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the offical world cup thread

edited November -1 in General Discussion
seeing as the USA somhow managed to make it to the world cup =p

Group A

Germany 3pts
Ecuador 3pts
Poland 0pts
Costa Rica 0pts

Germany 4-2 Costa Rica
Ecuador 2-0 Poland

Group B

England 3pts
Sweden 0pts
Trinidad and Tobago 0pts
Paraguay 0pts

England 1-0 Paraguay

Group C

Argentina 0pts
Holland 0pts
Ivory Coast 0pts
Serbia & Montenegro 0pts

Group D

Angola 0pts
Iran 0pts
Mexico 0pts
Portugal 0pts

Group E

Czech Republic 0pts
Ghana 0pts
Italy 0pts
USA 0pts

Group F

Australia 0pts
Brazil 0pts
Croatia 0pts
Japan 0pts

Group G

France 0pts
South Korea 0pts
Switzerland 0pts
Togo 0pts

Group H

Saudi Arabia 0pts
Spain 0pts
Tunisia 0pts
Ukraine 0pts

so yeah your usa boys have quite the chance to make it into the knockout stage!

for those who dont know

each team plays the other 3 teams in there group once, and the top two teams go though to the final 16 knockout stage

i shall be supporting my beloved england and japan


  • i'm going to lie, but i don't find interest in soccer, but then again a very good percent of americans feel the same way i do.

    i really wonder why we americans don't get all excited about soccer as other countries do.
  • I get interested at random times like during championship weeks or when I'm flipping channels and I see a really good game. Or when I see a really hot player haha. It's hard to get into soccer though cause they don't show much of it on tv and I don't know anything about any teams.

    Andy who are the favored teams this year?
  • brazil are always faves

    they play extreamly sexy football all the time

    france have a good chance also with henry

    and my bias in saying england have a good shout also!

    but if i was a betting man i would put money on brazil
  • If only I could watch The World Cup this year. Andy, you'll have to keep me updated, okay?
  • surly its on your regular usa tv chanels?

    ill keep ya post via this thread
  • I have no idea what channels are showing it, but I'll be busy working two jobs this summer. Blah. Gotta save for London though!
  • oh yes the $-£ rates must be hurting you stupidly me dear
  • My brother's always root for Mexico, but they never win lol, oh well... frankly I don't like football. I'll only watch for a few minutes and then I feel like it goes on forever...
  • haha i remember the big deal with the us beating mexico. damn everyone and their mother was talking about it for like a month. lol
  • haha I know, my brothers were like "the US got better players now" I didn't even know wtf was going on, they just got their knickers all twisted up for a game haha, it was funny to watch.
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ May 22 2006, 11:09 PM)
    haha I know, my brothers were like "the US got better players now" I didn't even know wtf was going on, they just got their knickers all twisted up for a game haha, it was funny to watch.

    hahaha i remember everyone was like i can't believe the us won. i was like huh?? and i remember people having world cup parties like a 3 or 4 am (since the live games where in japan, and time difference and all)
  • haha yeah, I had no clue what was going on.

    I still don't actually, but I appreciate soccer players more (they're damn fine).
  • I bought an official Ukrainian-supporting world cup scarf in NYC on Sunday. The man at the world cup booth (as his, I presume, child stood next to him blowing a horn so that we were both forced to shout over it as we talked and bartered) attempted to sell me a shirt and wouldn't leve me alone until I put on the scarf (even though it was far too warm out).

    Yeah Ukraine. Represent.
  • QUOTE (vinyl_days @ May 22 2006, 11:23 PM)
    hahaha i remember everyone was like i can't believe the us won. i was like huh?? and i remember people having world cup parties like a 3 or 4 am (since the live games where in japan, and time difference and all)

    I know, my bros are insane. They kept talking about it for like 2 or 3 days, it was driving me mad. It's like get over it they won, they were bound to sooner or later... and then they kept saying how much they sucked and they just won by chance. Bleh, haha.
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ May 22 2006, 11:40 PM)
    I know, my bros are insane. They kept talking about it for like 2 or 3 days, it was driving me mad. It's like get over it they won, they were bound to sooner or later... and then they kept saying how much they sucked and they just won by chance. Bleh, haha.

    lol i heard the same thing. i was like ok its over, just freaking get over it!
  • I know... I will never understand why they take the game so seriously, I don't even do that for the sports I like.
  • Yes Pearl, to win by chance is very important for football games.
    You know, Team Japan might beat Brazil, the kingdom of football, by chance.
    Also "by chance" means magic, miracle or "shit, I never believe such crap could win".
  • aww have some hope for japan!

    i do wub there footy team so, ill be cheering them on the same i do for england!
  • I don't think I'll be cheering for anyone... foot is just not my game, unless, my brothers convince me that the games will be hella interesting, than MAYBE, I'd give it a chance.
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