P.S. My favourite blog: Chapter Forty-Six: Scared Merdeless
Tim and I had a pretty classic commute today, on our way to a meeting with the wonderful people at Yahoo! Music. Tim was driving, which is an adventure all by itself. We were preparing to make a perfectly legal left turn, when out of the bleu comes a crazy French guy on a motorcycle. I can't describe how ridiculous this guy looked... sort of like Zaphod Beeblebrox doing an impression of DJ Qualls, while charging at us at full speed, clearly ignoring the red traffic light that's begging him to stop.
When he finally does see the light, the bastard stops short, leaving us in the middle of the intersection with opposing lanes of traffic barreling down on us at high rates of speed. Tim, bless his heart, was able to back out of the intersection and into the left turn lane with just moments to spare. We sat and we cursed. A lot. It's always fun to curse with Tim, because he does it in perfect high-pitched harmony, just like he sings.
With our light turned green, we were now forced to pass crazy motorcycle guy, for whom I was busily working up my best two-hands-in-the-air, "what the fuck was that?" move, until I noticed him waving at us with a stupid grin on his face. The only reaction my reptilian brain could muster was a middle finger extended in his direction. Remember: Giving in to road rage is always a bad idea.
In a split second the crazy man had u-turned, and was now screaming through my window at me. I couldn't make out every word, but his basic point was this: "Zye tweye to apowogize and zyou give me ze fingeh!!"
I told Tim to step on it, and we took off, weaving through the streets of Hollywood with a crazy biker on our tail. At every traffic light, he would pull up parallel to us, point to the side of the road and scream "Zye don't zyou pull ovah and let me zhow you a fingah!!!"
Which part of this interaction is most ridiculous? a. That he was ready to throw down after receiving the (well-deserved) bird. b. That he actually believed Baldy and Shrimpy Dandy Suit would brawl on the side of the road with him. c. That he used "let me show you a finger" as a threat. d. The post-facto blogging of it.
Finally, he caught up to us at a light, left his bike in the middle of the road and walked up to the car. He bent down and rested his arms on the bottom of Tim's open window while leaning his head into the car to give Tim a not-too-subtle warning: "Zyou bettah tell zyour fwiend he should be careful where he puts his fingahs!!" In a stroke of genius, frustration and fear, Tim turned to our assailant, looked him in the eye, and, at the top of his lungs, yelled "WE'RE LATE FOR A MEETING!" before flooring it to freedom.
In retrospect, I'm really happy all this happened.
OMG. How have I NOT read that before???!?!?!?! That is HILARIOUS! "Shrimpy Dandy Suit," hee hee hee.
Oh, Rusty! Please come back to us!!!!
Also, that pic of Damian is teh hotness.
QUOTE (oknow @ Apr 17 2006, 11:01 PM)
haha personally I also like the butt smacking girl who asked Damian and Rusty why their pants were so tight blog.
I would like to bring it to everyone's attention that WE FAIL AT COUNTING!
I've been planning to repost all of our reasons once we hit #100, and I started doing so a little while ago- only to find out that, somewhere in the mix, we fell behind by 20 numbers! So we're really up to 120 reasons. (I added reason number 118, just to even it out.)
