Thanks Snack_Cakes...I'm waiting too...I could be wrong, but I'm hoping something more will come of that project. It was to cool to be too small.
And feel good in taking credit for the fact that you recorded those bright turned your normality into art for the rest of us to enjoy...and we did!
I've gotten used to the distance to the City. And considering everything else, it's worth having the buffer from the hustle (and I'm not referring to the 70's disco dance). Last time I came back from Big Box City (a week ago today) I ran into an incredibly unusual snowfall while crossing the pass at 1200 ft. (see for the moment...I kid you not...TTSP was really playing at that special moment! Proof to me that not only does OK Go control the weather (throwing confetti like snowflakes), but they also took control of my car's wiper blades! (proud moment...Ok Go "Liked" my video!)
Biggest problem for me: if I want to see OK Go I'd have to travel, then take my chances at getting a ticket or wristband. So I'm thinking, maybe I can entice them to come up here to Mendo-world? As Hollywood has discovered, we lean toward the picturesque side here (we double for the New England coastline with much better weather). And we're like SO totally pet friendly too (my most favorite-est part).
Loving being a part of this boardie movement. I'm not so much obsessed with OK Go as I'm impressed. And inspired. And influenced. And motivated. Thanks guys. And thanks boardies. I'm feeling right at home here. I promise I'll stop posting so much once I get over my excitement at having found you all!
Thank you for the compliment! I can't take credit for the bright colors, they just happened to be there.
I thought your photos of wintery Boston were beautiful, particularly with the sunset. And your "peace" geo-drawing does stand out, but in a good way! You put a lot of (leg)work into creating it and it turned out amazing! It seriously puts my simple "HI" to shame.
I also love the others that you made. Shooting the Moon was a fantastic theme. Very well done!
I'm not quite sure how to partially quote, so this is an experiment!
Snack_Cakes, thank you very much for your comments on my photo sets. I should really have posted links here, and will do soon. But listen, I thought your "HI" was elegant and just right!
The "peace" route was more complex than it needed to be, and it did take a lot of legwork. When I planned the route, I really had no idea quite *how* much legwork. I'm glad I did it, for sure... there were a lot of great moments along the way, and I learned so much about the neighborhood. But I ended up walking the route 3 1/2 times total. And the 1/2 time was pretty funny... OK, looking back it was funny. I think you'll appreciate this, though, as you had the app crash on you twice. In our case, the app didn't crash per se, but we lost connection with the satelite, and the program went hunting around to find us. Watch it bumble about here. HAH!
Last time I came back from Big Box City (a week ago today) I ran into an incredibly unusual snowfall while crossing the pass at 1200 ft. (see for the moment...I kid you not...TTSP was really playing at that special moment! Proof to me that not only does OK Go control the weather (throwing confetti like snowflakes), but they also took control of my car's wiper blades! (proud moment...Ok Go "Liked" my video!)
That was your video?!! I loved that video! What a perfect moment.
And do please keep posting, your enthusiasm is wonderful.
Yup...that was mine. Twas my second yootoobs video. I finally bought a new little camera in November. It was sitting right there next to me on the seat. How could I resist the forces of nature? It was really just a snapshot moment...recording the results of a complex series of coincidences...the cold part of that storm just happened to dump snow on that 1,200 foot pass, right as I was driving through it, right as "This Too Shall Pass" (my most-favoritest-three-anthems-in-one for all current and future potential crises) was on the playback (I start OTBCOTS as soon as I hit the Mendocino County line). I thought I'd share the clip with a few Facebook friends and my fellow OK Go friends. I never thought it would get a hundred hits, let alone the 1,500 it's pushing now. And the comments have been (for the most part) really Extra Nice! They made me feel like a wonderfully random moment for me became a Kodak moment for others! The cherry on the sundae was when OK Go "liked" it. That made me smile on the inside.
