Since when do they have new logo pics? This picture is from last year, so I guess sometime back then, but I can't remember ever seeing one, which is weird since I've been to so many shows. The only pic I have is a plain black Dunlop one that my friend stole off of Andy's keyboards.
Since when do they have new logo pics? This picture is from last year, so I guess sometime back then, but I can't remember ever seeing one, which is weird since I've been to so many shows. The only pic I have is a plain black Dunlop one that my friend stole off of Andy's keyboards.
Hmmm, that's strange. I've got a black Dunlop pick from Andy too.
Since when do they have new logo pics? This picture is from last year, so I guess sometime back then, but I can't remember ever seeing one.
I remember there being some logo pics on ebay last november/december, because i didn't have an account and tried to find a friend who'd buy one for me One offered, but were too late
Somebody tell me to get back to work, please. I just wanted to get these up b/f I forgot the sources sorry iof some of these were posted b/f fromanologerexistingplace
HEIDI!!!! That first one is the photo I've been looking for all my life! Well, almost. I saw it photoshopped b/f and I wanted the original sooo badly but couldn't find it anywhere. Thank you!!!
Hmmm, that's strange. I've got a black Dunlop pick from Andy too.
I guess that's the kind of pick he prefers. We can pick buddies now!
QUOTE (Angel @ Nov 30 2007, 10:02 AM)
I remember there being some logo pics on ebay last november/december, because i didn't have an account and tried to find a friend who'd buy one for me One offered, but were too late
That kind of sounds familiar. Do you remember how much it went for?
QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Nov 30 2007, 08:03 PM)
Who's that guy playing the keyboards?
Maybe Ara, but I can't really remember what Ara looks like.
LoL okay, after having already seen this picture, and staring at it multiple times, and agreeing w/ the mick jagger comment... i FINALLY noticed the walking cast... DURRRR
QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Nov 30 2007, 11:21 PM)
and is it totally weird i find damian's look here INSANELY attractive?!
This is...sort of familiar?
Since when do they have new logo pics? This picture is from last year, so I guess sometime back then, but I can't remember ever seeing one, which is weird since I've been to so many shows. The only pic I have is a plain black Dunlop one that my friend stole off of Andy's keyboards.
Tim looks good in purple!
Hmmm, that's strange. I've got a black Dunlop pick from Andy too.
I remember there being some logo pics on ebay last november/december, because i didn't have an account and tried to find a friend who'd buy one for me
One offered, but were too late
sorry iof some of these were posted b/f
from heroine dreams
from...darn, I knew I'd forget. from somewhere.
from a radio station
from a deleted myspace
from a different radio station
Ooooh, that's the signing where I first saw OK Go, I think!
Ahhh I knew I recognised that Damian pointing pic in the Damian is hot thread...
Who's that guy playing the keyboards?
Ok this is sort of random...but some people thuoght the DWYW costumes were fashioned after this (of course, we know better
Will someone please tell Kulash to stop doing his best young Mick Jagger impersonation!
That first one is the photo I've been looking for all my life! Well, almost.
I saw it photoshopped b/f and I wanted the original sooo badly but couldn't find it anywhere. Thank you!!!
I guess that's the kind of pick he prefers. We can pick buddies now!
One offered, but were too late
That kind of sounds familiar. Do you remember how much it went for?
Maybe Ara, but I can't really remember what Ara looks like.
LoL okay, after having already seen this picture, and staring at it multiple times, and agreeing w/ the mick jagger comment... i FINALLY noticed the walking cast... DURRRR
and is it totally weird i find damian's look here INSANELY attractive?!