So, Ladies and Gents, here are the First 120 Reasons Why OK Go is the Best Band EVER:
1. The music- I laughed.....I cried.....I DANCED. 2. The band members- They have personalities and they show them...wierd.... 3. The dance- SOMEONE HAS TO WRITE OUT THE STEPS so everyone can learn to be that aweosme. 4. The Ping-Pong instructional video- "He has never eaten ice cream and has never performed a sex act". 5. The Patterns- It takes strong men to put a paisley pattern on their website background. 6. they tour alot... so much that its prpbably making them insane... 7.The talk to low life fans like me.... despite my shady appearance 8. not just the ping pong video, but all Truth in music PDAs... especialy the Dentist one...yeah, you know what i mean... 9. They are so down to earth 10. They are so good to the fans 11. They have such showmanship! (they talk to the audience in a hillarious way and Damian mosh-pits waist high into the audiene) 12. Damian is a good brother (I wish my mom and her bro could get along as well as Trish and Damo do) 13. Baldness plus sideburns and big square glasses rocks! 14. Damian is extremely intelligent. I don't think I've read anything he's written and not been like, "Wow...." 15. Hell, they're all extremely intelligent. 16. Because of OK Go, I've also discovered Secret Dakota Ring, The Unsacred Hearts, Man in Gray, DZUSA, Tally Hall, Scamper, and The Sun, all of whom I love. 17. Liberals! 18. Rusty is from Worcester, Mass. and I heart Mass. boys. (Except during baseball season...) 19. The Kulash bunny hop. 20. The Contemptuous Kulash Constabulary Causatum. (Trish's words, not mine.) 21. They are snazzy dressers. 22. Tims audioplays rock... although there hasn't been one in a while I know its just his plan to keep us in suspense mode. 23. They're not huge asses... yet members have been arresseted... teehehehe... 24. Their music is like crack, but better. 25. Tight pants. 26. Tight red pants. 27. One word. Broaches 28. they don't have huge asses 29. They have higher pitched voices than most men...I don't know what that has to do with anything, but it's an observation. 30. Their concerts are full of people not too afraid or self-consious to just DANCE (it's nice compared to the various people who stand around and nod) 31. AWESOME stage banter 32. Songs that never get old. 33. Finding ways to make overplayed trands seem new again (i.e. many many many bands and their mothers wear suits... but OK Go is, really, one of the few bands to do the whole "ELECTIC MIX! YAY!" thing). 34. They play with crazy awsome paisly pictures flashing in the background. 35. The pictures inside the Oh No Cd. Those are just hot, and the clashing backgrounds own. 36. They can secretly gangsta rap like nobody's business but refrain most of the time as to keep the jealously to a minimum. 37. They're all effing hot. Usually there is at least one person in the band that's ugly, but not OK Go. 38. Their collective powers of hotness can be combined to save the environment! Oh, wait. That's Captain Planet. Nevermind.... 39. OK Go has the ability to bring small nations together in unity. 40. They invented the wheel 41. They invented Chuck Norris. 42. They are better then Dr. Phil and a pint of Ben and Jerry's. With a cherry on top. 43. They dug a hole 44. They cancel out all the badness in the world. Well almost atleast. 45. OK Go's tears cure cancer. Too bad OK Go has never cried, ever. 46. Diane Sawyer has hit on Damian...and Damian turned her down. 47. OK Go brings balance to the universe 48. OK Go IS the universe. 49. OK Go's fandom is tight. No, really. You all are becoming good friends, and I like that. We stick together, yo. (*dork!*) 50. They spread love... like you would on a pb&j. 51. their the best thing since sliced bread 52. Tim Nordwind. (ive got some weird crush on him and no one including my mother knows why.i find him adorable and i would give anything to hug him once) 53. Listening to Tim cursing the government's "post-modern buuuuullshiiit!" is beyond hilarious. 54. Ok Go Cufflings 55. Tim Nordwind is not afraid to wear dresses in homemade slasher flicks 56. They just ARE the best band ever, why question it? 57. They have a huge cult following. 58. Damian is a screamer (just watch PO's again or think about him performing "Don't Bring Me Down.") 59. They're goofy. 60. They eat with funny faces. 61. (I think we're up to) They get funky in the backyard 62. They are world renowned and beloved (England, Canada, Japan, Guam, Lake Titikaka) 63. They have a handsome, omnipresent, invisible webmaster who I am trying desperately at this moment to kiss up to 64. They make vinyls 65. Has the power to make even my lil' emooed sis love 'em 66. They have the ability to be dead sexy AND smart. 