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  • My happy list: -acing a test that you studied really hard for -seeing a good movie -finishing a book and having to wait a day to start a new one because you're still digesting it -hugs! -when you're super thirsty and FINALLY get some water -rocking…
  • So is there just no street team at all? Did the juggling club just transfer over here?
  • that's the dumbest thing ever. I've been out of it for...ever and I FINALLY found this forum. I pretty much smacked myself in the face for not finding it earlier. It's so dumb they got rid of it. The capitol one doesn't even have an OK Go page (that…
  • could you add a larger picture of the inside?
  • i only know four of their songs, the flathead EP i think....I really like them though. Very happy, makes me want to dance : )
  • hmmmm.... I love the Viva la Vida album, other than that I only know 2 songs.... I didn't find it dull at all. I love Life in Technicolor, something about it just really makes me happy. Viva la Vida is great for me because I'm a string player and I…
    in i Comment by peonytimer9 June 2008