First and foremost, I thoroughly enjoyed the part of this thread when people started (type)singing It's A Disaster. Har har. That was quite amusing.
For the record, I inexplicably loathed Hinder from (quite literally) the first moment I heard/ saw them (these happened simultaneously as my first encounter with them was their music video). God as my witness, I simply cannot deal with this band. And this was way before I knew anything about them. It's an innate reaction - it's not my fault. So that's just me...
Alright, now on to the main course: (I apologize in advance for being way too serious (and somewhat hypocritical) about this trivial topic...) So. After viewing all of the information provided in the handy-dandy links posted and doing just a bit of my own "research," I feel fairly confident in saying that I was able to extract a basic grasp on the band Hinder's general mentality - just a rudimentary concept of their value system. And let me say that I feel a great deal of pity for the members of that band. Not in the realm of bands and music and all that, but I mean pity for them as human beings. Sometimes the things that they do and say are just off; as in, their perception of reality and what they value or don't seems very skewed. I don't want to sound like a complete religious nut or something here ( ), but seriously, they need to eventually (sooner rather than later) evaluate their life in general. In all sincerity, I have always felt that the guys in OK Go seem like genuinely good human beings. I mean, they just seem like they have their heads on straight - and I respect and enjoy them for that. But, clearly, this is just my opinion. I could be completely wrong about the people in Hinder (after all, I don't know them), and if that's the case, I'll be the first to submit a formal apology and recindment of statement. Sooooo, again, sorry for taking such a grave turn! I'm sure having recently had an in depth (and fantastic) conversation about a similar topic probably only added fuel to my fire on this one I start going on tirades. Bad news bears...
Also, as a side note, I cannot begin to express with words how badly I just wanted to tear my hair out after involving myself with that band for the short time I did today. Incoherent, poorly formulated, unjustified, unintelligent, unsubstantiated thoughts/ statements frustrate me to no end (Natalie = homicidal). I can't even initiate taking something into consideration if it's so incredibly unintelligible. I love proper grammar (unfortunately my brain kerploded and now I'm really rather awful with that stuff ;_____; ). Again, just another weird me-thing. I admire/ adore/ envy all the extremely well-spoken and articulate intelligent peoples on this board ^____^ Thank you for being awesome.
I'm so ridiculous for writing this much about such a stupid thing [doof]
And now I'll let this whole thing die, as it should. In conclusion I love OK Go.
your writting skills amaze me
I think that Ihave7stars deserves an applause because of this this :
I Have 7 Stars said... Despite the juvenile tone of your post, which is riddled with personal insults and threats, I will assume you are not in junior high school.
Live concerts are never that easy to time and if the band runs over by 10 minutes, I would imagine that it's because the audience has been very receptive and wanted more. Even though bands try to adhere to their allotted time slots, things like this do happen and it's the responsibility of the person organizing the show to somehow, reign in the band.
As much as you would like to believe that the band is not successful and is a joke, this simply is untrue. And I highly doubt Damian spends his days Googling OK Go.
A shame you did not include a link to your friend's original post so I could see the background on all of this and the source of your hostility.
The following is what I wrote in my blog the day I discovered this ridiculous Hinder BS
You really must be kidding me. Hinder, the "artists" who wrote and recorded "Lips of an Angel" aka the biggest wussy loser song in the history of big wussy loser songs, are calling OK Go, the mighty Gods Of Rock "Faeries"?!
Let's examine the lyrics to their "smash hit", shall we?
Quote: Honey why you calling me so late It's kinda hard to talk right now Honey why you crying is everything okay I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud Well, my girl's in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words it makes me weak Let it die And I never wanna say goodbye But girl you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight And yes I dreampt of you too And does she know you're talking to me Will it start a fight No, I don't think she has a clue Well my girl's in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words it makes me weak Let it die And I never wanna say goodbye But girl you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words it makes me weak Let it die And I never wanna say goodbye But girl you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel (let it die,I never wanna say goodbye) But girl you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel
Honey why you calling me so late
Ew. EW EW EW. A) you're a cheating sh!thead. I hope you choke on your own bile. Motley Crue and Bon Jovi rocked WAY harder than you. As did Whitesnake. That song makes "Home Sweet Home" sound like "Master of Puppets". C) Do you really have nothing better to complain about than the fact that OK Go, the Mighty Gods of Rock, are getting some long-deserved attention and press? Why don't you try to get by on your OWN merits and talent - what little you have? You're already getting more airplay on your POS song than OK Go got for their entire first album. So STFU."