67. They listen to me rant about hating my homestate 68. They have mad yelling into the crowd if they piss them off skills. 69. Have you see Tim's signature? It beyond amazes me. 70. They make clashing look good. 71. They neva clash.... but they know how to CRASH!!! 72. They'll sign cards for your friends and make them very happy. Getting an OK Go card is the greatest thing in the world. 73. They go out of their way to make the fans happy. 74. Neat sideburns, occasional scruffy beards, and halfastaches. 75. Tim and Damian are, uh, "cool" with each other. 76. Because Jen said so. 77. Because Katy says Jen says so. 78. Because they love each other and we love them in return 79. Because even when they're at the airport and looking scruffy, they're still the most adorable guys you have ever seen. 80. They believe in handclaps. 81. Dan. 'Nuff said. 82. Tim & Damian used to play folding chairs. A personal favorite of mine. 83. Tim makes lunging in the snow fun and healthful. 84. They give boy bands a run for their money. 85. They personally ask their fans to join their e-mail list. 86. They have us as fans. 87. Tim is a sideburns farmer. 88. Tim has awesome glasses that only look good on him. 89. They all have college degrees. 90. Tim is really mysterious. 91. Dan is engaged!!! 92. Damian is an uncle. 93. Their mom's have myspace profiles. 94. They go around the world to see fans. 95. Will stay hours after the show to take pictures and sign autographs. 96. Damian Kulash and Cillian Murphy were basically separated at birth. Or at least it really looks like it. 97. They're really good friends. 98. They buy underwear together. 99. Two words: ASS SHOTS. 100. They (well, just Damian) grope their fans. 101. Trish Sie. Granted, she's not in the band. However, she makes OK Go cooler. Why? 1. She's Damian's sister. Duh. 2. She choreographed "A Million Ways." 3. She was featured on a Pocast interview, in which she revealed her Les Miz obsession. (And I don't know about you, but I definitely went through a Les Miz obsession phase in 8th grade, so that's awesome.) 4. She liked to eat frosting when she was little, also mentioned on a Podcast. (Frosting = love.) 5. She starts almost riots when her little brother is arrested. 6. She friends OK Go fan girls and then leaves awesome comments on their MySpaces. 102. OK Go helps you get through difficult times. 103. Their bassist dirty dances with Chantal Claret. 104. Tim is an uncle, too. 105. Damian is my homeboy. 106. Andy is an uncle, too. 107. Dan is an uncle, too. 108. They dance with axes for hands. 109. Because they pair irresistible, hip-slinging music with whip-smart lyrics. 110. They don't suck as people. 111. They all have pretty teeth. 112. A bunch of them are not only talented members of a talented band, but they also have their own talented side projects. Rusty has his own solo record out on Serious Business Records. As far as I know, Andy Duncan is supposed to be working on his own solo project. And Tim has written a play and had it produced. 113. Dan is good at coming up with crazy band names. 114. OK Go have unoffiicially changed their name to Bleed Cobalt. Haha. 115. Dan is also good at coming up with alternate sports team logos. 116. They have a band member known as Shrimpy Dandy Suit. 117. They have a 5th imaginary member named Inna. 118. Inna plays the keytar. 119. They *try* to avoid angry confrentations with crazy french bikers. 120. Tim curses in perfect high-pitched harmony, just like he sings.
Woo-hoo let's make it to 200! Then someone can make those 200 into a t-shirt. (Thanks, jedi_grrlie for your diligence. You are a true jedi master.---Dang, I wish I had seen those star wars movies so my references could be better!)
Woo-hoo let's make it to 200! Then someone can make those 200 into a t-shirt. (Thanks, jedi_grrlie for your diligence. You are a true jedi master.---Dang, I wish I had seen those star wars movies so my references could be better!)
I have seen all of them. Just dont call her a scruffy looking nerf hearder and you are ok. Lol. Im a Star wars nerd.
I have seen all of them. Just dont call her a scruffy looking nerf hearder and you are ok. Lol. Im a Star wars nerd.
Lol!!! Can I be the scruffy looking nerf hearder? I will consult with you, Ms. Glendale, when I need a good star wars name to call jedi_grrlie. Yet again, you've proven more reason why they crowned you Ms. Glendale.
