My friend says she is going to do an intervention on me when we're back at school. She says my obsession with OK Go is unhealthy. It is kind of as in that I go to check the boards every night before I go to bed but I usually spend an hour or two just cruising around and reading stuff so i get less sleep. But I don't mind. Perhaps I'll convert her. She does like ok go, but that just isn't enough sometimes. I dunno. We'll see. I should be cleaning the kitchen floor right now, but its hard and you can't really tell. Ugh. I dreamt last night that I was dating an Irish vampire and I had to be turned into one to save his ex girlfriend. The weirdest part? It was a musical. Very cool, but very odd. Well I guess I'll go clean the floor now. ugh.
hahahahahaha... I don't know why but I just keep laughing at almost everything you write. I tell you, I for one know very damn well my OK Go obsession (okay, my Rusty Ross obsession rather) IS unhealthy... but it just goes with personality... LOL imagine an OK Go intervention... will they make you throw out all your stripped & paisley mismatchy things away?
No. she'll prolly make me take down all my various Dan pictures, the motivational posters I put on my walls and make me quit here and steal my ok go sweatshirt. That would just be sad. I love it all so much. I can't give it up. thats just not going to happen. I am who I am because of them. itss me.
so you really think OK Go obsession is unhealthy?? I mean, without them life would be just so sad... (ok, so i did have a life before OK Go, but... now it's just not really working)
so you really think OK Go obsession is unhealthy?? I mean, without them life would be just so sad... (ok, so i did have a life before OK Go, but... now it's just not really working)
yep, my Ok Go (Rusty) obsession is unhealthy. I spend too much time daydreaming and logged in here and as a result I'm way behind my scheduled study program. There's also this thing in which I can't cease to compare every single guy who could potentially be interested in me with Rusty and, of course, none of them hits the mark (in my mind Rusty is not Rusty but an idealized image of him)... besides, I find most non-OK Go related topics entirely uninteresting and given that I live in a country where OK Go is virtually unknown it has resulted in my avoidance of real life social interaction almost entirely. If this isn't unhealthy then I don't know what is BUT I really don't care, I love OK Go too much period. I'm just hoping this will ebb given a bit more time, I haven't been a fan of them but for a few months. Meanwhile I'm just going with the flow and enjoying myself.
QUOTE (punkwhitechocolate @ Dec 4 2007, 03:35 PM)
No. she'll prolly make me take down all my various Dan pictures, the motivational posters I put on my walls and make me quit here and steal my ok go sweatshirt. That would just be sad. I love it all so much. I can't give it up. thats just not going to happen. I am who I am because of them. itss me.
Good girl, don't give up on what you believe in. I really like people with principles.
Lol, I love Tyra Banks on "America's Next Top Model." She acts like a dissapointed teacher. Two girls got eliminated. She made the two girls come back before her so that she could reprimand their behavior about how they acted when they got kicked off.
I just spend two hours watching youtube videos (looking for great acoustic songs from great bands so i can turn them into mp3s and have fantastic music, yay) and saw a short film with Jack Penate and...he was wearing a maccabees t- shirt... now, this may sound not that spectacular...but it is!!!! well, for me it is... i want this shirt!! (not the one jack was wearing...although, haha!!) i just love the maccabees and jack penate and those two sorta combined is awesome... just like the kaiser chiefs singer wearing the ok go shirt... i don't like the kaiser chiefs that much but i am always like: people who make great music like other people who make great music and i like all of them!!! haha, weird.
yep, my Ok Go (Rusty) obsession is unhealthy. I spend too much time daydreaming and logged in here and as a result I'm way behind my scheduled study program. There's also this thing in which I can't cease to compare every single guy who could potentially be interested in me with Rusty and, of course, none of them hits the mark
Yep, it's true. I do this, along w/ my friend Angie. We made a list. 50 reasons why no guy we meet will ever compare to Andy, for me, or Damian, for her... It's total obsession.
Lol, OMG, have any of you noticed the fine print on some commercials? They're hillarious!
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print: "Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print: "Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
haha, about obsession- well, I mean, I once knew a girl on a fanboard who actually stalked the musicians. She spent a ton of money tracking down their phone numbers and addresses and eventually, they got used to her and I guess they kind of sort of see her as a friend? She was always crying when she called them and they didn't want to talk or they'd say "bye, we'll talk later" and then not call her.
So, um, yeah. Spending some time reading posts and wearing a sweatshirt is not obsession, in my book.
However, same here that I spend too much time here instead of studying. But, I have to be honest and say if I wasn't wasting time here, I'd be watching tv or walking through the city and windowshopping or find some other way to waste the time.
My randomness: I'm so sick of class and homework and 3 hours every night for 3 weeks preparing for a midterm on which I get a score that I could've gotten by not studying. And that was only 1 subject! In my other class's midterm, I did the opposite: 10 hours studying for 2 days before the exam. That did not help either. Save me, Christmas break!!!
haha, about obsession- well, I mean, I once knew a girl on a fanboard who actually stalked the musicians. She spent a ton of money tracking down their phone numbers and addresses and eventually, they got used to her and I guess they kind of sort of see her as a friend? She was always crying when she called them and they didn't want to talk or they'd say "bye, we'll talk later" and then not call her.
omg... that's really sad... Not the part in which they don't call her back (that's obvious), but the fact that she got into stalking and such. There's a line people shouldn't cross, I mean, for real... it's one thing to be obsessed, another whole different to act like you're insane.