Also, in retrospect, I'd like to add two things: 1. I don't think that anyone from OK Go has actually responded to Hinder (correct me if I'm wrong), which totally makes them the bigger people. 2. Can I add that *really* hate it when people call things "gay" when they mean stupid or bad? And even though AngryKen's article is great and on our side and all, I am somewhat disgusted with the people who immediately started calling both bands "homosexual" as an insult.
don't worry about these silly fools. one's the guitar tech from dcfc. if the other one is the tech for mogwai, that still doesn't mean that mogwai is anything but straight awesome. so's death cab.
your writting skills amaze me I think that Ihave7stars deserves an applause because of this
Awww gee. Thanks very much ^___^ (I always sound like such a doof )
And I agree. Ihave7stars kicks some major face.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Dec 12 2006, 10:02 AM)
2. Can I add that *really* hate it when people call things "gay" when they mean stupid or bad? And even though AngryKen's article is great and on our side and all, I am somewhat disgusted with the people who immediately started calling both bands "homosexual" as an insult.
Oh! I wanted to say something about that, also, but somehow forgot >.< I completely agree with you. I'm sure many people who have been keeping up with this whole incident thought the same thing, but thank you for addressing it.
And in other news, I'm posting below J*orge. Which makes me feel special.
I know Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore said not to worry, but I'd thought I'd post this anyways... I'll let the picture speak for itself.
LOL nice picture these dudes should learn to make music before making any critics to anyone... but yet again Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore whom I adore said to let it go...sonner or later we will...
I know Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore said not to worry, but I'd thought I'd post this anyways... I'll let the picture speak for itself.
Can I add that *really* hate it when people call things "gay" when they mean stupid or bad? And even though AngryKen's article is great and on our side and all, I am somewhat disgusted with the people who immediately started calling both bands "homosexual" as an insult.
ooo, this thread is so interesting! And I'd like to add that now every time someone tries to undermine Ok Go, we can say, "THEY WON A GRAMMY SO IN. YOUR. FACE!" (how pathetic is is that I've actually said that? I have an irritating "friend" who makes fun of everything I like)
why do people have such hostility for the band? like why are they wasting their time writing blogs and stuff about how much they don't like them. no one wants/needs to hear about your hatred for OK Go. like just Get Over It!
I just add a reply to the Rolling Stones article. And honestly I don't even know where to start about this... I always had people telling me that the bands I like are crap, and that there are better things out there, I use to get real pissed of and would go on and on about how good the band actually is... Nowadays I just ignore them, since I discovered that most people that make comments like that don't have a real argument for telling me a band suck, so why I would listen? I consider myself an intelligent person and I have music training so I must have my reason for liking a band or a musician, so now I just don't care about what people say, the important thing to me is that I'm happy with my music, and happy with my taste (which is one of the most relative things ever)....
And other thing, can someone tell me why they keep saying OK go is EMO, honestly, aren't emo people supposed to be all sad and whinny? I don't see that with any of the guys, actually, I only see them smiling and happy, and excited about how things are going, I don't think that's EMO
And other thing, can someone tell me why they keep saying OK go is EMO, honestly, aren't emo people supposed to be all sad and whinny? I don't see that with any of the guys, actually, I only see them smiling and happy, and excited about how things are going, I don't think that's EMO [/quote]
Exactly!! Argh I hate that. Just coz Damian's red pants are tight, apparently. That's what I've been told. It's so sad...