Lol!!! Can I be the scruffy looking nerf hearder? I will consult with you, Ms. Glendale, when I need a good star wars name to call jedi_grrlie. Yet again, you've proven more reason why they crowned you Ms. Glendale.
I believe, if memory serves, you crowned me that Krose. Lol. But I never disagreed with it so we're cool.
123. They make scruffy look gooood. Better then Han Solo does.
And that, my friends, is hard to do!
I always wanted to be Princess Leia when I was little because I wanted to be in love with Han Solo, haha. Also, she kicks ass. That's another good reason.
haha personally I also like the butt smacking girl who asked Damian and Rusty why their pants were so tight blog.
Sunday, August 28, 2005 Chapter Forty-Eight: Scaredy Pants
After four-straight barbeque-filled days in Texas, we rolled up to Kansas City where the legendary cuisine is... yes, barbeque. Knowing full well we'd be receiving some form of bbq-sauce slathered meat at the Grand Emporium tomorrow night, Damian and I decided we'd be better off giving our brisket-coated stomachs a break by hitting the self-proclaimed "China Bistro," P.F. Chang's. I thought P.F. Chang's was a local California chain, but upon eating their carbon-copy fare in the middle of Missouri, I realized they're just another Applebee's with slightly better food. Ah well, the garlic noodles are pretty good.
On the way home we quickly realized we weren't in Kansas anymore... people just could not deal with Damian's pants. Now, I know I've written a bit about Damian's pants, but the sheer rapid-fire disapproval/confusion/fascination we encountered was way too startling to go unnoted. For reference, here is a photo of the pants in question:
Scene 1: The Diss
You know that feeling when someone's coming up behind you? When you get it on an unfamiliar street in Kansas City you turn to see who it is. Usually, who it's not is a little girl, ten years old at most, with several gold teeth in her mouth. Fortunately for us, though, this time it was, and she had a question: "Do you two go together?" Now, as Damian would point out later, we are indeed two parts of a four-part set; thus we do, essentially, go together. This interpretation was almost certain to be lost on the bling-toothed youngster, and it was pretty clear that the gist of her inquiry was "are you dudes homosexual?" "No." Pointing to Damian: "Then why y'alls pants so tight?!" It was barely an insult, but her tone was so confidently demeaning, and with the lack of a witty comeback, I couldn't help but feel like we had just lost at something. Heads hung, we started walking away at which point she ran up, inexplicably smacked Damian on the ass and sprinted off to join her other friends.
Scene 2: The Question
We got back to the hotel lobby where a dude was hanging out with another dude and two dudettes, presumably in double-date formation. Their conversation halted immediately to inspect the two clear "outta towners." After I was sure we were out of pant-radar one of them screams to Damian, "Hey, you in a band?!" "Yeah." Jumping. Screaming. "I told you!!!! DAMMIT! I TOLD YOU!!!!"
Scene 3: The Family
We pulled up to the elevator, right behind a family on their way up to their room. We graciously (I thought) told them that we'd wait for the next one, as the elevator was pretty packed. "Oh no, we'll make room," said the dad, the biggest of maybe six in the family, all of whom, I shit you not, were dressed head-to-toe in University of Kansas clothing. I mean every single article of clothing was University of Kansas related; sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts, hats, windbreakers, visors, key chains, coffee mugs, etc. Now normally, I avoid the crowded elevator, especially the crowded pep rally elevator, but this time we took our chances.
UofK Mom/Aunt #1: "Now THOSE are some pants." UofK Mom/Aunt #2: "Marty, you need some pants like these, Marty." UofK Track Suit Kid, squeezing UofK Dad in 'U of K Proud Dad' shirt: "Lemme get a look at'em" UofK Mom/Aunt #1: "Are you from LONDON?" Damian: "No." UofK Proud Dad: "Are those pajamas?"
Luckily the door opened at that point. I don't know if Damian's confidence in trouser selection has been shaken, but I do know that I'm bringing a video camera next time he goes out in them.
Love, Rusty
Those pants are pretty tight....
