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Random Stuff




    Anybody who's going to fucking string me along at all doesn't deserve to be in my life, let alone call me one of their "best friends."

    Andybody who's going to do the same for 10 months, claim for ages that he really cares about me but that he doesn't want to get involved in something serious long-distance, and then start dating a girl who goes to my school who is an ocean away, really, really doesn't deserve to be in my life.

    End of story.
  • welcome amy!!!
    i'm ambreen.. i also go by amberdino, ambers, ambie, breeen, amberlin, and many other nicknames! feel free to create another. smile.gif
  • QUOTE (alicecooper91 @ Apr 25 2007, 02:45 AM)
    hmm well i signed up, i lurked for a day or two, and i decided there would be no place more suitable for my introduction than in a thread about random things.

    so hi. i'm amy. i'm a recently recruited follower of the church of ok go, let us sing praise in their names! yes, i'm very odd. nice to meet you all smile.gif
    Welcome to the boards Amy! I'm Dani smile.gif
  • HEY AMY!!!

    im angela, but u can call me vinnie...most do...
  • OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    coachella is gonna be online, live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    shit this is fucken exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg im start salavating over interpol.....FUCK!!!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    im excited.... (sry about the bad words unsure.gif)

    oh, heres the link:
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Apr 25 2007, 11:11 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=111253

    OMG Thank you so much for posting this.. i cried about six times because I couldn't go to any of the shows. I'm so excited.. wow biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Apr 25 2007, 06:11 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=111253

    My my, Vinnie, you sound just a bit excited.
  • Haha, Coachella is online every year!
  • ^^^

    chkl..i just realized that like an hour ago...but im still excited!!!!
  • My mom, sis, and uncle's girlfriend were considering going to a Peter Tork concert. (Peter Tork is a member of the 60s band The Monkees. Peter is the blonde monkee.) At the end of the afternoon today, my mommy calls to tell me that they are on their way and stopped at a restaraunt. Who should be in the booth next to them but...PETER TORK! My uncle's girlfriend is friend's with a member of Peter's band and is going to see if she can arrange for Peter to personally come over and say hi to my sis and mom.

    First I meet Davy then my sis meets Peter...
  • *performs CPR and Heimlich maneuver on Tempe to revive her*
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 24 2007, 11:59 PM)
    She's gone! She's gone! The bitch Heather Mills has finally been kicked off "Dancing w/ the Stars." Stupid bitch is so desperate for attention, she actually brought a goodbye speech w/ her. All the other dancers who lose just do a final dance and leave. dry.gif

    hehe my mom voted for her but used to say she found her annoying... who knows.
    I found her annoying cause her farewell speech was all about the poor little animals.

    I like Apollo too.... he's cute, though he needs to get rid of the soul patch thing.

    and vinnie, I bet you can commiserate with me on this:
    WHY has Interpol been inactive for the past year and a half????? I didn't even realize until now how much I missed them. I've been remembering everything about how much I love them now that they're alive again. seriously, its scary.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 24 2007, 09:59 PM)
    She's gone! She's gone! The bitch Heather Mills has finally been kicked off "Dancing w/ the Stars." Stupid bitch is so desperate for attention, she actually brought a goodbye speech w/ her. All the other dancers who lose just do a final dance and leave. dry.gif

    paul mccartney fan... dry.gif
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Apr 25 2007, 09:32 PM)
    paul mccartney fan... dry.gif

    You know it, sweets! laugh.gif

    Wait, wait, you can hate the Paul if you must. But if you're in Healther's camp, I'll burn it down! Hail Camp Candy! Remember that show? Wow, how many random thoughts can I put into one post?
  • i dont 'like' whats her face. but i dislike paul mccartney more. FACT
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Apr 25 2007, 09:44 PM)
    i dont 'like' whats her face. but i dislike paul mccartney more. FACT

    do you like pie in the face? *Cause here it comes!*
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Apr 26 2007, 03:53 AM)
    and vinnie, I bet you can commiserate with me on this:
    WHY has Interpol been inactive for the past year and a half????? I didn't even realize until now how much I missed them. I've been remembering everything about how much I love them now that they're alive again. seriously, its scary.

    OMG yes!!!!!!!!!!!

    its been so long, and they keep everything so secret ugh!!!

    well at least on friday ill get to see them again

    omg paul is looking so wonderful!!!!!

    my heart...sad.gif
  • my ribs still hurt alot

    and bread hurts when its slammed into your ribs at work

    im to old to be at the front of gigs it seems..
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 26 2007, 02:12 AM)
    My mom, sis, and uncle's girlfriend were considering going to a Peter Tork concert. (Peter Tork is a member of the 60s band The Monkees. Peter is the blonde monkee.) At the end of the afternoon today, my mommy calls to tell me that they are on their way and stopped at a restaraunt. Who should be in the booth next to them but...PETER TORK! My uncle's girlfriend is friend's with a member of Peter's band and is going to see if she can arrange for Peter to personally come over and say hi to my sis and mom.
    First I meet Davy then my sis meets Peter...

    I love how you have to mention who he is... hehe laugh.gif
    So how many monkees have you met?
    Just one for me.... so far....

    QUOTE (sweetness @ Apr 26 2007, 05:44 AM)
    i dont 'like' whats her face. but i dislike paul mccartney more. FACT

    Paul McCartney, admittedly, can be a bit of a twat. But he's a Beatle. That redeems him, surely??
  • heather mills is going to be in big brother over here, so ill most likely boycot it..

    im really rather bored, alie you should come online or somthing =p
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