In this Discussion

Would You Rather



  • im glad the whole shit muffin thing is catching on ^^
  • Shit muffins rock my socks.
  • dreamy man...i would get tired of my family...haha, i feel mean

    would u rather...
    eat an entire live fish or be thrown into a barn with a crazy horse???
  • Thats easy. Crazy horse. eww poor fishy.

    Would you rather live with seven dwarves or be stuck with evil stepsisters?
  • really short people are scary. same with tall people.
    so evil step sister. cause ill kick her ass ^^

    would you rather frolic in a field of ducks and bunnies or in a field of flowers
  • wild flowers...i might step on one of the bunnies

    would u rather...
    drown or freeze???
  • freeze

    would you rather bake a cake or cookies?
  • cookies...they're easier to make

    would u rather...
    swallow a LONG piece of hair from a rat or a piece of plastic from a sewer drain????
  • Eat plastic. Rats are nasty.

    Sing on stage in front of millions in your underwear


    Be a fat, nude super model

  • I pick option 1 bob.
    underwear is considered more than what most singers wear these days... and even though I have a shitty voice I could do random yelps and yips and call myself "arty" all the yuppies would agree.

    Would you rather Have a million dollars or a million close friends?
  • I pick a million dollars. Friends are too hard to keep track of. I"d rather have just a few close friends.

    would you rather write a 20 page essay or study for a hard test?
  • I'd have to say write the essay... well only if I had a lot of time to do it. but i have never had to write an essay in University so far so maybe its harder than I think.

    would you rather go to a concert or get an autograph of your favourite musician?
  • Go to the concert. It's more personal.

    Would you rather be the drunkest person in a room or the most sober?
  • the drunkest... its more fun.

    Would you rather kiss a frog or have some guy climb up your hair to your tower to rescue you?
  • kiss a frog.
    that hair thing would hurt.
    plus i dont look good with long hair.

    would you rather read get clothes from delias or alloy?
  • Alloy has some good shirts and hoodies, and I'm all about those two, though Delias has some good stuff too.

    Would you rather throw up infront of a lot of people or fall on your own puke?
  • fall on my own puke.


    Would you rather go out with a guy you've known forever and have liked for a while or a new guy that is just as cute but you don't know quite as well? blink.gif
  • It really depends on whom I like the most, I'd go with the new one since you can now get to know him, and if you don't like what you get, you can always stay friends maybe? and go out with the one you've known forever, since you already know what you'll be getting, and maybe you liked him all along but wanted to make sure your feelings were real.

    Would you rather get hit on by your obg, or your dentist?

    haha I was stuck, that's all that came to mind.
  • okiedokie

    ummm dentist? blink.gif

    Would you rather take a shit muffin to the face or have to eat fried worms?
  • shit muffin to the face.
    im picky about what i eat
    plus u never said where i would have to be.
    id do it in the shower.

    would u rather have a shit muffin or a shit cupcake
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