Favorite quote: Now, as Damian would point out later, we are indeed two parts of a four-part set; thus we do, essentially, go together. This interpretation was almost certain to be lost on the bling-toothed youngster, and it was pretty clear that the gist of her inquiry was "are you dudes homosexual?"
You're awesome, AttAcKofTheELVES. A vital assest to the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society you are.
OMG I envy that girl. Lol. She had some balls.
P.S. My favourite blog:
Chapter Forty-Six: Scared Merdeless
Tim and I had a pretty classic commute today, on our way to a meeting with the wonderful people at Yahoo! Music. Tim was driving, which is an adventure all by itself. We were preparing to make a perfectly legal left turn, when out of the bleu comes a crazy French guy on a motorcycle. I can't describe how ridiculous this guy looked... sort of like Zaphod Beeblebrox doing an impression of DJ Qualls, while charging at us at full speed, clearly ignoring the red traffic light that's begging him to stop.
When he finally does see the light, the bastard stops short, leaving us in the middle of the intersection with opposing lanes of traffic barreling down on us at high rates of speed. Tim, bless his heart, was able to back out of the intersection and into the left turn lane with just moments to spare. We sat and we cursed. A lot. It's always fun to curse with Tim, because he does it in perfect high-pitched harmony, just like he sings.
With our light turned green, we were now forced to pass crazy motorcycle guy, for whom I was busily working up my best two-hands-in-the-air, "what the fuck was that?" move, until I noticed him waving at us with a stupid grin on his face. The only reaction my reptilian brain could muster was a middle finger extended in his direction. Remember: Giving in to road rage is always a bad idea.
In a split second the crazy man had u-turned, and was now screaming through my window at me. I couldn't make out every word, but his basic point was this: "Zye tweye to apowogize and zyou give me ze fingeh!!"
I told Tim to step on it, and we took off, weaving through the streets of Hollywood with a crazy biker on our tail. At every traffic light, he would pull up parallel to us, point to the side of the road and scream "Zye don't zyou pull ovah and let me zhow you a fingah!!!"
Which part of this interaction is most ridiculous?
a. That he was ready to throw down after receiving the (well-deserved) bird.
b. That he actually believed Baldy and Shrimpy Dandy Suit would brawl on the side of the road with him.
c. That he used "let me show you a finger" as a threat.
d. The post-facto blogging of it.
Finally, he caught up to us at a light, left his bike in the middle of the road and walked up to the car. He bent down and rested his arms on the bottom of Tim's open window while leaning his head into the car to give Tim a not-too-subtle warning: "Zyou bettah tell zyour fwiend he should be careful where he puts his fingahs!!" In a stroke of genius, frustration and fear, Tim turned to our assailant, looked him in the eye, and, at the top of his lungs, yelled "WE'RE LATE FOR A MEETING!" before flooring it to freedom.
In retrospect, I'm really happy all this happened.
OMG. How have I NOT read that before???!?!?!?! That is HILARIOUS! "Shrimpy Dandy Suit," hee hee hee.
Oh, Rusty! Please come back to us!!!!
Also, that pic of Damian is teh hotness.
Haha. That was great. "Are you two together?"
99. They have a 5th imaginary member named Inna
(P.S. which boardie came up with Inna so that I can give them credit here?)
101. Tim curses in perfect high-pitched harmony, just like he sings.
I've been planning to repost all of our reasons once we hit #100, and I started doing so a little while ago- only to find out that, somewhere in the mix, we fell behind by 20 numbers! So we're really up to 120 reasons.
So, Ladies and Gents, here are the First 120 Reasons Why OK Go is the Best Band EVER:
1. The music- I laughed.....I cried.....I DANCED.
2. The band members- They have personalities and they show them...wierd....
3. The dance- SOMEONE HAS TO WRITE OUT THE STEPS so everyone can learn to be that aweosme.
4. The Ping-Pong instructional video- "He has never eaten ice cream and has never performed a sex act".
5. The Patterns- It takes strong men to put a paisley pattern on their website background.
6. they tour alot... so much that its prpbably making them insane...
