So here's Bunny's guitar after all. Thanks so much for the compliments, guys.
I really don't know how I got the crazy idea to make this for Bunny. I'm just a big fan of hers and the laser guitars are special to me because the first time I saw OK Go perform live was at Design Miami.
I couldn't have made it without my husband, Chris. He's the one with the woodworking skills. I just drew out what I wanted and only assisted with the cutting. The body consisted of 2 thin pieces of wood (think jigsaw puzzle) with spacers holding them together. The backlight was an LED nightlight with red car lens repair tape over it. If I had more time I could have come up with a better alternative since it wasn't as bright or red as I wanted.
It was lot of fun puting it together even with some very frustrating moments when things weren't coming out like I hoped. The strings were completely redone the day before the show. I had originally used wire and it just didn't lay right. The silver elastic was perfect. I only wish I had thought of it earlier. I also used Sculpey for the knobs and other miscellaneous parts. The brads and metal sheet were scrapbooking supplies. I printed out photos found online of the guitar and traced it to emboss the metal. I love how that part came out.
I don't think I want to know how the guitar has held up. I should have given Damian a bottle of glue as I can only imagine that it's probably in pieces right now. I only hope that Gorilla Glue's claims are true!
If you click on the picture you should be able to see the link to my Facebook photo album.
Hensocks, I used YuDu brand screen printing ink. I also used a stencil made out of a pair of nylons, an embroidery hoop, and Mod Podge glue.
Tempe, it's hard for me to say how long it actually took to draw. It was one of those things i'd forget about for a few days and then come back to. But... i'd say I worked on it over the course of two and a half weeks.
And WOW, Snack Cakes! Wow wow wow. That guitar is perfect! All of the little details are amazing!
I'm not sure why, but I can't see the pictures of your guitar anymore. D:
I saw it the other day, and it was awesome. Great job!
Thank you Nova and Kevroy!!
I'm not sure why you can't view the photos anymore, Nova.
Maybe it's a Facebook thing. I wonder if anyone else has the same problem. I logged out of Facebook but was still able to see the link from here. Hmmm, I don't know.
Heeeeey boardies! I drew OK Go as zombies…and each photo has a little back story that I made up (or am I typing the truth?) I'm thinking of doing little stories about the know, like Teeny OK Go…if you'd like me to that is.
Anyway here they are (this is gunna be a long post people)
Zombie Damian likes to scare people, whether they are human or zombie it doesn't matter. If it's human he LOVES to mumble and say brains and walk towards them menacingly (even though he doesn't eat humans…or brains). He likes to scare Tim a lot. One day mischievous Andy superglued branches that he found on one of his weekly bush walkthroughs onto damian's head while he was sleeping…Damian was SUPER pissed. But after a while he started to like it, he looked part-deer, and he freaked people out more.
This is zombie drummer Dan. He was the first to encounter the zombie plague (then proceeded to give everyone else the virus)… At Z Maker Faire after OK Go's set, he tried on Andy's fish bowl…you know, just to mess around, but he couldn't get it off afterwards…and the water was laced with radioactive…ness so now he can breathe underwater, he still has the snorkle though. He can't eat normal food so the band buys these weird flakes (like fish flakes) and sprinkle them into Dan's bowl so he can eat. Also he can't talk so he keeps a marker handy in his pocket and a whiteboard around his left shoulder so he can write stuff
Zombie Tim! Well…he's not really a zombie…you see, he's pretending to be one because he's immune to the zombie virus. He's learnt how to look like one by putting in special contacts and wearing makeup. But don't tell the other members of OK Go, they don't know that! Also since he can't go into human stores to buy new hats, he chooses instead to wear objects that he finds like this traffic cone.
Yup, this is what Andy would look like zombiefied…he likes to walk through bushes once a week (thats why he's got leaves in his hair) He really likes to think of ways to get back at the band for the way they treated him when he joined the band in 2005…especially Damian. His plans will succeed one day. Sometimes he looks spaced out…and the rest of the band worry for him. But really, his super genius brain is thinking…very hard, who knows what he's thinking of.
I love zombie OK Go! Those are brilliant. Dan is my favourite, and I like Tim's traffic cone hat (mostly because it reminds me of a video of a dear friend from another band wearing a traffic cone with a sign that said, "NOT a moose! [Drummer]" because it was hunting season in BC and he wanted to avoid accidentally getting shot).
The backstories are cute, but why is everything always the drummer's fault?