Lol, OMG, have any of you noticed the fine print on some commercials? They're hillarious!
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print: "Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print: "Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
HAHAHAHAHAHA ... you can't possibly be serious... that's not true...or is it?
Lol, OMG, have any of you noticed the fine print on some commercials? They're hillarious!
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print: "Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print: "Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
HAHAHHHAHA I wish our commercials were that entertaining... and I wish we had the "my BFF Jill" commercial too. Sheer genius.
I once had a box of magic tricks with a picture of a boy doing a trick on it. The small print warned "Little boy not included".
Lol, OMG, have any of you noticed the fine print on some commercials? They're hillarious!
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print: "Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print: "Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
Oh those are the best. I saw one with an SUV underwater and it said something like "Dramatization" or "Do Not Attempt" or something like that. Oh, and on the blow dryer: "Do Not Use While Sleeping" What you actually want me to wake up when I'm drying my hair? Geez!!!
haha, i always think about the situation when someone really takes this serious and is all like "Oh, ok, now i know..." ... you know, some people are like that...
i have just seen the list of the 20 most active posters today, and it says it is me, yay!!! (11 posts) ok, so, it's midnight (in Germany), so it won't be for so long, but...yay, just... happy.
hahahahahaha... I don't know why but I just keep laughing at almost everything you write.
so you really think OK Go obsession is unhealthy?? I mean, without them life would be just so sad... (ok, so i did have a life before OK Go, but... now it's just not really working)
so you really think OK Go obsession is unhealthy?? I mean, without them life would be just so sad... (ok, so i did have a life before OK Go, but... now it's just not really working)
yep, my Ok Go (Rusty) obsession is unhealthy. I spend too much time daydreaming and logged in here and as a result I'm way behind my scheduled study program. There's also this thing in which I can't cease to compare every single guy who could potentially be interested in me with Rusty and, of course, none of them hits the mark (in my mind Rusty is not Rusty but an idealized image of him)... besides, I find most non-OK Go related topics entirely uninteresting and given that I live in a country where OK Go is virtually unknown it has resulted in my avoidance of real life social interaction almost entirely. If this isn't unhealthy then I don't know what is BUT I really don't care, I love OK Go too much period. I'm just hoping this will ebb given a bit more time, I haven't been a fan of them but for a few months. Meanwhile I'm just going with the flow and enjoying myself.
Good girl, don't give up on what you believe in. I really like people with principles.
Yep, it's true. I do this, along w/ my friend Angie. We made a list. 50 reasons why no guy we meet will ever compare to Andy, for me, or Damian, for her... It's total obsession.
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print:
"Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print:
"Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
So, um, yeah. Spending some time reading posts and wearing a sweatshirt is not obsession, in my book.
However, same here that I spend too much time here instead of studying. But, I have to be honest and say if I wasn't wasting time here, I'd be watching tv or walking through the city and windowshopping or find some other way to waste the time.
My randomness:
I'm so sick of class and homework and 3 hours every night for 3 weeks preparing for a midterm on which I get a score that I could've gotten by not studying. And that was only 1 subject! In my other class's midterm, I did the opposite: 10 hours studying for 2 days before the exam. That did not help either. Save me, Christmas break!!!
omg... that's really sad... Not the part in which they don't call her back (that's obvious), but the fact that she got into stalking and such. There's a line people shouldn't cross, I mean, for real... it's one thing to be obsessed, another whole different to act like you're insane.
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print:
"Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print:
"Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
HAHAHAHAHAHA ... you can't possibly be serious... that's not true...or is it?
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print:
"Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print:
"Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
I wish our commercials were that entertaining... and I wish we had the "my BFF Jill" commercial too. Sheer genius.
I once had a box of magic tricks with a picture of a boy doing a trick on it. The small print warned "Little boy not included".
hahahhahahahahahahaaaa.... that. is. so. funny....
I wish our commercials were that entertaining... and I wish we had the "my BFF Jill" commercial too. Sheer genius.
I once had a box of magic tricks with a picture of a boy doing a trick on it. The small print warned "Little boy not included".
OK Go message boards: actual boards not included. OK Go fantasies are not a reality, usually.
One commercial had a puppy sliding down sheets of toilet paper, the fine print:
"Puppy fantasy does not indicate true strength of toilet paper."
One for Jack in the Box featured a man driving w/ a toy suction cupped to his head. Teh fine print:
"Do no attempt driving with a ball suctioned to head."
Oh those are the best. I saw one with an SUV underwater and it said something like "Dramatization" or "Do Not Attempt" or something like that. Oh, and on the blow dryer: "Do Not Use While Sleeping" What you actually want me to wake up when I'm drying my hair? Geez!!!
i have just seen the list of the 20 most active posters today, and it says it is me, yay!!! (11 posts) ok, so, it's midnight (in Germany), so it won't be for so long, but...yay, just... happy.
haha, that's all