7.The talk to low life fans like me.... despite my shady appearance
8. not just the ping pong video, but all Truth in music PDAs... especialy the Dentist one...yeah, you know what i mean...
9. They are so down to earth
10. They are so good to the fans
11. They have such showmanship! (they talk to the audience in a hillarious way and Damian mosh-pits waist high into the audiene)
12. Damian is a good brother (I wish my mom and her bro could get along as well as Trish and Damo do)
13. Baldness plus sideburns and big square glasses rocks!
14. Damian is extremely intelligent. I don't think I've read anything he's written and not been like, "Wow...."
15. Hell, they're all extremely intelligent.
16. Because of OK Go, I've also discovered Secret Dakota Ring, The Unsacred Hearts, Man in Gray, DZUSA, Tally Hall, Scamper, and The Sun, all of whom I love.
17. Liberals!
18. Rusty is from Worcester, Mass. and I heart Mass. boys. (Except during baseball season...)
19. The Kulash bunny hop.
20. The Contemptuous Kulash Constabulary Causatum. (Trish's words, not mine.)
21. They are snazzy dressers.
22. Tims audioplays rock... although there hasn't been one in a while I know its just his plan to keep us in suspense mode.
23. They're not huge asses... yet members have been arresseted... teehehehe...
24. Their music is like crack, but better.
25. Tight pants.
26. Tight red pants.
27. One word. Broaches
28. they don't have huge asses
29. They have higher pitched voices than most men...I don't know what that has to do with anything, but it's an observation.
30. Their concerts are full of people not too afraid or self-consious to just DANCE (it's nice compared to the various people who stand around and nod)
31. AWESOME stage banter
32. Songs that never get old.
33. Finding ways to make overplayed trands seem new again (i.e. many many many bands and their mothers wear suits... but OK Go is, really, one of the few bands to do the whole "ELECTIC MIX! YAY!" thing).
34. They play with crazy awsome paisly pictures flashing in the background.
35. The pictures inside the Oh No Cd. Those are just hot, and the clashing backgrounds own.
36. They can secretly gangsta rap like nobody's business but refrain most of the time as to keep the jealously to a minimum.
37. They're all effing hot. Usually there is at least one person in the band that's ugly, but not OK Go.
38. Their collective powers of hotness can be combined to save the environment!
Oh, wait. That's Captain Planet. Nevermind....
39. OK Go has the ability to bring small nations together in unity.
40. They invented the wheel
41. They invented Chuck Norris.
42. They are better then Dr. Phil and a pint of Ben and Jerry's. With a cherry on top.
43. They dug a hole
44. They cancel out all the badness in the world. Well almost atleast.
45. OK Go's tears cure cancer. Too bad OK Go has never cried, ever.
46. Diane Sawyer has hit on Damian...and Damian turned her down.
47. OK Go brings balance to the universe
48. OK Go IS the universe.
49. OK Go's fandom is tight. No, really. You all are becoming good friends, and I like that. We stick together, yo. (*dork!*)
50. They spread love... like you would on a pb&j.
51. their the best thing since sliced bread
52. Tim Nordwind. (ive got some weird crush on him and no one including my mother knows why.i find him adorable and i would give anything to hug him once)
53. Listening to Tim cursing the government's "post-modern buuuuullshiiit!" is beyond hilarious.
54. Ok Go Cufflings
55. Tim Nordwind is not afraid to wear dresses in homemade slasher flicks
56. They just ARE the best band ever, why question it?
57. They have a huge cult following.
58. Damian is a screamer (just watch PO's again or think about him performing "Don't Bring Me Down.")
59. They're goofy.
60. They eat with funny faces.
61. (I think we're up to) They get funky in the backyard
62. They are world renowned and beloved (England, Canada, Japan, Guam, Lake Titikaka)
63. They have a handsome, omnipresent, invisible webmaster who I am trying desperately at this moment to kiss up to
64. They make vinyls
65. Has the power to make even my lil' emooed sis love 'em
66. They have the ability to be dead sexy AND smart.
67. They listen to me rant about hating my homestate
68. They have mad yelling into the crowd if they piss them off skills.
69. Have you see Tim's signature? It beyond amazes me.
70. They make clashing look good.
71. They neva clash.... but they know how to CRASH!!!
72. They'll sign cards for your friends and make them very happy. Getting an OK Go card is the greatest thing in the world.
