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  • Arrghh...the day before report cards come out, and I realize I have an 88 in journalism.

    You see, the only classes that really count for rank are the core classes and foreign language class. BUT I have never goitten a B in my life. From the high-pichted depths of kindergarten, I have always gotten A's. So to me, it counts. And to the GPA. And now, this 88.

    However, I know that though the 88 might be printed on my report card, if I butter up my teacher enough, it can be changed on the one thing that matters, which is the transcript. And I think she likes me, quiet little me, and I hope she'll give me a chance...!

    P.S. I practically flooded the house with tears. I know. Pathetic, eh? But my good grades are the only thing I've got going for me. Beauty? Not so much. Athelticism, musicality? Sorry. Art? Mediocre.
  • ^^^
    oh... but awesomeness? to the max!!!!!

    dont worry about it. u'll still get into college, and journalism??? not so important.

    oh courtney, u so crazy...

    all i have is my grades too and i have a D is calculus and C in english. hahaha, me is a moron.
  • Thanks, but I hope it's the college I want.

    Problems, problems, problems. I'll stop talking about the problems.

    (British orphan accent) I suppose what the old lady said is true, Vinnie. Our destiny is to become hoboes on the corner of Julian and OK Go...
  • chkl, I can't wait!

    i think im just gonna study a lot, like a lot.., and get a lot of degrees and then be a real smart hobo. yup.
  • oh courtney i feel ya.. i just took a final and got totally pwnd and i cant stop crying because i might not get an A in the class.. i used to be like you with the straight As.. and then things got not so good during junior year of high school with my pathetic excuse for a calculus teacher and such.. and so now in college its like starting new and i did fantastic last quarter and i dont want my strong gpa to go down but i'm scared its going to because that final was SO HARD... and then i have another one 8am tomorrow and i really need to study for it but i cant focus i'm so sad! ah and i wasnt supposed to come back on the boards until after finals were over but i need to vent where people won't get angry/annoyed with me for venting.. so here i am. sigh what a day.. i love how right when i walked out of that final it started pouring and i didnt know it was going to rain.. which made me even sadder because i usually check the weather compulsively and i always know when its going to rain and i'm prepared and i laugh at the majority of people scurrying in flip flops and shorts. ugh sad.gif i need to study for econ damn.

    oh and vinnie to go berkeley.. theres lots of smart hobos there.. ha.
  • ^^ haha, i was thinking of going there or pepperdine or stanford, but i doubt i'll get into any...

    What school do u go to???

    and ur day seems to really have sucked. but dont worry about. be happy. its all good. smile.gif
  • i go to ucsd...
    i didnt get into berkeley or ucla or usc.. didnt bother with stanford no way in hell i would've gotten in.. didnt bother with pepperdine because its not worth it for me for a private school. so it was between ucsd, uci, and ucr... i went with the highest ranked school which was ucsd because yes that kind of stuff matters to me.
    but yeah im really like a;lskdfj;laksj distraught because i want to keep my gpa up because i have high hopes for business school - i'd love to go to like an ivy league or oxford or a couple other schools in the UK. so yeah ugh. i hate school.
  • I'm hungry and there are wolves chasing me mellow.gif
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Mar 23 2007, 03:01 AM)
    Thanks, but I hope it's the college I want.

    Okay, listen. I think it's stupid how much emphasis the American educational system puts on getting into the "right" college the first time. If you get in where you want to go (and I'm 99% sure you're going to get in anywhere you apply), you get in! Great! If not, you go to the next best place, you make the best of it, and you reapply as a transfer. There's nothing wrong with transferring, at all. And there's nothing wrong with getting to your "dream" college and realising that it's not really what you wanted, and changing your mind. Your life extends beyond college admissions, and it's stupid how much pressure the system puts on high schoolers.

    I got straight A's pretty much from 4th grade up until my freshman or sophomore year of high schol. And then I started getting the occasional B, maybe once or twice a semester. And now that I'm in college, I tend to get mostly B's, with an A or two thrown in there each semester. I just hit a point where I just stopped caring so much. I didn't stop caring totally, but I don't care so much. And my parents told me the same thing- I'd stress about grades, and my mom would say, "You know what? This B isn't going to determine the rest of your life."

    And she's absolutely right. So chillax, man. You'll be fine. cool.gif
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Mar 23 2007, 05:14 AM)
    I'm hungry and there are wolves chasing me mellow.gif

    Are you perhaps hungry like the wolf?

    Edit: Hey, why didn't that get combined?? sad.gif
  • that combining system is long dead
  • holy crap!

    work actully found the right form for me, and actully filled it in!

    (filled it in wrong, and i had to go back and get them to re-do it, as they had me down for making £90 a day....i wish)
  • Yay!
    Glad they sorted the form Andy

    And Courtney, Jedi speaks the truth. It's not gonna screw up your life, and while I know it's disappointing (I'm exactly the same as you) you can spend the rest of the year getting it back up, right? smile.gif
    Plus, you are spectacularly awesome, and that counts most.

    I've given up being worried that I wont get into the school I want.. I wana go to Cambridge (like Oxford/Ivy League type uni) but it's so hard to get into. But if not, it's not the end of the world anyway so meh smile.gif
  • schools are overated anyways...

    ive done just fine without top level eduaction =p
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Mar 23 2007, 03:01 PM)
    I've given up being worried that I wont get into the school I want.. I wana go to Cambridge (like Oxford/Ivy League type uni) but it's so hard to get into. But if not, it's not the end of the world anyway so meh smile.gif

    Normally I'd be like, "I have a friend who lives near Cambridge!" but I think you knew that, and I'm all sore about it and don't feel like going into the subject.

    Hey, can maybe some of you Brits do some research for me- I know it's either Cambridge or Oxford that offers a Teach English as a Foreign Language program, but I don't know anything about it. I know there are the same programs in the US, but I think it would be nifty to do it in England (and probably give me more cred, too, since most of the world tends to favour British English. As, clearly, do I, because Firefox is highlighting "favour" as misspelled).
  • *hug* (about the friend thing...)

    Ooo I'll look it up for you - I have both prospectuses (prospecti?)
    I'd have thought it'd be Oxford tbh they're more language-y...

    Firefox hates British spellings. And now, as a consequence, I keep writing "color" or "favorite" and my teachers are getting annoyed... Americans got the right idea about "center" tho - "centre" makes no sense at all.
  • i prefure cenTOR

  • happy national puppy day everyone...

    i LOVE puppies!
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