silver12 said:
sherib said:
Am I the only one who gets confused every time he starts talking "ones and zeros"? Am I an idiot?
I get confused, too, sherib. If you're an idiot, then I must be one, too.
I'm so excited. I'd be lying if I said I…
Chips said:
Other stuff that I would love:
Andy and/or Tim singing at least one song.
Another awesome guitar solo or two, like WK or WTF.
More unusual time signatures. They did that a lot in OTBCOTS with WTF being 5/4 the whole song and the en…
sara said:
So this is probably a stretch, but I was on the OK Go forums about 10 years ago, when I was 13 years old. My user name was the same (sara with no h).
Something incredible happened here a long time ago. While exploring the frontier of o…
"Why the f*** do you care? You're here."
!! LOL.
"Maybe Tim will kick Andy in the balls and you guys can have a viral video…nothing does better than cats, boobs, and kicking in the balls!"
I was just silently shrieking with my …
DJRose said:
Having a sad day like me? Just plain cranky? Here. Have some Damian smiling.
I love the fact that that can actually work. Lol!
Oh dear.
We're all* pathetic in a lovely way.
*Speaking for myself only of course (pff)