73. They go out of their way to make the fans happy.
74. Neat sideburns, occasional scruffy beards, and halfastaches.
75. Tim and Damian are, uh, "cool" with each other.
76. Because Jen said so.
77. Because Katy says Jen says so.
78. Because they love each other and we love them in return
79. Because even when they're at the airport and looking scruffy, they're still the most adorable guys you have ever seen.
80. They believe in handclaps.
81. Dan. 'Nuff said.
82. Tim & Damian used to play folding chairs. A personal favorite of mine.
83. Tim makes lunging in the snow fun and healthful.
84. They give boy bands a run for their money.
85. They personally ask their fans to join their e-mail list.
86. They have us as fans.
87. Tim is a sideburns farmer.
88. Tim has awesome glasses that only look good on him.
89. They all have college degrees.
90. Tim is really mysterious.
91. Dan is engaged!!!
92. Damian is an uncle.
93. Their mom's have myspace profiles.
94. They go around the world to see fans.
95. Will stay hours after the show to take pictures and sign autographs.
96. Damian Kulash and Cillian Murphy were basically separated at birth. Or at least it really looks like it.
97. They're really good friends.
98. They buy underwear together.
99. Two words: ASS SHOTS.
100. They (well, just Damian) grope their fans.
101. Trish Sie. Granted, she's not in the band. However, she makes OK Go cooler. Why?
1. She's Damian's sister. Duh.
2. She choreographed "A Million Ways."
3. She was featured on a Pocast interview, in which she revealed her Les Miz obsession. (And I don't know about you, but I definitely went through a Les Miz obsession phase in 8th grade, so that's awesome.)
4. She liked to eat frosting when she was little, also mentioned on a Podcast. (Frosting = love.)
5. She starts almost riots when her little brother is arrested.
6. She friends OK Go fan girls and then leaves awesome comments on their MySpaces.
102. OK Go helps you get through difficult times.
103. Their bassist dirty dances with Chantal Claret.
104. Tim is an uncle, too.
105. Damian is my homeboy.
106. Andy is an uncle, too.
107. Dan is an uncle, too.
108. They dance with axes for hands.
109. Because they pair irresistible, hip-slinging music with whip-smart lyrics.
110. They don't suck as people.
111. They all have pretty teeth.
112. A bunch of them are not only talented members of a talented band, but they also have their own talented side projects. Rusty has his own solo record out on Serious Business Records. As far as I know, Andy Duncan is supposed to be working on his own solo project. And Tim has written a play and had it produced.
113. Dan is good at coming up with crazy band names.
114. OK Go have unoffiicially changed their name to Bleed Cobalt. Haha.
115. Dan is also good at coming up with alternate sports team logos.
116. They have a band member known as Shrimpy Dandy Suit.
117. They have a 5th imaginary member named Inna.
118. Inna plays the keytar.
119. They *try* to avoid angry confrentations with crazy french bikers.
120. Tim curses in perfect high-pitched harmony, just like he sings.
Now, remember, the next reason is 121. 'Kay?
I have seen all of them. Just dont call her a scruffy looking nerf hearder and you are ok. Lol. Im a Star wars nerd.
Lol!!! Can I be the scruffy looking nerf hearder? I will consult with you, Ms. Glendale, when I need a good star wars name to call jedi_grrlie. Yet again, you've proven more reason why they crowned you Ms. Glendale.
I believe, if memory serves, you crowned me that Krose. Lol.
HA. That's my favourite line from the whoooooooooole series.