And other thing, can someone tell me why they keep saying OK go is EMO, honestly, aren't emo people supposed to be all sad and whinny? I don't see that with any of the guys, actually, I only see them smiling and happy, and excited about how things are going, I don't think that's EMO
What's funny about that is that hubby and I had a conversation with Dan after a concert (in March '05, so before Oh No came out) discussing the fact that we all thought that the reason the first CD didn't do so well was because it was Happy and competing against downer rock, like Staind and Nickelback.
It just can't be the pants, honestly, they have all this concept of what a EMO band is, unless of course they talking of the begining of EMO, where band like Weezer would fit into it, but what become of EMO is just stupid, and it all changed once Billy Joel ( I guess this is his name) started using too much eyeliner, now if we were talking about Jared Leto's band...
As I said they are too happy, they smile a lot, they don't wear heavy makeup, and their songs are not depressing, so come on...
they have all this concept of what a EMO band is, unless of course they talking of the begining of EMO, where band like Weezer would fit into it, but what become of EMO is just stupid, and it all changed once Billy Joel ( I guess this is his name) started using too much eyeliner, now if we were talking about Jared Leto's band...
As I said they are too happy, they smile a lot, they don't wear heavy makeup, and their songs are not depressing, so come on...
The definition of EMO has become so watered down, it really doesn't mean anything any more, imho and the Wikipedia entry on Emo says pretty much the same thing. Emo became the latest, coolest trend, so everyone wanted to be EMO or use the word EMO so they'd sound like they were on the cutting edge.
To my mind, there's people who think about music in terms of trends, these are the people who see music as an accessory, like fashion, something they can try on and cast off as the whim suits them. Real music is art, it grabs you and doesn't let you go. Which definition do you think fits OK Go?
For the record, I inexplicably loathed Hinder from (quite literally) the first moment I heard/ saw them (these happened simultaneously as my first encounter with them was their music video). God as my witness, I simply cannot deal with this band. And this was way before I knew anything about them. It's an innate reaction - it's not my fault. So that's just me...
Alright, now on to the main course: (I apologize in advance for being way too serious (and somewhat hypocritical) about this trivial topic...)
So. After viewing all of the information provided in the handy-dandy links posted and doing just a bit of my own "research," I feel fairly confident in saying that I was able to extract a basic grasp on the band Hinder's general mentality - just a rudimentary concept of their value system. And let me say that I feel a great deal of pity for the members of that band. Not in the realm of bands and music and all that, but I mean pity for them as human beings. Sometimes the things that they do and say are just off; as in, their perception of reality and what they value or don't seems very skewed. I don't want to sound like a complete religious nut or something here (
Also, as a side note, I cannot begin to express with words how badly I just wanted to tear my hair out after involving myself with that band for the short time I did today. Incoherent, poorly formulated, unjustified, unintelligent, unsubstantiated thoughts/ statements frustrate me to no end (Natalie = homicidal). I can't even initiate taking something into consideration if it's so incredibly unintelligible. I love proper grammar (unfortunately my brain kerploded and now I'm really rather awful with that stuff ;_____; ). Again, just another weird me-thing. I admire/ adore/ envy all the extremely well-spoken and articulate intelligent peoples on this board ^____^ Thank you for being awesome.
I'm so ridiculous for writing this much about such a stupid thing [doof]
And now I'll let this whole thing die, as it should. In conclusion I love OK Go.
your writting skills amaze me
I think that Ihave7stars deserves an applause because of this
this :
I Have 7 Stars said...
Despite the juvenile tone of your post, which is riddled with personal insults and threats, I will assume you are not in junior high school.
Live concerts are never that easy to time and if the band runs over by 10 minutes, I would imagine that it's because the audience has been very receptive and wanted more. Even though bands try to adhere to their allotted time slots, things like this do happen and it's the responsibility of the person organizing the show to somehow, reign in the band.
As much as you would like to believe that the band is not successful and is a joke, this simply is untrue. And I highly doubt Damian spends his days Googling OK Go.
A shame you did not include a link to your friend's original post so I could see the background on all of this and the source of your hostility.
