Chris O'Donnell is incredibly cute I think he could be really good for Meredith.
Patrick Dempsey is starting to really piss me off. Though I can get really annoyed with Meredith at times, I was definitely cheering for her when she told him off.
The whole Denny/Izzy thing is ridiculous. I feel horrible for saying this, but I really just want something to happen to that relationship so the show can MOVE ON.
--it's 3:43am and I have a 5pg paper due by 10 tomorrow. i'm hyped up on energy drinks and chocolate covered espresso beans and though the night is young i still don't have a thesis. and that kind of worries me (though apparently not enough for me to get off the okgo boards).
Patrick Dempsey is starting to really piss me off. Though I can get really annoyed with Meredith at times, I was definitely cheering for her when she told him off.
I KNOW! I had a little hissyfit at the television... which, in retrospect, was rather rediculous, though really entertaining.
Alex is starting to redeem himself. I'm kind of (only a little) hoping he and Izzy get back together.
I cried at the end though. I'm far too emotional for my own good.
My eyes totally welled up when the dad put his hand on that young guys face. He looked like he was going to strangle him at first. It was such a poignant moment.
I liked Meredith's little speech to McDreamy.
There's only two more episodes this season, right?
did anyone else notice that marshall (the intern that caused the car accident) was the guy that played harold in harold and kumar go to white castle? how cool is that?
haha yesss. I saw him, and was like "that goes looks like harold... nooo it couldn't be...." and then it was.. STRANGE change of characters. But he did a good job.
did anyone else notice that marshall (the intern that caused the car accident) was the guy that played harold in harold and kumar go to white castle? how cool is that?
Good eye! I knew he looked familiar. Who knew he could do drama?
Is anyone else completely annoyed with George's new love interest (and his haircut?! I miss the shag...)?
...I love how I talk about the characters like they're real people.
Is anyone else completely annoyed with George's new love interest (and his haircut?! I miss the shag...)? ...I love how I talk about the characters like they're real people.
She okay I guess... but the bathroom scene was weird, ha. And yes, totally agree with you about the hair
I like her. It's nice to see someone who's not unnaturally thin like the rest of the cast (coughMeredithcough) on the show. And I'm glad she sticks up for George cause the girls really do treat him terribly.
I like her. It's nice to see someone who's not unnaturally thin like the rest of the cast (coughMeredithcough) on the show. And I'm glad she sticks up for George cause the girls really do treat him terribly.
Really? I think Izzy is very nice ot George, even when they argue. She still does care for him. I agree though about the whole "ultra-skinyn cast" thing though. She's very pretty in my opinion.... my only concern is her sanity, that's all.
are. you. kidding. me. WHAT THE HELL?!! Izzy and Denny have gone off the deep end, I feel really bad for Addison, and why do I torture myself with this show?
Oh my god oh my god oh my god ohmy god ohmy god ohmygod ohmygodohmygodohmygod.
What the fuck?
Izzy is crazy. She's going to be kicked out or something. And Burke?!!? WHAT!?
AHHHHH. I am so attached to this show.
P.S. I agree about Addison. I used to hate her. Now it's just pity. Also, George's gf (I can never spell her name... Kaylle? I don't know) is now alright in my book. She's making an effort to be kind and that makes me happy. Check plus for her tonight.
There is something seriously wrong with Izzie. Talk about stupid! Gaaah! I'm so nervous! And BURKE! NOOOOOOOOOOO! He's so lovely. *whimper* I'm stressed out. Oh, and I agree about Addison too. I've actually really come to like her and I think she deserves better than the way Derek is treating her. Not cool.
Izzy has gone off the deep end. I cant wait for tonight... although the code black episode and the bus accident episode were REALLY powerful and are going to be hard to beat, IMO.
Izzy has gone off the deep end. I cant wait for tonight... although the code black episode and the bus accident episode were REALLY powerful and are going to be hard to beat, IMO.
The bus accident episode had me bawling.
But then again, I'm overly emotional (my guyfriend told me about that woman who taped herself killing a kitten and I began sobbing. Now, whenever I see him, he always throws in a comment about it, usually along the lines of, "blah blah blah almost as bad as killing a kitten." I won't let him live down the fact he made me cry though).
Patrick Dempsey is starting to really piss me off. Though I can get really annoyed with Meredith at times, I was definitely cheering for her when she told him off.
The whole Denny/Izzy thing is ridiculous. I feel horrible for saying this, but I really just want something to happen to that relationship so the show can MOVE ON.
--it's 3:43am and I have a 5pg paper due by 10 tomorrow.
I KNOW! I had a little hissyfit at the television... which, in retrospect, was rather rediculous, though really entertaining.
Alex is starting to redeem himself. I'm kind of (only a little) hoping he and Izzy get back together.
I cried at the end though. I'm far too emotional for my own good.
Seriously, I'm way too into this show.
I liked Meredith's little speech to McDreamy.
There's only two more episodes this season, right?
Darn finals.
Mhm. The season finale(s) are on next Sunday and Monday. I'm all tingly with excitement.
Good eye! I knew he looked familiar. Who knew he could do drama?
Is anyone else completely annoyed with George's new love interest (and his haircut?! I miss the shag...)?
...I love how I talk about the characters like they're real people.
...I love how I talk about the characters like they're real people.
She okay I guess... but the bathroom scene was weird, ha. And yes, totally agree with you about the hair
I don't know. There's something about the character that seems a bit... off.
Maybe I'm just ultra-suspicious about the "living in the hospital" thing.
Maybe I'm just ultra-suspicious about the "living in the hospital" thing.
Oh yeahhhhh... I'd forgotten about THAT. That is pretty... weird.
Really? I think Izzy is very nice ot George, even when they argue. She still does care for him. I agree though about the whole "ultra-skinyn cast" thing though. She's very pretty in my opinion.... my only concern is her sanity, that's all.
What the fuck?
Izzy is crazy. She's going to be kicked out or something. And Burke?!!? WHAT!?
AHHHHH. I am so attached to this show.
P.S. I agree about Addison. I used to hate her. Now it's just pity.
Also, George's gf (I can never spell her name... Kaylle? I don't know) is now alright in my book. She's making an effort to be kind and that makes me happy. Check plus for her tonight.
OH NO!! Well are you gonna see tonights? I'm sure they'll have one of those "on the last episode..." montages.
ahh I can't wait for tonight's episode!! although I know it's gonna drive me crazy and I'll end up wanting to slap one or more characters.
The bus accident episode had me bawling.
But then again, I'm overly emotional (my guyfriend told me about that woman who taped herself killing a kitten and I began sobbing. Now, whenever I see him, he always throws in a comment about it, usually along the lines of, "blah blah blah almost as bad as killing a kitten." I won't let him live down the fact he made me cry though).