I love zombie OK Go! Those are brilliant. Dan is my favourite, and I like Tim's traffic cone hat (mostly because it reminds me of a video of a dear friend from another band wearing a traffic cone with a sign that said, "NOT a moose! [Drummer]" because it was hunting season in BC and he wanted to avoid accidentally getting shot).
The backstories are cute, but why is everything always the drummers fault?
hahahahaha hunting season :P
I dunno why its always the drummers fault...I'll ask Zombie Dan later when he's not sleeping upright
That is the best Sad Keanu I've seen so far!!! I love how his left foot is resting on Tim's shoulder. If there were ever to be a photo shoot where Keanu's foot was really resting on Tim's shoulder, they would probably still have those same expressions on their faces.
Aleatory said:That mini guitar may in fact be the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
That's a huge compliment! I'm not quite sure if it's that deserving but thank you so much!
Yeah, you say I'm the superstar, but seriously. You made him a fricking lightup guitar. He'll remember you forever. I'm just the girl that went on the bus and annoyed them for an afternoon and then again two months later.
Okay, rather silly and likely lame: I was playing with the pacman ghosts thinking of more OK Go facebook flair - the track suits that the boys wear for 'End Love' being coincidentally the same as the four ghosts.
Can anyone help with the eye colors? Obviously can't get too accurate with little drawings of 8 bit figures, but I at least want to give a suggestion of the right colors.
What I've got so far:
What I'm looking for is "more blue on red", "less dark on yellow" or whatnot and etc. I'll fiddle with glasses and whatnot later.
Aleatory said:That mini guitar may in fact be the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
That's a huge compliment! I'm not quite sure if it's that deserving but thank you so much!
Yeah, you say I'm the superstar, but seriously. You made him a fricking lightup guitar. He'll remember you forever. I'm just the girl that went on the bus and annoyed them for an afternoon and then again two months later.
Snack_Cakes – I agree with Aleatory!
You have to understand – the guitar and you will be THEIR EXAMPLE of how fricking creative and cool and giving their fanbase IS, creating WITH them, playing in the same creative space. Damian (I think it was) already mentioned it in one interview. Your guitar is MEMORABLE!!
Okay, rather silly and likely lame: I was playing with the pacman ghosts thinking of more OK Go facebook flair - the track suits that the boys wear for 'End Love' being coincidentally the same as the four ghosts.
Can anyone help with the eye colors? Obviously can't get too accurate with little drawings of 8 bit figures, but I at least want to give a suggestion of the right colors.
What I've got so far:
What I'm looking for is "more blue on red", "less dark on yellow" or whatnot and etc. I'll fiddle with glasses and whatnot later.
me <--- silly.
I had a thought on this and then Crimson and Clover came on the radio (Joan Jett's version) and I got distracted... but you need to ask Jade...she will know.
So here's Bunny's guitar after all. Thanks so much for the compliments, guys.
I really don't know how I got the crazy idea to make this for Bunny. I'm just a big fan of hers and the laser guitars are special to me because the first time I saw OK Go perform live was at Design Miami.
I couldn't have made it without my husband, Chris. He's the one with the woodworking skills. I just drew out what I wanted and only assisted with the cutting. The body consisted of 2 thin pieces of wood (think jigsaw puzzle) with spacers holding them together. The backlight was an LED nightlight with red car lens repair tape over it. If I had more time I could have come up with a better alternative since it wasn't as bright or red as I wanted.
It was lot of fun puting it together even with some very frustrating moments when things weren't coming out like I hoped. The strings were completely redone the day before the show. I had originally used wire and it just didn't lay right. The silver elastic was perfect. I only wish I had thought of it earlier. I also used Sculpey for the knobs and other miscellaneous parts. The brads and metal sheet were scrapbooking supplies. I printed out photos found online of the guitar and traced it to emboss the metal. I love how that part came out.
I don't think I want to know how the guitar has held up. I should have given Damian a bottle of glue as I can only imagine that it's probably in pieces right now. I only hope that Gorilla Glue's claims are true!
If you click on the picture you should be able to see the link to my Facebook photo album.
Thanks for all the great compliments everyone!
Hensocks, I used YuDu brand screen printing ink. I also used a stencil made out of a pair of nylons, an embroidery hoop, and Mod Podge glue.
Tempe, it's hard for me to say how long it actually took to draw. It was one of those things i'd forget about for a few days and then come back to. But... i'd say I worked on it over the course of two and a half weeks.
And WOW, Snack Cakes! Wow wow wow. That guitar is perfect! All of the little details are amazing!
Kevroy, your artwork has blown my mind.
I look through this whole thread in envy. Everyone is so talented, it's amazing.
