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  • Wow, yes this is quite the overhaul! Generally agree with Becky's comments. But also generally — so good so far! Also, I wandered away from the post for a little bit and the little overlay stating the time the draft was auto saved is pretty neat!
  • Ah, I thought that name sounded familiar. It is also exciting that they will be releasing something non-OK Go on Paracadute! I shall have to look into this Becky Stark some more...
  • Lavender Diamond!!!
  • But not a real green dress, that's cruel. If I had a million dollars...
  • Did you all see the Trailer/Behind-the-Scenes video?   And most moving of all (this made me cry), a message to Japan in the wake of their multiple disasters:
  • But if you post a link to the article on facebook, one tiny little thumbnail preview of the guys in their *unitards* shows up!
  • ZOMGGGGG Sailor Moon! I also went through a Sailor Moon phase! Although it was pretty short. I quickly moved on to other anime. But I may still have Sailor Moon wallpapers deep in the bowels of my computer somewhere... Mars and Mercury were my fav…
  • Magnoliamaggiemag, not sure if I'm reading your post correctly, but there's no age restriction on posting photos — and the photos don't exactly have to be your hometown where you grew up, nor do they have to be of the band. They're just looking for …
    in 180/365 Comment by wick*design June 2011
  • Thanks, Mike, for the detailed descriptions! As Becky said, it makes the awesomeness VERY clear.    Yay, my Paradise birthday show made it onto the CD! Now to decide... Book or not, book or not?...
    in 180/365 Comment by wick*design May 2011
  • Can't wait!!! Fall 2010 was my lucky (and way too late) introduction to the magic that is OK Go shows. I first saw them at the Life is Good festival in September, got hooked, and saw a full show at Brandeis 3 weeks later in October, followed by the …
    in 180/365 Comment by wick*design May 2011
  • Thanks, Rachel! I did actually try that little tree icon, and even tried setting smaller dimensions in there, but it didn't look like it was going to come out linked with the little mouse icon. Maybe I should have just had faith and gone ahead with …
  • Sorry Amber, I should have let you know I was a fellow fan! It's always weird to get random people following you. My Twitter username used to be "erasure," but I was getting so many weird people following me because they thought I was the band "eras…
  • Yes! Paradise was great! I was riding that high for days...
  • Rachel, that's awesome! I would have loved to be down in the orchestra seats, but they weren't letting people with free tickets (mostly Berklee students) into that area at the beginning. At least I was able to be in the front row of the balcony. A…
  • Yep! Only at the concert, though. I won one of those GetGlue tickets. Were you there for the whole conference?