It'd be pretty awesome if we won the world cup. We wont tho, you're right Pandy, it'll be like Brazil or someone. I'm quite looking forwards to everything this year, I remember wanting to win really bad in 2002 so it'd be like, win the world cup, Queens jubilee. but yeah we are rubbish... Meh.
You're not, I just can't sit and watch them kick back and forth a ball, I know it's hard to handle a soccer ball and do all those tricksies, but I don't find it fun.
Yeah but football in your country isn't a major sport you guys. You have baseball and american football and basketball and ice hockey.... Football is our national sport. And we like to win
Also, I don't find football interesting unless I either support the team who is playing, or actually care, like its a cup final or a playoff or something. I can't just watch ANY match. Infact, if I was at home the only matches I would watch would be England ones....
When I was younger I supported Man Utd because my Dad did, but then I lost interest in football, and became interested in things like boys (which then came back to me 'liking' football)
I don't really support anyone, but Ryan supports Norwich, so I do too.
for those who don't know, this is Australia's first time in the world cup for 30 something years, and we're definately not going to win! Though I'm still going to support them like all hell though. Along with England and South Africa (My heritage)
for those who don't know, this is Australia's first time in the world cup for 30 something years, and we're definately not going to win! Though I'm still going to support them like all hell though. Along with England and South Africa (My heritage)
The national flag of your country says that people in Australia inherit talent for football from England, I think . There're good Aussie players as well, they look so tough and strong. Don't break Japanese players please. Every country has a chance to win, Brazil is way too greater than any others tho.
hahaha I love video games... AND *sigh* I told my brothers that I would watch a game of footy with them =\... don't know if I'll be able to handle it... Can anyone tell me a good reasong why I should love, like, or just enjoy a game of football? People think I'm nuts for not liking the game.
i'm glad i'm not the only one.
Also, I don't find football interesting unless I either support the team who is playing, or actually care, like its a cup final or a playoff or something. I can't just watch ANY match. Infact, if I was at home the only matches I would watch would be England ones....
When I was younger I supported Man Utd because my Dad did, but then I lost interest in football, and became interested in things like boys (which then came back to me 'liking' football)
I don't really support anyone, but Ryan supports Norwich, so I do too.
AND you're in a group with Brazil. Eugh. really, good luck.
belive jen!
go eat a belive bar
but i shall teach you the ways on msn if you wish, think ive already got you on there
The national flag of your country says that people in Australia inherit talent for football from England, I think
Every country has a chance to win, Brazil is way too greater than any others tho.
me and my mate pimpy always try to win the world cup with japan on my old ISS3 game, which is a mighty task
but the game has an amazing thing, it shows a cut screan of the manager and says random stuff like
"japan team manager said before the game...THEY WILL FIGHT TO THE BITTER END"
<3 japan