7:34 AM
You really must be kidding me. Hinder, the "artists" who wrote and recorded "Lips of an Angel" aka the biggest wussy loser song in the history of big wussy loser songs, are calling OK Go, the mighty Gods Of Rock "Faeries"?!
Let's examine the lyrics to their "smash hit", shall we?
Honey why you calling me so late
It's kinda hard to talk right now
Honey why you crying is everything okay
I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
Let it die
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And yes I dreampt of you too
And does she know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No, I don't think she has a clue
Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
Let it die
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
Let it die
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
(let it die,I never wanna say goodbye)
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
Honey why you calling me so late
A) you're a cheating sh!thead. I hope you choke on your own bile.
C) Do you really have nothing better to complain about than the fact that OK Go, the Mighty Gods of Rock, are getting some long-deserved attention and press? Why don't you try to get by on your OWN merits and talent - what little you have? You're already getting more airplay on your POS song than OK Go got for their entire first album. So STFU."
Also, in retrospect, I'd like to add two things:
1. I don't think that anyone from OK Go has actually responded to Hinder (correct me if I'm wrong), which totally makes them the bigger people.
2. Can I add that *really* hate it when people call things "gay" when they mean stupid or bad? And even though AngryKen's article is great and on our side and all, I am somewhat disgusted with the people who immediately started calling both bands "homosexual" as an insult.
I think that Ihave7stars deserves an applause because of this
Awww gee. Thanks very much ^___^ (I always sound like such a doof
And I agree. Ihave7stars kicks some major face.
Oh! I wanted to say something about that, also, but somehow forgot >.< I completely agree with you. I'm sure many people who have been keeping up with this whole incident thought the same thing, but thank you for addressing it.
And in other news, I'm posting below J*orge. Which makes me feel special.
I'll let the picture speak for itself.
these dudes should learn to make music before making any critics to anyone...
but yet again Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore whom I adore said to let it go...sonner or later we will...
I'll let the picture speak for itself.
(how pathetic is is that I've actually said that? I have an irritating "friend" who makes fun of everything I like)
I just sigh and say "i pity you" as i walk away, shaking my head sadly...
Then they get all paranoid and think they've missed something I'm seeing/hearing
And other thing, can someone tell me why they keep saying OK go is EMO, honestly, aren't emo people supposed to be all sad and whinny? I don't see that with any of the guys, actually, I only see them smiling and happy, and excited about how things are going, I don't think that's EMO
And other thing, can someone tell me why they keep saying OK go is EMO, honestly, aren't emo people supposed to be all sad and whinny? I don't see that with any of the guys, actually, I only see them smiling and happy, and excited about how things are going, I don't think that's EMO
Exactly!! Argh I hate that. Just coz Damian's red pants are tight, apparently. That's what I've been told.
It's so sad...
What's funny about that is that hubby and I had a conversation with Dan after a concert (in March '05, so before Oh No came out) discussing the fact that we all thought that the reason the first CD didn't do so well was because it was Happy and competing against downer rock, like Staind and Nickelback.
As I said they are too happy, they smile a lot, they don't wear heavy makeup, and their songs are not depressing, so come on...
As I said they are too happy, they smile a lot, they don't wear heavy makeup, and their songs are not depressing, so come on...
The definition of EMO has become so watered down, it really doesn't mean anything any more, imho and the Wikipedia entry on Emo says pretty much the same thing. Emo became the latest, coolest trend, so everyone wanted to be EMO or use the word EMO so they'd sound like they were on the cutting edge.
To my mind, there's people who think about music in terms of trends, these are the people who see music as an accessory, like fashion, something they can try on and cast off as the whim suits them. Real music is art, it grabs you and doesn't let you go. Which definition do you think fits OK Go?
I just sigh and say "i pity you" as i walk away, shaking my head sadly...
i like someones post on that link. "In a million years, they could not write a song that's half as good as the worst OK Go song."
the dude sounded so childish.
it's obvious that he's jealous.
ok go's anything but emo.
at least the emo that i know.o_O