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Congrats to Obama and to all of us



  • i also watched this semi live

    afew things, Obamas mic was alower then mccains, so it always sounded that he was louder then him when he kept interupting obama, which baffled me

    mccain is possibly, the most boring man ever
    and ive seen brendon benson live (BOOM take that brendon benson)

    obama came across very well to me, mccain needs to stop playing the no exp card when he has the devil women as his VP who has even less exp
  • Could somebody tell me when the VP debate will be??
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Sep 28 2008, 01:07 PM)
    Could somebody tell me when the VP debate will be??

    Next Thursday. Oct 2. Should be fun!
  • Thank you! I'm verrry excited. biggrin.gif
  • This is old, but I've been meaning to post it here.

    McCain gets BarackRoll'd.
  • I'm starting to become really, REALLY interested in the role youtube is playing in these elections. I can't even begin to count the number of youtube videos I've been linked to or seen embedded in someone's commentary. It's ridic.
    It's gotten me to wondering, how much of an effect is the youtube political scene having on the election as a whole? on the generation of voters who use youtube as second nature? on everyone else?
    I wish I had the tools to study this properly.
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Sep 28 2008, 02:48 PM)
    Next Thursday. Oct 2. Should be fun!

    Hahahah, GO JOE GO! Show her what Delaware's all about, Senator!
  • It's gonna be both amazing and painful to watch, I think.
    On one hand, Joe Biden will show fabulously.
    But on the other hand, it will probably highlight how awful it would be if Sarah Palin was ever president.
    But I'm still excited for it.

    Specially cause, the Gov department and the Smith Dems and Smith Republicans are co-hosting a viewing... and that'll be really entertaining, to say the least.
  • obama will be at my school on thursday.
    safe to say, i'm psyched.

    and even more so for the debate biggrin.gif
  • Lucky! You guys have no idea how boring our election is in comparison.
  • Biden did you proud, Rachel. He was so presidential up there- it was clear that he was knowledgeable, wise, and a true leader.

    It's such a shame that he was standing next to a bimbo idiot. I love how he just finished speaking about how to achieve bipartisanship by never questioning a fellow American's motivation, and the next thing out of Palin's mouth was that she and McCain were like, omg, gosh darn it, the only true patriots and McCain, dog-gone-it, was the only man running who actually served for his country.

    I love that she kept saying "nucular" like a retard, even though Gwen had just "nuclear."

    When she basically said, "I'm glad to find out that you support Israel like me and gosh darn don't want to kill Jews," was anyone else staring at the tv open-jawed? I wanted to slap that stupid woman.

    Best moment: After Palin claims that she's awesome because she understands what people are going through because she's a mom, Biden discusses how that claim is unfair, and that in fact, he's raised his kids as a single father and he understands how people are suffering. He thinks about the death of his child and wife, and his son, whose life is at risk as a soldier, and he nearly cries. And it's such a somber, poignant, heavy moment where we all think about our soldiers and we can almost hear the sound of a bullet slicing the air------------ and then suddenly Perky Barbie starts babbling about God-knows-what.

    There was such a contrast between Biden with his facts and figures and knowledge vs Palin with her empty, memorized dime-store phrases. What especially bugged me is that she kept repeating false claims that McCain and Obama had already hashed out- it was like she hadn't watched last week's debate.
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Oct 2 2008, 10:45 PM)
    Biden did you proud, Rachel. He was so presidential up there- it was clear that he was knowkedgeable, wise, and a true leader.

    He totally did. I was at the official campaign party in Wilmington on the Riverfront and we all just kept CHEERING!

    QUOTE (Tabetha @ Oct 2 2008, 10:45 PM)
    When she basically said, "I'm glad to find out that you support Israel like me and gosh darn don't want to kill Jews," was anyone else staring at the tv open-jawed? I wanted to slap that stupid woman.

    That's because all you Jews need to be afraid of Obama the Sekrit Muslim who is a terrorist that is going to destroy Israel doncha know? (Yeah, because Evangelical Christians TOTALLY have the best interests of the Jewish people at heart. As long as they convert. Let us not forget that this woman is friends with the Jews for Jesus. Yep. Protect Those Jews, Sara.)

    My Slack-jawed moment was when she said Jill Biden's reward would be in Heaven. W.T.F.???????
  • Can I hug Joe Biden? Can I just go give him a hug and tell him he's wonderful?
    Seriously, Sally- that moment when he mentioned his family... and all that geniune (read- GENUINE!!) emotion.
    I was caught between exhiliration because Palin's one talking point had just gone down the drain
    and just wanting to cheer him up.
    It was so sad. And moving. And incredible.

    Oooh, slack-jawed moments:

    the second Holocaust/loving Israel thing
    the place in heaven thing (<-- I mean, seriously?)
    mentioning women's rights amidst all the US freedoms the bad guys wanted to attack
    ^ these ones I was just sort of REALLY HORRIFIED. I mean, really. really?

    more just confusing/cringe-worthy moments:
    Say it ain't so, Joe... doggone it... gosh darn, I'm such a MAVERICK. FIND A DIFFERENT WORD. AND BETTER FAKE COLLOQUIALISMS. FOR SERIOUS.
    and AGREEING that the Vice President belonged to/had power in both the executive and legislative branches of government. I mean, wtf? really? She agrees w/ Dick Cheney's abuse of his power? When McCain doesn't? But then, Biden's response was brilliant- Dick Cheney being the most dangerous vice president ever. I mean, seriously.

    But yes, Biden was brilliant. And it was certainly entertaining, to say the least.

    ok, I think I 'm done now
  • Also, mentioning her brother's third grade class and telling them they all get extra credit for watching? Hee haw, Sarah! I'm sure a bunch of eight-year-olds are glued to the screen to listen to you talk about "Joe six pack!"

    Anyone else take a drink every time she said maverick?
  • i watched this last night, as im a day or 3 behind on things

    Biden came across amazingly well to me, i just truely cant see how anyone can support that devil women..

    lets see the media spin this one..
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Oct 3 2008, 06:00 AM)
    Anyone else take a drink every time she said maverick?

    Nope, whenever she mentioned "the great state of Alaska," though by the end of the debate, we drank whenever she just happened to mention Alaska in passing.
  • I just got my early ballot in the mail. Quick! Tell me the names of the other 3 people running for president and their parties. If you google it, it's cheating.

    (Ha ha, I'm getting all Alex Trebeck on you) laugh.gif
  • Umm, Bob Barr is Libertarian, Ralph Nader is Green, and Ron Paul is Independent.
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Oct 7 2008, 05:12 AM)
    Umm, Bob Barr is Libertarian, Ralph Nader is Green, and Ron Paul is Independent.

    Ooo! So close! Good job, Rachela. Bob Barr is indeed a Libertarian. Ralph Nadar is indeed again running. But this time, he is not running with the Green party. Ron Paul is not running. So can you guess the 3rd person running, their party, and Ralph Nadar's party?

    Ah, I love trivia.
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