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Happy List



  • One of my friends goes to McGill. I miss her. She's awesome.

    Anyway, I hope you get in!!
  • QUOTE (Claret @ Nov 28 2007, 09:00 PM)
    Guess where I applied today!?


    I'm probably not going to get accepted but I had the guts to apply, at least!! I feel SO good!!!!

    I go to McGill! It rocks quite a bit, I will say. When you get accepted, give me a call, I'll gladly give you the grand tour (i.e. where to get free food, [Two words my friend: midnight kitchen], the best local bars, yaknow, all the important information). Good luck darling; I expect to see you here next year!

    -Living in Montreal. I forget how cool that is every now and again
    -Having a boyfriend that can make me feel so much better. We talked about the fact that adventure series on the radio should come back and I recommended that we be the people to do it. I could seriously become the sound-effects person. JUST YOU WAIT. IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME.
    -having one of my best friend come over (while she was waiting for another friend) and inviting me to come along and play, oh I don't know, GUITAR HERO III at the local FutureShop. We went and just played for an hour and a half or so. It was amazing. I know I say it, but I have pretty awesome friends. Seriously. They're champions.
    -Late night chocolate chip pancakes with honey while watching Sex and the City
    -I'm starting to stretch again. Maybe I'll be a contortionist.
  • Amy, I have an undeniable love affair with McGill, no matter how hard I try to ignore it, so I'm going to annoy you with more questions about it.


    Un: Because it's such a reputable/amazing/etc. school, does it have kind of a competitive, stressful environment?

    Deux: Are they picky about your involvement in athletics, clubs, teams, etc. in high school? Everything at my school is too lame.

    Trois: Do you know any other students studying communications?
  • I have the sweetest friend ever. I've been really nervous about an exam I have tomorrow and I've kind of been freaking out- and she just sent me the nicest text message ever. It almost made me cry.
  • Things that make me happy right now...

    1. All three seasons of The Office (US) DVDs. The only way I keep sane is to pop in one of those whenever there's twenty minutes of free time.
    2. Three more weeks until break. Let's not think about what comes before that (finals).
    3. Sleep.
    4. The weekend.
    5. My black sweatshirt/hoodie/whatever you want to call it.
    6. Yogos.
    7. Christmas music.
    8. sleepsleepsleepsleepsleep.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Nov 29 2007, 03:13 AM)
    Amy, I have an undeniable love affair with McGill, no matter how hard I try to ignore it, so I'm going to annoy you with more questions about it.


    Un: Because it's such a reputable/amazing/etc. school, does it have kind of a competitive, stressful environment?

    Deux: Are they picky about your involvement in athletics, clubs, teams, etc. in high school? Everything at my school is too lame.

    Trois: Do you know any other students studying communications?

    I don't know how much help I'll be, but, true to form, I will give it a shot (just realize that I'm pulling a lot of it out of my ass)

    Question Un: Really, as over said as it is, McGill is as competitive as you want it to be. There is absolutely no babying along. You're really pretty much on your own. No one will be telling you to get shit done and there are no real ways of comparing yourself to others until class averages go up at the end of the semester.
    I feel that it's competitive just because that's just how I am. I want to be the best... granted I'm a master procrastinator, but STILL. The work load is tough, but manageable (anyone in an arts course is certain to have a butt-load of reading. Science kids have labs. I don't know what management kids do. Engineers talk about physics or something. I don't even know. Both my roommates are romantically involved with engineering students and I still don't know what they do).
    So, yes and no. It's competitive if you want it to be, but there's no one here to scold you if you don't try your best.

    Did that even answer your question? I don't know. My eyes hurt from too much Guitar Hero III.

    Question Deux: Eh. They SAY they value extracurricular and don't put as much of an emphasis on standardized testing. However, I just did theatre and Girl Scouts (go me!) in High School. I figure they like good grades and some sort of thing to show you can balance work and outside responsibility (i.e. holding a job while in school, etc.).

    Question Trois: Actually no, I don't know anyone specifically. I assume everyone's in economics. Because WHO DOESN'T LOVE MARGINAL VALUE CURVES AMIRITE?

    No matter what you decide to do, you must come to Montreal and go midnight sledding with some wine.

    It sounds like there are two dumpsters humping outside my window. What.
  • ^^ Hahaha I love reading your posts. That one was so intellectual and informative and then at the end you just added that thing about the dumpsters, like randomly. Hahaha very nice!
  • Welcome to my life.
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Nov 29 2007, 02:26 PM)

    Patty!! I went to the Galaxy game the other day! You're right, it was completely amazing.
    Oh and we won 5-3, L.A. can put that in their multi-million dollar pipe and smoke it.

    - Sydney kicking butt.
  • Good luck Dani Darling!!
    Amy, you've made me wish I was applying to McGill... do you have a medical school?
    Hehe smile.gif

    And though my biology cw is still lost (see Complaints thread for details of incompetence), I got 19.4 in my BMAT medical exam, which will mean bugger all to you guys but to me means that I did well!! It's above average for medical school applicants, who all get straight A's. I'm pretty pleased.
  • you're just getting better and better alice!! that's awesome news!! smile.gif
  • Oh Rock on Alice!! Rock ON!!!!!

    In less important news: I'm having a good hair day. It's not great hair, but it looks good. Rock on!
  • - feeling like i really really want to paint and starting a huge OK Go picture... (i took one of the motivational posters as a ... inspiration...) it'll propably take the whole of next week, but i am happy smile.gif
  • -tone's new signature picture... those things always make me laugh but THAT... is amazing
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Nov 29 2007, 06:16 PM)
    -tone's new signature picture... those things always make me laugh but THAT... is amazing

    It's on Facebook all the fucking time and I can never concentrate when sending out a message because it's ALWAYS THERE.

    And the bad thing is, I can never resist clicking it because I feel so bad every time that little guy gets stomped on by the gorilla.
  • Amy, there are no words. Awesomely hilarious.
  • There ARE words, and those words are: "ESCAPE THE GORILLA! Find UR Crush's Name! (subscription required)"

    Alright, why do I need it to tell me MY chrush's name? Shouldn't I want it to tell me the name of someone who has a crush on me?
  • one of my favorites is like "shave her legs and find out ur crush's name" or something to that extent...i have a mac, so i can't screen cap, otherwise i would
  • HAHAHAHA. Shaving my legs always helps ME figure out my crush's name
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Nov 29 2007, 03:33 PM)
    HAHAHAHA. Shaving my legs always helps ME figure out my crush's name

    Dude. That post was made at 3:33 pm and was your 3,333rd post.

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