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Random Stuff



  • ive been giving points out since i joined here

    just no one bothered to keep count =p

    lady dabs has a handfull of points i seem to recall for finding a song for me once
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Mar 29 2007, 02:25 PM)
    AH I WILL STAY - ths is the only thing not blocked at work!

    (i cant get on msn b.c work blocks it//.and my darling panda puff by the time i get online ur sleeeeping sad.gif ) IMISS YOU GUYS OMG!

    Welcome back!
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Mar 29 2007, 07:00 PM)
    Welcome back!

  • It's been raining. And so the bottoms of my jeans got wet.
    Now I've been kneeling so my ass is also wet.
    And I can't feel my feet either.

    This is not good. sad.gif
  • *hugs*
    Im sorry

    if it makes you feel any better i threw candy at the beautiful boy for his beautiful stupidity
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Mar 30 2007, 06:07 PM)
    Im sorry

    if it makes you feel any better i threw candy at the beautiful boy for his beautiful stupidity

    that is quite cheering
    thank you smile.gif
  • just so you can get the complete visual - they were smartees
  • Oh that makes it even better - flying colours!!!

    Haha, my little sister couldn't make the 'sm' sound when she was little.
    she called them 'farties' happy.gif

    just thought you'd like to know...
  • i am going to call them farties from now on

    yay farties for everyone...covered in pb and cheddar
  • OH WOW!
    Farties, PB and cheddar sandwich.

    I may implode with the excitement.
  • i am currently out of school and on spring break!
  • o wow

    300 post?

    i tried to edit it but it wouldn't let me

    o wait now this is 301 post...o well
  • yay congrats porifera!!
    my spring break is ending =/
    hope yours is more fun than mine was!
  • o boo that. sorry to here it sad.gif

    i'm excited now
  • OMG
    grades just went up!!
    i got one A and two A-
    i totally thought i was gonna get a B
    but i will never get over how +/- affect gpas. so stupid!!!
    so my gpa went down a little, but meh its okay i can fix it later haha.
    okay sorry i had to baske in the glory a little bit. i'm so relieved.
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Mar 30 2007, 02:43 PM)
    grades just went up!!
    i got one A and two A-
    i totally thought i was gonna get a B
    but i will never get over how +/- affect gpas. so stupid!!!
    so my gpa went down a little, but meh its okay i can fix it later haha.
    okay sorry i had to baske in the glory a little bit. i'm so relieved.

    YAY congrats on good marks

    *sigh - fellow uni students..remember when we cared about grades? RIGHT DEE HAHAH
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Mar 30 2007, 01:00 AM)
    Welcome back!

    At first, I thought you were saying "!!!" as in the band !!! and I was wondering why you were welcoming them back.

    So I sat across from this ADORABLE guy on the metro today who reminded me BUNCHES of Alex Kapranos. For those who don't know, I think Alex is the SEXIEST man alive. Yes, sexier than Damian. Damian is hot. Alex is sexy. In fact, Alex is sex personified.

    I digress. He reminded me of Alex and I was sort of in love. And we talked. We talked! He was so cute! But maybe a little too old for me. :\ And then he got off the train before me, too, and I wanted to say, "WAIT TAKE ME HOME WITH YOU FOR YOU ARE ADORABLE AND ALEX-LIKE!" But I did not. And I will never see him ever again. sad.gif

    In other news, I failed my Portuguese exam and didn't finish my application for today. Whoo! dry.gif
  • dont think of it as failing...think of it i as choosing not to conform to academic standards
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Mar 30 2007, 09:39 PM)
    dont think of it as failing...think of it i as choosing not to conform to academic standards

    This is a good one!!

    And Katy, I was in the airport once coming home from Italy, and I was in the queue to check in my bags, when this guy joined the queue who looked a couple of years older than me and almost exactly like a mini Damian. Ah, his hair alone made me melt. And he had a guitar case with him too. He kept smiling at me and looking at me, so I told my mum that I was going to sit next to him instead of one of my sisters, to which she agreed having admired his cuteosity... and then he realised he was in the wrong queue and he was, in fact, destined for Manchester, not London.

    I was muy pissed off.

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