I have the version of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" from Appendices, but I liked that live one so much, I decided to rip it for everyone. Hooray!
btw, thanks for sending me the link to "Father Christmas" because it's now officially stuck in my head. Along with "Gigantic". I love when Ok Go's stuck in me noggin.
hmm... let's suppose I wanted to download "Father Christmas" from okgocentral.com....How exactly would I go about doing so?
click on the link... an then it will open up a window... then right click on the blue hyperlinked writing and click 'save target as' and then it should open up a download box, and i'm guessing you know what to from there...
...while we're talking about live songs does anyone happen to have get over it (bbc session)... supposively it's on the don't ask me uk single... but all the don't ask me singles that i've ever seen only have one song... don't ask me...
ahem, so i have a different mp3 version of Have yourself a merry little christmas (one were there are less screams from the audience and more Damians voice ) but don' t really know where to upload it... maybe on the gmail account?!
Edit: btw I love watching youtube videos of live performances and then like "oh, that would be nice on my mp3 player... ok, converter to the rescue!! hahaha...."
ok, i tried to add a few songs (have yourself... and mp3s of interviews) I just don't know if i did it right. How exactly can i upload it on the song account??? I think the song is now in the drafts...
edit: ok, got it... so, i'll also upload an mp3 of the vintage interview and the ping pong video just because it's fun listening to those on the mp3 player...
anybody have a live version of Don't Bring Me Down? Full band? I have a million vids of it, but I'd love to have it on my iPod... i have the SoHo version already... forgive me for being greedy...
I have this version that I ripped from a vid on YouTube:
So... I can't get Vixy.net to work for some crazy reason, and I don't know how to get videos from DVDs into .mp4 format for the iPod. I'm looking for someone to either make me some videos or give me software suggestions for getting vids off DVDs onto iPod. I've got an iMac G5 (people PC, not intel), running Panther.
You know, because you cannot possibly ever have too much OK Go on your iPod.
btw, thanks for sending me the link to "Father Christmas" because it's now officially stuck in my head. Along with "Gigantic". I love when Ok Go's stuck in me noggin.
click on the link... an then it will open up a window... then right click on the blue hyperlinked writing and click 'save target as' and then it should open up a download box, and i'm guessing you know what to from there...
...while we're talking about live songs does anyone happen to have get over it (bbc session)... supposively it's on the don't ask me uk single... but all the don't ask me singles that i've ever seen only have one song... don't ask me...
THANKS for Have yourself..... really really yay
Edit: btw I love watching youtube videos of live performances and then like "oh, that would be nice on my mp3 player... ok, converter to the rescue!! hahaha...."
edit: ok, got it... so, i'll also upload an mp3 of the vintage interview and the ping pong video just because it's fun listening to those on the mp3 player...
and you're welcome
I have this version that I ripped from a vid on YouTube:
thank you so much jedi grrlie!!!
You know, because you cannot possibly ever have too much OK Go on your iPod.