I also posted a video response to the WTF? challenge, but I was a little late to the game. I mashed WTF? + End Love...tweaked the chroma and adjusted the playback of End Love in the background so some cool juxta's just happened. It wasn't as simple as it might look, but it was much fun. If you haven't seen it, I hope you all like it! see
Yup...that was mine. Twas my second yootoobs video. I finally bought a new little camera in November. It was sitting right there next to me on the seat. How could I resist the forces of nature? It was really just a snapshot moment...recording the results of a complex series of coincidences...the cold part of that storm just happened to dump snow on that 1,200 foot pass, right as I was driving through it, right as "This Too Shall Pass" (my most-favoritest-three-anthems-in-one for all current and future potential crises) was on the playback (I start OTBCOTS as soon as I hit the Mendocino County line). I thought I'd share the clip with a few Facebook friends and my fellow OK Go friends. I never thought it would get a hundred hits, let alone the 1,500 it's pushing now. And the comments have been (for the most part) really Extra Nice! They made me feel like a wonderfully random moment for me became a Kodak moment for others! The cherry on the sundae was when OK Go "liked" it. That made me smile on the inside.
I also posted a video response to the WTF? challenge, but I was a little late to the game. I mashed WTF? + End Love...tweaked the chroma and adjusted the playback of End Love in the background so some cool juxta's just happened. It wasn't as simple as it might look, but it was much fun. If you haven't seen it, I hope you all like it! see
Constructive feedback is ever-so-welcomed!
I love it! I was kind of shocked and amazed around the 2:40 mark, that was just creepy how the dancing and arms worked I smell a conspiracy here?
I love it! I was kind of shocked and amazed around the 2:40 mark, that was just creepy how the dancing and arms worked out….do I smell a conspiracy here?
Thanks!!! No consipiracy…that was just me tweaking the playback speed of the background layer. I had to do some time adjustments to make the flying sequence match up while still getting the bit where they start each other spinning at the end. I had fun, and I'd do it again in a minute!
My Downtown Flower is there. Rachel’s treble clef is there. PemiBlue’s “Peace on Earth” and half moon are there. There’s also a star and Aleatory skipping.
And it’s set to “Shooting The Moon”.
I only wish some of our photos had made it into the vid. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers and I should be extremely happy that my Downtown Flower made it into the mix.
So… YAY!
And thank you PemiBlue for letting me know this finally dropped!!
I noticed that. Of course, I only noticed AFTER all my tweets & stuff. Don't hold my uncorrected posts against me, there has been yet another suspicious death of yet another coffeemaker. I am woefully under-caffeinated.
But the video is awesome and seeing that several of my friends made the cut makes today not only bearable, but happy! You guys are awesome.
Thanks, Christel! Great that it brightened your day—and a day without caffeine, that's saying quite a bit.
So, today the OK Go Ninjas posted the video to the home page, and they tweeted about it as well! They called our GPS art "gorgeous." YAY!!!
After the wait, it does seem quite apt that they should post and tweet the video on Earth Day, what with all the, you know, drawing on the earth and such!
I'm really proud to have been part of this. When I watch the video, I can't help but miss SnackCakes's "Hi from Fort Lauderdale." That should definitely be in there. And I also miss seeing Aleatory & her friend walking and strumming and singing in the rain, which was such a great part of their video submission.
But, out of the 6 fan contributions, at least 5 were made by boardies. Awesome! (I don't know who Karen is, perhaps she is a boardie too...). And Reina's in the video too, as she was in the parade. That's quite a turnout. Go boardies!
And feel good in taking credit for the fact that you recorded those bright turned your normality into art for the rest of us to enjoy...and we did!
