In this Discussion

Favorite OKGO Song



  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Mar 28 2006, 10:08 PM)
    WOW, that sounds so nerdy.....I love it!

    It is, and it's FABULOUS.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Feb 19 2006, 03:09 AM)
    Yeah, exactly. I mean, even if you were lucky enough to date one of them, you would desperately want to have affairs with the other three. It's just inevitable, friends.

    I'm sorry, but solely for this quote this thread must be bumped.

  • Solely for the TRUTH of the statement, that is. Don't fight it, people.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 23 2006, 06:30 PM)
    Solely for the TRUTH of the statement, that is. Don't fight it, people.

    Seriously, if we ever make a boardie T-Shirt, that's going to be the quote on the back, or front, or whatever.

    QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 23 2006, 11:29 PM)
    Seriously, if we ever make a boardie T-Shirt, that's going to be the quote on the back, or front, or whatever.

    OMG, that's such a good idea. OK Go on the front, then the quote. Dude, I'm brilliant.
  • multiple personalities. hmm.
    maybe one of yourselves can make the front
    and your otherself can make the back
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Apr 29 2006, 11:56 PM)
    multiple personalities. hmm.
    maybe one of yourselves can make the front
    and your otherself can make the back

    Good idea, #2 never gets to work on arts and crafts, she eats the glitter.
  • i eat the glue
  • That means you eat horse hooves. Also, it means you are Professor Cheddar (she likes to eat glue when Dr. 4 isn't looking).
  • My friend has a hat that says "I EAT GLUE."

    I seriously have no idea who would decide to sell those..
  • Probably the same people that made the shirts, "I'm with stupid."
  • But those are just as side-splitting as people in novelty gorilla suits!
  • I once dated a guy who insisted on wearing a novelty gorilla suit at the restaurant. I never did see his face
  • Is that a joke? Because if it's not, dude, why did you go out with him? He could be some serial rapist.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 30 2006, 09:18 AM)
    Is that a joke? Because if it's not, dude, why did you go out with him? He could be some serial rapist.

    Lol, he was not a serial rapist. He just had severe mental baggage.
  • With...primates?
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 30 2006, 12:07 PM)

    Yes, in fact, I think he ended up working at the Phoenix Zoo. There are plenty of primates there.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 30 2006, 04:18 PM)
    Yes, in fact, I think he ended up working at the Phoenix Zoo. There are plenty of primates there.

    I still can't believe you dated a guy like that, it's just weird.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 30 2006, 01:35 PM)
    I still can't believe you dated a guy like that, it's just weird.

    I thought he was joking about the whole primate costume till he actually wore it.
  • Hopefully you broke up with him as soon as you found out.
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