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OK Go Pictures and "Stuff"



  • Oh, I am so glad I'm not the only one who had word-rage (That's from the Christel cant,  not the VernaKulash, by the way).

    I'm also pleased to know that the Damian/David Tennant thing wasn't just in my fevered fangirl hallucinations… Part of it might also be the kinda stripey suit… Now I have to go gaze at them again.

    Edited to add: Capital Hill is where all the Big Letters live. It overlooks lowercase valley.

  • OKgo_Img_2

     I wanted to stop reading right when I saw this. The terror of errors! (No pun intended) But, the pictures made up for it big time.Laugh

  • soccerkeeper6 said:


     I wanted to stop reading right when I saw this. The terror of errors! (No pun intended) But, the pictures made up for it big time.Laugh

    An absent end quotation mark in a pull quote is the least of the terrifying journalism here, but I rather like your rhyme. :)

    ( I also want a moonwalk when I see the picture presented like that!)

  • Best photoshoot ever? Why yes!!!

    Best photoshoot in a wrong articles? Why yes indeed

    I agree, if the article is about Damian, why do they need the other guys, it does not make sense.

  • ChristelAdina said:

    Edited to add: Capital Hill is where all the Big Letters live. It overlooks lowercase valley.

    Yes, and a two-storey Rube Goldberg Machine has two overly complicated shops running inside it.

  • No time to reply right now with anything other than:


  • ChristelAdina said:

    So, this Filler article, "Mr. Kulash Goes to Washington", has lovely photos. I'm not finished reading it, because I cannot get past the mistakes in the first three paragraphs (It sucks to be the writer/editor in my head sometimes…you know, the one who is actually a good writer and a conscientious editor, but who doesn't get paid or get to do articles like this), but the photos are fun.

    I haven't even read past this post on the thread, so sorry if I'm being redundant…

    Holy crap. I clicked on the link and saw the picture and I thought, oh so OK Go's not the cover, because I looked at Damian first and didn't recognize him…then I saw tim and andy and was like, WTF? OMFG that's Damian! Wow!!!

    **mind blown**

    And I couldn't keep reading because I had to post this. Heh. 

    Back to reading.

    EDIT: I'm finished reading, and OH GOD THE ERRORS.

    I'm not an editor or writer, but I am one heck of a grammar nazi. It's like a habit, I have to point out spelling errors wherever I go. When I saw the "Capital Hill" thing, I nearly spit out my Limonata. (Yumm-o, BTW)

    It's one thing to have spelling errors in the text (Lol, 'storey') but in the CAPTIONS? Seriously guys? An error in the big, blue, bolded, fancy-ass font captions?

    Whatever, it's a good article, and YUM to Dami in the glasses. I have a thing for glasses too, one of the only things I thought would make Damian that much more attractive is if he wore glasses. *wish granted*

    The pictures really make the article. I'm going down to Borders and buying an issue.

    I wish it was a cover story, though.

    2nd Edit: The Filler Staff has a DP that looks like Conan O'Brian. Just sayin'.

  • This morning I saw that pic of Damian on the couch and died.  I haven't even bothered wasting my time reading the artcile since you guys are bashing it so much lol.  Grammar mistakes in published articles bug meeee lol
  • Okay, back from work. Dumb work.

    I've got to tell you that thinking of this article being ripped to shreds by my boardies made me giggle all day.

    THAT'S what you get when you get a bunch of intelligent ladies/fangirls in the (metaphorical) room. As in, WTF? We have STANDARDS here, people! Come on!

    Love the pics. Ditch the article.

    I didn't get the David Tennant vibe until you mentioned it. I still don't, but I can see where it comes from!

    So, yes, I love you people!

    edit - Oh, wait, wait, wait - yes, I'm getting the Tennant vibe. Just looked at the couch/DK pic again - it's the hair for me. =D

  • So now that we've established that beautiful shots of gorgeous, bare-ankled and bespectacled men in no way excuses rampant linguistic offenses, but we'll take the eye candy, all the same, I'd like to address a few things:

      1. Now that half of OK Go is be-spectaculous (or something. it doesn't always work), I want to suggest, request, or demand Dan and Andy join the Provocative Profs, Dreamy Devs and Sexy Scientists club. I want to see Buddy Holly frames on all four members of OK Go! Elvis Costello didn't even need his glasses until just a few years ago, guys …

      2. The lilac lining (it's almost orchid!) of Damian's suit makes me go all squishy. The suit is fetching on him all on its own, to be sure, but when I saw the interlining in the couch photo, well, it is fabulous! I like the almost chartreuse suit, too, with the grey. I like a well-dressed rocker. But it's too yellow and I always prefer the purples (this is true of everything).

