YKYOW you get extremely giddy when you found out that John Lennon's birthday is only a day after Damian. I'm about as a big a Beatles fan as I am an OK Go fan. :D
YKYOW you're watching Ghost Hunters and get all giggly because they're investigating the Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, MA because that's where aross grew up. AND because it's at the Higgins Armory Museum.
Firstly because the Craig Ferguson appearance was the first live TV we watched on the new set.
Secondly because the new TV will require a new cable box, and therefore we're going to lose all the awesome stuff I've got saved on the DVR, so I have been watching all the old OK Go stuff I've been saving for years one last time before we change out the cable box/DVR.
Firstly because the Craig Ferguson appearance was the first live TV we watched on the new set.
Secondly because the new TV will require a new cable box, and therefore we're going to lose all the awesome stuff I've got saved on the DVR, so I have been watching all the old OK Go stuff I've been saving for years one last time before we change out the cable box/DVR.
aww :[ can u not hook it up to a USB external drive or DVD burner or sth?
YKNOW you keep trying to slowly introduce your friends to (read: infiltrate their minds with) "POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" in hopes that you can maybe create a posse for a movie nite when it finally hits your hometown (which would be Hong Kong in my case). Sigh if only someone could just gimme the damn date of release!!!
..your school plays this motivational video thing and they played pieces of TTSP RG version in it and everybody who even remotely knows you (beyond just name or whatever) at some point looks at you and laughs, or comes up to you and is like "I thought about you when they played that video. I thought you'd be happy."
.. your response to the video listing TTSP as under Capital Records is *grumblegrumbleCapitalgrumbleshouldfixittoParacadutegrumble*
.. you're thinking of a shirt someone in your class has which says"My name sets of national security sensors.. what does yours do?" (he has a very typicall middle-eastern name), and you're thinking the response "mine.. mine makes me sound like a ~dear child of a hippie…~" and you start mentally singing the demo version of I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe…
Firstly because the Craig Ferguson appearance was the first live TV we watched on the new set.
Secondly because the new TV will require a new cable box, and therefore we're going to lose all the awesome stuff I've got saved on the DVR, so I have been watching all the old OK Go stuff I've been saving for years one last time before we change out the cable box/DVR.
Oh, I know that feeling. I lost a bunch of stuff a couple of years ago when our DVR went belly up. My husband keeps asking why I need to save a dozen performances of TTSP.
I feel like the only one on the face of this planet that doesn't know what a DVR is.
YKYOW: You switch lockers and you're trashing a lot of stuff.
Random comics = Trash
Meme pictures = Trash
Garbage at the bottom of the locker = definitly trash
Hoards upon hoards of OK Go Pictures = KEEP, are you joking? XD
So now the whole side of my locker is filled with those adorable faces, and nothing else.
Would any of our student boardies like to share pictures of their lockers? I'll submit one as soon as I get ahold of a camera (Which shouldn't be hard)
Oh gosh, that's great. I laughed really hard at this because everyone's getting into dial up and I just escaped the horrible experience of it.
I still don't know why ANYONE would want dial up though. I've wanted to take a hammer to my modem several times.
And yes, This is an amazing song. Do you know of anywhere to get it? Is it on iTunes or anything?
YKYOW you've only heard this song once but you woke up with it in your head.
*shakes fist at Damian* Damn you, Kulash.
What killed me, what absolutely killed me, was the "me love you long time" sample from "Me So Horny."
I brought that song on a CASSETTE SINGLE. (I thought it was over the top type funny.)
Also, when you just want it to be Tuesday so that another new song will come out..
Two within a week! Crazy! xD
Hmmm, I wonder if Andy's been to that museum.
And then your mum comments on the Damianness, too.
YKYOW you scream when Damian drops his pen in the piano thing here:
I'm watching it, is anyone else?
Firstly because the Craig Ferguson appearance was the first live TV we watched on the new set.
Secondly because the new TV will require a new cable box, and therefore we're going to lose all the awesome stuff I've got saved on the DVR, so I have been watching all the old OK Go stuff I've been saving for years one last time before we change out the cable box/DVR.
aww :[ can u not hook it up to a USB external drive or DVD burner or sth?
YKNOW you keep trying to slowly introduce your friends to (read: infiltrate their minds with) "POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" in hopes that you can maybe create a posse for a movie nite when it finally hits your hometown (which would be Hong Kong in my case). Sigh if only someone could just gimme the damn date of release!!!
..your school plays this motivational video thing and they played pieces of TTSP RG version in it and everybody who even remotely knows you (beyond just name or whatever) at some point looks at you and laughs, or comes up to you and is like "I thought about you when they played that video. I thought you'd be happy."
.. your response to the video listing TTSP as under Capital Records is *grumblegrumbleCapitalgrumbleshouldfixittoParacadutegrumble*
.. you're thinking of a shirt someone in your class has which says"My name sets of national security sensors.. what does yours do?" (he has a very typicall middle-eastern name), and you're thinking the response "mine.. mine makes me sound like a ~dear child of a hippie…~" and you start mentally singing the demo version of I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe…
Why yes. Yes I did have an OK Go-tastic day.
Or as amber/leticia would want meto say:
Today, everything was OK Go and nothing hurt.
Oh, I know that feeling. I lost a bunch of stuff a couple of years ago when our DVR went belly up. My husband keeps asking why I need to save a dozen performances of TTSP.
YKYOW: You switch lockers and you're trashing a lot of stuff.
Random comics = Trash
Meme pictures = Trash
Garbage at the bottom of the locker = definitly trash
Hoards upon hoards of OK Go Pictures = KEEP, are you joking? XD
So now the whole side of my locker is filled with those adorable faces, and nothing else.
Would any of our student boardies like to share pictures of their lockers? I'll submit one as soon as I get ahold of a camera (Which shouldn't be hard)