In this Discussion

Guess people's ages from their artwork/pictures...



  • Awesome pictures! Don't get to cozy with 76, he's married to Darbie... the wedding in on the message board somewhere.. she might have to throw him in a trashbag again
  • QUOTE (rossissuzy @ Nov 5 2005, 08:47 PM)
    Don't get to cozy with 76, he's married to Darbie... the wedding in on the message board somewhere.. she might have to throw him in a trashbag again

    and not just any trash bag... a glad bag... they can hold rhinos... at least that's what the commercial led me to believe...
  • and they have horns. but i have a secret weapon...i have a badger in my pocket. let's see how that works out for me.
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Nov 5 2005, 05:54 PM)
    can you draw me a picture please?

    of someone hanging by the neck from a rainbow?

    What do you mean? Like, the rainbow wrapped around their neck? Or a rope around the rainbow, and them hanging from the rope? Or a person hanging from gallows/a tree, with a rainbow in the background? Or something else?
  • a rope wrapped around a rainbow and the girl hangin by it.
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Nov 6 2005, 03:05 PM)
    a rope wrapped around a rainbow and the girl hangin by it.

    Morbid, but...okay....

    *just got a kick-ass book of anatomical references* I'll use aaaallll that I've learned from that. In the 2 days I've had it.

    Erm. Yes.
  • well im morbid. you will come to know that. lol. i want some candy.

    Thank you!

    Make him doing something Conan-ey too!
  • ...Conan, eh? I'll try.

    Soon I'm gonna force you people to fork out the money for a new sketchbook...I'm about 3/4 through my current one.

    No, no. I'm not that mean. Besides, like anyone would listen.
  • You are awesome, YeOldeEnglish!

    Sorry, don't know the real name. biggrin.gif
  • i would actually buy you a sketch book but i have no money.
  • I have two sketch books.
  • i have one for my poetry collection.
    its full of andywarhol pictures.
  • one of mine is for a grade in my art class, the other is for my own drawings. The cover is decorated with a bunch of pictures of various things I like.

    I guess that would be called a collage.
  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Nov 6 2005, 05:48 PM)
    You are awesome, YeOldeEnglish!

    Sorry, don't know the real name.  biggrin.gif

    Hah, thanks. My real name? Tyana. But I bet you 5 bucks that you can't pronounce that correctly. So Mara it is. I like my middle name better, anyways.
  • i.. have no sketch books. when i want to draw i just get computer paper... i have a nice art set tho. its in an awesome metal breifcase thingy.
  • Alright, Mara.

    If you could hear me speak, I could get it right I bet! I'm pretty fluent in anything I read.

    Sorry for bragging. I'm very proud of my linguistics and articulations.
  • smartass. lol jk
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Nov 6 2005, 09:27 PM)
    smartass. lol jk


    Oh you're joking?

    I'm still sorry.
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