can't say that.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Apr 13 2008, 07:58 AM)
When do you come home, Kalinda? Alice is here through Tuesday, and we'll call you if you're in the States!
I'm coming back next week. I guess I'll just have to wait until August to hear the accent!
QUOTE (beckysioux @ Apr 13 2008, 09:12 AM)
And suddenly I'm hit with Irving Berlin's Sisters, Sisters song. Though I can't put my finger on why. ;P
My sister and I sing that all the time! It's one of our many theme songs.
I'm starting to think you had the best OK Go experience that ever happened.
The boys look SO asdofinasoidfnasidfnGREAT!!
And, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw those photos was, "Wow! They really do look like sisters!" It's an Oprah story-the world's most beautiful redheads find each other!
I looove Tim's shirt there! All the photos are adorable! Thx for sharing!
Look at Damian's hand on my arm.
He just couldn't resist, huh?
And Dan hand to. Never wash your shoulder again
GORGEOUS pictures!!! The sunlight was beautiful too. You girls really do look like sisters. And the guys looks so happy to see you. It's like karmically they're saying, "We're glad we got the chance to see you lovely girls afterall." I think the guys should go with the regular clothes for awhile. Andy looks adorable, sideburns and all.
edit: Forgot to mention, Alice, now that you've seen the short Kulashi locks of hair in person, what do you make of the hair style?
edit #2: I just love your pics! I was staring at the one of you girls with Andy and I'm like, "Ah, who's that cute guy in the background?" Then I realize it was Damian *slaps forhead*
I've been really absent on the OK Go front lately, but this made me so happy. Everyone looks so great!
I forgive him.
I mean, I still miss the long hair but.... he smirked at me. It's as if he knew it was my weakness. So all is forgiven.
I'm coming back next week. I guess I'll just have to wait until August to hear the accent!
My sister and I sing that all the time! It's one of our many theme songs.
9 days.
EDIT: Durrrrr wrong thread.
Rachel and you are sisters...right?
I'm glad you had fun in America, Alice!
and that you two got a second chance to see them
nice pics, too
Love the pictures. You two do look alike, so weird. A coincidence...I think not. You guys look sooo nice and the boys look adorable.
I am soooo jealous, for soooo many reasons. But I'm glad you guys had a great time!!!!
O and ya I haven't been on in awhile. Damnit, I missed out on all the phone calls/boardie love