Howdy Boardies,
I knew if I looked hard enough I'd find a bunch of people who love OK Go as much as I do. I've only been on board with the guys since they dropped the TKSP(RGV) video...the fun creativity that went into that blew my mind, and the song became an instant classic in the jukebox of my brain. Then White Knuckles dropped and I ordered "OK Go" and "Oh No" through the band's merchandise site (SUPPORT THE BAND...BUY FROM THEM). But I waited for "Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky" because "Extra Nice" version was gonna be released a few months later.
I must truly be addicted because I listen to all three of these records straight through almost every day. I appreciate the way they have busted out of the mold and are crossing into new uncharted artistic territory. I'm so glad to be along for the ride. Wanted to join in the fun for the Dance Parade down in my hometown but couldn't make it on such short notice. But I WOULD HAVE been there otherwise!
Glad to meet you all, and congrats to those who put together the White Knuckles Dance Booth video...count me in next time!
--- Jim ---
Welcome, Jim!!!
I'm sorry, I thought it was firmly established that Christel coined those terms. And I love "paracadet"! I was just looking for a better collective noun... like "passel of" or "flight of" or "pod of." "Passel of" paracadets doesn't sound that great. Maybe "parade of" paracadets? Still, I think there's a better collective noun out there.
We no longer seem to be able to edit past posts. Which is sad.
I said a "Parade of Paracadets" somewhere, but what I really want is for us to be a plethora of paracadets.
All the fans would be tutti fanatici.
Now, I'm thinking about ice cream in upturned parachute-shaped dishes (tutti paracadutti would be a fantastic flavor name!).
Yes! I LOVE that idea!!!