Heh, cool. Awesome song. >.<
I wish I had more than basic cable. ;_;
Mmm, cinnamon gum.....
Lmao, "Mmmmmm, forbidden donuuut....*drools*"
Gotta luff Le Homer.
QUOTE (pigeonsarecool @ Dec 22 2004, 03:18 PM)haha I so understand the Killers thing, that song and "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand are constantly on repeat in my brain at the worst times, like Chemistry.
Yes, always at the worst times. -.-
Bah, none exactly right now. But! The songs that I CANNOT get out of my head are *bangs head on computer desk*:
Somebody Told Me by The Killers
The Happy Days song!? D:
Various others that I've forgotten right now as I am just out of it and random…