122. The guys aren't low-down, stuck-up, scruffy-looking nerf hearders. They're just scruffy-looking sometimes.
122. The guys aren't low-down, stuck-up, scruffy-looking nerf hearders. They're just scruffy-looking sometimes.
123. They make scruffy look gooood.
And that, my friends, is hard to do!
I always wanted to be Princess Leia when I was little because I wanted to be in love with Han Solo, haha. Also, she kicks ass. That's another good reason.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Chapter Forty-Eight: Scaredy Pants
After four-straight barbeque-filled days in Texas, we rolled up to Kansas City where the legendary cuisine is... yes, barbeque. Knowing full well we'd be receiving some form of bbq-sauce slathered meat at the Grand Emporium tomorrow night, Damian and I decided we'd be better off giving our brisket-coated stomachs a break by hitting the self-proclaimed "China Bistro," P.F. Chang's. I thought P.F. Chang's was a local California chain, but upon eating their carbon-copy fare in the middle of Missouri, I realized they're just another Applebee's with slightly better food. Ah well, the garlic noodles are pretty good.
On the way home we quickly realized we weren't in Kansas anymore... people just could not deal with Damian's pants. Now, I know I've written a bit about Damian's pants, but the sheer rapid-fire disapproval/confusion/fascination we encountered was way too startling to go unnoted. For reference, here is a photo of the pants in question:
Scene 1: The Diss
You know that feeling when someone's coming up behind you? When you get it on an unfamiliar street in Kansas City you turn to see who it is. Usually, who it's not is a little girl, ten years old at most, with several gold teeth in her mouth. Fortunately for us, though, this time it was, and she had a question: "Do you two go together?" Now, as Damian would point out later, we are indeed two parts of a four-part set; thus we do, essentially, go together. This interpretation was almost certain to be lost on the bling-toothed youngster, and it was pretty clear that the gist of her inquiry was "are you dudes homosexual?" "No." Pointing to Damian: "Then why y'alls pants so tight?!" It was barely an insult, but her tone was so confidently demeaning, and with the lack of a witty comeback, I couldn't help but feel like we had just lost at something. Heads hung, we started walking away at which point she ran up, inexplicably smacked Damian on the ass and sprinted off to join her other friends.
Scene 2: The Question
We got back to the hotel lobby where a dude was hanging out with another dude and two dudettes, presumably in double-date formation. Their conversation halted immediately to inspect the two clear "outta towners." After I was sure we were out of pant-radar one of them screams to Damian, "Hey, you in a band?!" "Yeah." Jumping. Screaming. "I told you!!!! DAMMIT! I TOLD YOU!!!!"
Scene 3: The Family
We pulled up to the elevator, right behind a family on their way up to their room. We graciously (I thought) told them that we'd wait for the next one, as the elevator was pretty packed. "Oh no, we'll make room," said the dad, the biggest of maybe six in the family, all of whom, I shit you not, were dressed head-to-toe in University of Kansas clothing. I mean every single article of clothing was University of Kansas related; sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts, hats, windbreakers, visors, key chains, coffee mugs, etc. Now normally, I avoid the crowded elevator, especially the crowded pep rally elevator, but this time we took our chances.
UofK Mom/Aunt #1: "Now THOSE are some pants."
UofK Mom/Aunt #2: "Marty, you need some pants like these, Marty."
UofK Track Suit Kid, squeezing UofK Dad in 'U of K Proud Dad' shirt: "Lemme get a look at'em"
UofK Mom/Aunt #1: "Are you from LONDON?"
Damian: "No."
UofK Proud Dad: "Are those pajamas?"
Luckily the door opened at that point. I don't know if Damian's confidence in trouser selection has been shaken, but I do know that I'm bringing a video camera next time he goes out in them.
Those pants are pretty tight....
Favorite quote: Now, as Damian would point out later, we are indeed two parts of a four-part set; thus we do, essentially, go together. This interpretation was almost certain to be lost on the bling-toothed youngster, and it was pretty clear that the gist of her inquiry was "are you dudes homosexual?"
Alex Kopranos had tighter pants on on Friday. I hate to say it, but I think his pants rivaled Damian's.