      3. Do we all know what Damian's holding in that photo, by the way?

      4. Why are they all on their toes in the main photo? Is it an allusion to walking the tightrope of independence with only the internet for safety, perhaps? Was there really a "Thriller" party after the shoot (and if so, were there squirrels?)?

  • I hope those glasses were just a prop. Please excuse my grouchiness as I'm quite sleepy and had an icky week. But Ok Go makes me happy because they act young and fun. Damian in those glasses looks old and depressing. I don't mind the band trying to act sophistocated, but ease up on acting too mature.


  • ChristelAdina said:

    So now that we've established that beautiful shots of gorgeous, bare-ankled and bespectacled men in no way excuses rampant linguistic offenses, but we'll take the eye candy, all the same, I'd like to address a few things:

      1. Now that half of OK Go is be-spectaculous (or something. it doesn't always work), I want to suggest, request, or demand Dan and Andy join the Provocative Profs, Dreamy Devs and Sexy Scientists club. I want to see Buddy Holly frames on all four members of OK Go! Elvis Costello didn't even need his glasses until just a few years ago, guys …

      2. The lilac lining (it's almost orchid!) of Damian's suit makes me go all squishy. The suit is fetching on him all on its own, to be sure, but when I saw the interlining in the couch photo, well, it is fabulous! I like the almost chartreuse suit, too, with the grey. I like a well-dressed rocker. But it's too yellow and I always prefer the purples (this is true of everything).

      3. Do we all know what Damian's holding in that photo, by the way?

      4. Why are they all on their toes in the main photo? Is it an allusion to walking the tightrope of independence with only the internet for safety, perhaps? Was there really a "Thriller" party after the shoot (and if so, were there squirrels?)?


    What IS IT he's holding? I just zoomed the heck out of that section - that's ALL I zoomed on, btw. Sheesh. Embarassed  (and I have a lovely bridge I want to sell you)

    Fuck yeah there were squirrels. (Apparently I'm in a 'use the f-word' mood. Apologizes.)

    Missing the awesomesocks.

    I don't mind glasses. Sometimes its hot, sometimes its not, and sometimes its indifferent. Not really digging the frames on DK. Different frames, maybe, would work for me. It feels like Tim Territory. However, the boys were IN Tim Territory with the rolled up trouser legs.

    That's it. The magic that is Tim is taking over the band's look. Heck, DK is wearing a pastel.

  • It looks like he's holding the binder clip that is usually seen holding the top of that black shirt together, or possibly holding a wireless mic there at the top of the shirt.  That's my guess, based on zooming in on the pic.  And now I need to go take a cold shower . . . . Embarassed
  • Tim Territory? Nah. There's only room for one BAMF in this band, and it's all Nordwind! 

    I wasn't even thinking about the sudden appearance of pastels on DK. I was too busy admiring the clothing combo in the extra picture. I like the shirt piping (and I wondered if it was a pajama top and then thought that was silly). 

    I believe you about your chaste zooming activities. As a matter of fact, I DO need a bridge.

    It's a binder clip. From the back of Damian's clothes. He lay down forgetting to remove it, which is why his other arm is under his back.

    Probably also explains sockless sadness… They showed up in their own awesome socks and the stylists forgot to provide footwear for the shoot to go with the suits.

    EDIT: Computer froze while I was arranging a set for a radio show tonight...didn't see autumnraina's post.

  • Let me just say this, the rolled up trouser legs, they need to go, asap, it's ugly, and it makes them look like Hobbits, not flatering at all, they can do so much better, as they have style, but that little prop, if I can say so, it's just hiddeous, when it was just Tim, I could just ignore, but now everyone is going for that? No, it's so wrong? Cry
  • squashedbanana said:

    Another photo from the photographer: .jpg


    Also, yes, Davey Tenner (hee hee) vibe with the stripey suit and specs.

  • Is this the place to post a link to my album of them at Splendour Festival in Nottingham, uk. Please ignore the other dodgy photos of me and my buddies.

    Enjoy :)
  • Mandy, those are fabulous!

    I may need to borrow one for a Motivational Poster. Wink

    EDIT: Oh, and welcome back!

  • Mandy Fowler said:

    Is this the place to post a link to my album of them at Splendour Festival in Nottingham, uk. Please ignore the other dodgy photos of me and my buddies.

    Enjoy :)

    Thank you, thank you! Awesomeshots!

    Okay, what I wanna know is, what I really wanna know - who is in charge of gaffer taping Damian?

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