I've gotten used to the distance to the City. And considering everything else, it's worth having the buffer from the hustle (and I'm not referring to the 70's disco dance). Last time I came back from Big Box City (a week ago today) I ran into an incredibly unusual snowfall while crossing the pass at 1200 ft. (see
Biggest problem for me: if I want to see OK Go I'd have to travel, then take my chances at getting a ticket or wristband. So I'm thinking, maybe I can entice them to come up here to Mendo-world? As Hollywood has discovered, we lean toward the picturesque side here (we double for the New England coastline with much better weather). And we're like SO totally pet friendly too (my most favorite-est part).
Loving being a part of this boardie movement. I'm not so much obsessed with OK Go as I'm impressed. And inspired. And influenced. And motivated. Thanks guys. And thanks boardies. I'm feeling right at home here. I promise I'll stop posting so much once I get over my excitement at having found you all!
I'm not quite sure how to partially quote, so this is an experiment!
Snack_Cakes, thank you very much for your comments on my photo sets.
The "peace" route was more complex than it needed to be, and it did take a lot of legwork. When I planned the route, I really had no idea quite *how* much legwork. I'm glad I did it, for sure... there were a lot of great moments along the way, and I learned so much about the neighborhood. But I ended up walking the route 3 1/2 times total. And the 1/2 time was pretty funny... OK, looking back it was funny. I think you'll appreciate this, though, as you had the app crash on you twice. In our case, the app didn't crash per se, but we lost connection with the satelite, and the program went hunting around to find us. Watch it bumble about here. HAH!
That was your video?!! I loved that video! What a perfect moment.
And do please keep posting, your enthusiasm is wonderful.
I also posted a video response to the WTF? challenge, but I was a little late to the game. I mashed WTF? + End Love...tweaked the chroma and adjusted the playback of End Love in the background so some cool juxta's just happened. It wasn't as simple as it might look, but it was much fun. If you haven't seen it, I hope you all like it!
Constructive feedback is ever-so-welcomed!
I love it! I was kind of shocked and amazed around the 2:40 mark, that was just creepy how the dancing and arms worked I smell a conspiracy here?
Thanks!!! No consipiracy…that was just me tweaking the playback speed of the background layer. I had to do some time adjustments to make the flying sequence match up while still getting the bit where they start each other spinning at the end. I had fun, and I'd do it again in a minute!
I had tweeted @okgo about it and got this response:
Hey! Nothing concrete. It's been delayed, but hopefully this month.
Even though this seems to be dragging on and on and on, I'm still excited to see the finished product.
OK Go GPS Art and Range Rover Evoque.
My Downtown Flower
is there. Rachel’s treble clef is there. PemiBlue’s “Peace on Earth”
and half moon are there. There’s also a star and Aleatory skipping.
And it’s set to “Shooting The Moon”.
I only wish some of our photos had made it into the vid. Oh well,
beggars can’t be choosers and I should be extremely happy that my
Downtown Flower made it into the mix.
So… YAY!
And thank you PemiBlue for letting me know this finally dropped!!
Other than that, Yay. :-D
I noticed that. Of course, I only noticed AFTER all my tweets & stuff. Don't hold my uncorrected posts against me, there has been yet another suspicious death of yet another coffeemaker. I am woefully under-caffeinated.
But the video is awesome and seeing that several of my friends made the cut makes today not only bearable, but happy! You guys are awesome.
So, today the OK Go Ninjas posted the video to the home page, and they tweeted about it as well! They called our GPS art "gorgeous." YAY!!!
After the wait, it does seem quite apt that they should post and tweet the video on Earth Day, what with all the, you know, drawing on the earth and such!
I'm really proud to have been part of this. When I watch the video, I can't help but miss SnackCakes's "Hi from Fort Lauderdale." That should definitely be in there. And I also miss seeing Aleatory & her friend walking and strumming and singing in the rain, which was such a great part of their video submission.
But, out of the 6 fan contributions, at least 5 were made by boardies. Awesome! (I don't know who Karen is, perhaps she is a boardie too...). And Reina's in the video too, as she was in the parade. That's quite a turnout. Go boardies!
OK Go Project Inspires GPS-Spun Art Around the World