Thanks Hannah!
I love the reaction pictures. I'm so grateful to Becky for taking those photographs.
I'm not sure why, but I can't see the pictures of your guitar anymore. D:
I saw it the other day, and it was awesome. Great job!
Thank you Nova and Kevroy!!
I'm not sure why you can't view the photos anymore, Nova.
Maybe it's a Facebook thing. I wonder if anyone else has the same problem. I logged out of Facebook but was still able to see the link from here. Hmmm, I don't know.
Heeeeey boardies! I drew OK Go as zombies…and each photo has a little back story that I made up (or am I typing the truth?) I'm thinking of doing little stories about the know, like Teeny OK Go…if you'd like me to that is.
Anyway here they are (this is gunna be a long post people)
Zombie Damian likes to scare people, whether they are human or zombie it doesn't matter. If it's human he LOVES to mumble and say brains and walk towards them menacingly (even though he doesn't eat humans…or brains). He likes to scare Tim a lot.
One day mischievous Andy superglued branches that he found on one of his weekly bush walkthroughs onto damian's head while he was sleeping…Damian was SUPER pissed. But after a while he started to like it, he looked part-deer, and he freaked people out more.

This is zombie drummer Dan.He was the first to encounter the zombie plague (then proceeded to give everyone else the virus)…
At Z Maker Faire after OK Go's set, he tried on Andy's fish bowl…you know, just to mess around, but he couldn't get it off afterwards…and the water was laced with radioactive…ness so now he can breathe underwater, he still has the snorkle though.
He can't eat normal food so the band buys these weird flakes (like fish flakes) and sprinkle them into Dan's bowl so he can eat.
Also he can't talk so he keeps a marker handy in his pocket and a whiteboard around his left shoulder so he can write stuff
Zombie Tim! Well…he's not really a zombie…you see, he's pretending to be one because he's immune to the zombie virus.
He's learnt how to look like one by putting in special contacts and wearing makeup.
But don't tell the other members of OK Go, they don't know that!
Also since he can't go into human stores to buy new hats, he chooses instead to wear objects that he finds like this traffic cone.
Yup, this is what Andy would look like zombiefied…he likes to walk through bushes once a week (thats why he's got leaves in his hair)
He really likes to think of ways to get back at the band for the way they treated him when he joined the band in 2005…especially Damian. His plans will succeed one day.
Sometimes he looks spaced out…and the rest of the band worry for him. But really, his super genius brain is thinking…very hard, who knows what he's thinking of.
*ohmigosh I got 23 again*
I love zombie OK Go! Those are brilliant. Dan is my favourite, and I like Tim's traffic cone hat (mostly because it reminds me of a video of a dear friend from another band wearing a traffic cone with a sign that said, "NOT a moose! [Drummer]" because it was hunting season in BC and he wanted to avoid accidentally getting shot).
The backstories are cute, but why is everything always the drummer's fault?
hahahahaha hunting season :P
I dunno why its always the drummers fault...I'll ask Zombie Dan later when he's not sleeping upright
hehe thanks Christel :)
Not exactly "art," but I didn't want to start a new thread for something as stupid as this.
Does anyone else find Sad Keanu as hilarious as me?
I crack myself up.
I'm loving the boards tonight. I find myself giggling with each thread I open.
That's a huge compliment! I'm not quite sure if it's that deserving but thank you so much!
Yeah, you say I'm the superstar, but seriously. You made him a fricking lightup guitar. He'll remember you forever. I'm just the girl that went on the bus and annoyed them for an afternoon and then again two months later.
Okay, rather silly and likely lame: I was playing with the pacman ghosts thinking of more OK Go facebook flair - the track suits that the boys wear for 'End Love' being coincidentally the same as the four ghosts.
Can anyone help with the eye colors? Obviously can't get too accurate with little drawings of 8 bit figures, but I at least want to give a suggestion of the right colors.
What I've got so far:
What I'm looking for is "more blue on red", "less dark on yellow" or whatnot and etc. I'll fiddle with glasses and whatnot later.
me <--- silly.
Snack_Cakes – I agree with Aleatory!
You have to understand – the guitar and you will be THEIR EXAMPLE of how fricking creative and cool and giving their fanbase IS, creating WITH them, playing in the same creative space. Damian (I think it was) already mentioned it in one interview. Your guitar is MEMORABLE!!
Oh, and Aleatory? Aleatory = SuperStar as well.I had a thought on this and then Crimson and Clover came on the radio (Joan Jett's version
) and I got distracted... but you need to ask Jade...she will know.