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Random Stuff



  • melissa is drinking jarritos.

    (hecho en mexico)
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Feb 18 2007, 01:30 AM)
    ive been coughing non stop for 3 days.
    im anoying the hell out of everyone in my house.
    anyone got any ideas?

    hmm... maybe some tea.

    my parents friends from el salvador are here. they're kind of funny and weird. but like always, im hiding in my room like a munchkin.
  • i drank some tea. didnt do anything.
    took some $12 cough syrup that tasted like really cheap lipstick.
    didnt work.
    took other stuff didnt work.
  • I hope you'll get better. smile.gif

    Isn't it so ironic that at the time there are like 2 lines of how many people are online right now, I can't use the computer because I must play Scrabble with my mummy?
  • have you got vicks vapour drops there? if you do try them
  • How about some cherry chest rub? Although it might be a bit uncomfy to slather on there.
  • ur lucky people play scrable with u.
    no one plays with me.
    and isnt it weird how its hard to find someone to play monopoly with?
    thats why u go online and play ^^
  • you can play online?i love monopoly and also have the same problem! although tehy dont liek playing because i biul up a whole street and everyone gives up when they each owe me several thousand dollars! ahha

    whats the link?
  • QUOTE (Claret @ Feb 18 2007, 02:49 AM)

    this has been made into a topic by me in the news forum earlyer

    with a fun poll
  • i think she looks....very...

    i don't even know...

    different, i guess is the correct word..


    i can't believe spears shaved it herself..
  • nooo
    go here
    gotta sign up
    hella fun tho
    and i dont use that term often
  • This is my 100th post.

  • anyone want to play monopoly with me on
  • whoa its different now.
    i havent been there in a while.
    i cant find monopoly
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 17 2007, 03:28 PM)
    want me to set fergal le sharkey on him/her/it?
    does it happen often that people are asked to stay behind?

    eh you should tell me these things in your next daily pm to me =p
    so then i have something to reply to in my pm it doesnt get to many pm's these days

    (a not so subtle hint for people to pm me)
    in other random news, my body is broken from a gig last night
    in other news, ive joined a new forum recently, and i really dont like boards where the to poster is a tool (incert nsty coment here if you dont like me) / (incert a nice coment here if you do)
    rabble babble

    Aww, no need for fergal to strike. The teacher was very nice about it. In the 4th year, we're supposed to go to 4 clinics outside of school and be at school, alternating each month. By staying behind, it just means they want me to stay in the clinic for the first two times rather than go out to the other clinics in AZ. The teacher thinks I don't have the experience yet to work in an outside clinic, which I guess is thoughtful of him. I think a few people in my class also have this problem. It was just a bit of a blow to my ego. But I can't help if I've got some lousy patients who never come in. From now on, I'll show no fear in being aggressive to these people about coming in for treatment or have them taken off my patient list.

    Ooo! What gig did you go to?? Tell us! You weren't mosh pitting were you?
  • grr, double post
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Feb 18 2007, 04:24 AM)
    Aww, no need for fergal to strike. The teacher was very nice about it. In the 4th year, we're supposed to go to 4 clinics outside of school and be at school, alternating each month. By staying behind, it just means they want me to stay in the clinic for the first two times rather than go out to the other clinics in AZ. The teacher thinks I don't have the experience yet to work in an outside clinic, which I guess is thoughtful of him. I think a few people in my class also have this problem. It was just a bit of a blow to my ego. But I can't help if I've got some lousy patients who never come in. From now on, I'll show no fear in being aggressive to these people about coming in for treatment or have them taken off my patient list.

    Ooo! What gig did you go to?? Tell us! You weren't mosh pitting were you?

    *puts fergal back in cage*

    i went to see the frattelies

    my body is still in much pain, seeing regina spektor next tuesday!
  • My sister's obsessed with Regina Spektor. Who is she?

    she is rather amazing, i got into her via the greatest radio show in the world

    the i and a rock route, on 1-3pm usa time
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