I've let myself get so far behind on this thread! Note to self, do not do this again. Okay, moving along now.
I still haven't even made my video. I can't decide what to use for a background. I no longer have access to blue walls, and I can't find a good sheet to hang. Nor can I decide what to actually DO in the video. But I'm sure I'll think of something. Or I won't think of something and I'll just sort of make a fool of myself on camera for a few minutes.
Anybody who still hasn't filmed or is having problems, don't worry, there's still plenty of time. A couple of weeks at least. So. Keep calm and remain awesome. Though it looks like everybody's questions regarding sending the vids has been answered...Right? Did I miss any? Are people still having problems? If anyone's vid is too big for sendspace or yousendit or the like, try what Jolean suggested and split it into multiple pieces, then send them all to me.
So far I have received videos from:
autumnraina (Raina)
laydeejol (Jolean)
squashedbanana (Jade)
Plus I've got all the links to youtube posted earlier in the thread. If people who made those vids want to send the files directly to me, though, go ahead. It's up to you, my dears.
And sorry, not posting it to youtube, that would require too much of my internet :/
* okay, maybe later i'll post some of my video that I kinda worked some of Jade's idea. Just so you won't think I'm an asshole (even though I totally am)
Sooo. I juz wanted to make one desperate attempt to get as many ppl aboard this project as possible, seeing as we're nearing our deadline o.O really really really shd get as many entries as possible, at least juz so we can spread the OK Go love, and so that OK Go doesn't end up seeing the same fans over and over again (although I totally don't mind more airtime, u know, I like to think they're watching each one of us intently ;) ) and feel like they really dun hv all that many fans :P
Krista - how many entries do we have now? and how many ppl intend to make their final submissions in the next coupla days? x
Perfect! Thanks Becky :)
(Krista I should have it sent in the next 15 mins so do let me know if you haven't got the link to my file, thanks!) x
HOLD UP. how come all those new creations *ahem* laetizia and japancheese haven't been shared with the rest of us, hmm? ;) x
I've let myself get so far behind on this thread! Note to self, do not do this again. Okay, moving along now.
I still haven't even made my video. I can't decide what to use for a background. I no longer have access to blue walls, and I can't find a good sheet to hang. Nor can I decide what to actually DO in the video. But I'm sure I'll think of something. Or I won't think of something and I'll just sort of make a fool of myself on camera for a few minutes.
Anybody who still hasn't filmed or is having problems, don't worry, there's still plenty of time. A couple of weeks at least. So. Keep calm and remain awesome. Though it looks like everybody's questions regarding sending the vids has been answered...Right? Did I miss any? Are people still having problems? If anyone's vid is too big for sendspace or yousendit or the like, try what Jolean suggested and split it into multiple pieces, then send them all to me.
So far I have received videos from:
autumnraina (Raina)
laydeejol (Jolean)
squashedbanana (Jade)
Plus I've got all the links to youtube posted earlier in the thread. If people who made those vids want to send the files directly to me, though, go ahead. It's up to you, my dears.
And here's my email again for the sake of ease - okkristago@gmail.com
If you're having trouble thinking of things/deciding what to do then here's some ideas (based from the Don't Ask Me video):
~Standing still and occasionally bopping to the beat
~Singing into a microphone (or any similar shaped object)
~Playing an instrument (or strumming a tennis racket etc.
~Going mental
~Randomly popping up from the sides of the camera
Hope it helps or inspires more ideas for what you could do.I WISH I HAD A GUITAR HERO GUITAR
that would be awesome.
okay. I have made the video with just me dancing so it's awkward. I might try Jade's ideas this week!
haha i tried to record it the other day but it looked really bad so im going to refilm it .
So Krista already has mine, but for those who want to see it otherwise -
(It's a secondary youtube account, so I didn't worry about the title. xD)
I'm sendind you mine noow Krista.
And sorry, not posting it to youtube, that would require too much of my internet :/
* okay, maybe later i'll post some of my video that I kinda worked some of Jade's idea. Just so you won't think I'm an asshole (even though I totally am)
Sooo. I juz wanted to make one desperate attempt to get as many ppl aboard this project as possible, seeing as we're nearing our deadline o.O really really really shd get as many entries as possible, at least juz so we can spread the OK Go love, and so that OK Go doesn't end up seeing the same fans over and over again (although I totally don't mind more airtime, u know, I like to think they're watching each one of us intently ;) ) and feel like they really dun hv all that many fans :P
Krista - how many entries do we have now? and how many ppl intend to make their final submissions in the next coupla days? x
Hm, I'm late to jump on this but I'll try and see if I can pull something together tomorrow!
I'll play the part of doing random things while bopping to music.
you look lovely, Reina!
and may I add, the bit with the dogs was just TOO CUTE
haha thankyou! i didn't have any blue sheet to hang behind me but i found my dog puppets :D
Agreed - reina u were absolutely ADORBS (: and there's no bad dancing to speak of, iunno what ure on abt :9
Plus i totally loved your cuddly entourage at the back lol x