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You know you're obsessed when...



  • YKYOW: you feel lonely because there are no other boardies logged in.Cry
  • Sunnyside.too said:YKYOW: you feel lonely because there are no other boardies logged in.Cry

    YKYOW: You log in the next day and have a little jolt of sadness because there are three zeroes at the top of the board.

  • YKYOW: You look through old ass threads from like 05 for no reason other than to find if I missed anything during my pre-boardie-ness.
  • samanferr! said:YKYOW: You look through old ass threads from like 05 for no reason other than to find if I missed anything during my pre-boardie-ness.

    Yep! I know I'm obsessed!

    YKYOW you are bored at work and change the names on your letter template examples to Mr. Kulash, Dr. Nordwind, Mr. Ross, Hon. Konopka, and variations.

  • Sunnyside.too said:YKYOW: you feel lonely because there are no other boardies logged in.Cry

    So true.  I don't like being here all by myself.  I'm sad.

  • Resurrecting an old thread.

    You know you're obsessed when you reorganize the icons on your desktop so that none of them cover up any of the boys' faces on your desktop wallpaper.

  • Oh, yay! This should be fun!

    You know you're obsessed when: During chemistry class, you have a lab in which you have to make soap and one of the materials is lye. You immediately think of WTD and get the song stuck in your head for the remainder of the class.

    Oh, and I have another one. I took the ASVAB test yesterday ( I believe it stands for Armed Service Vocational Apptitude Battery... don't quote me on it, though) and one of the tests was titled Word Knowledge. On the answer sheet, that section was "WK". I had that song stuck in my the whole three hours it took to finish all 8 tests. I don't know how to phrase that differently... sorry...Embarassed

  • Oh Lord, this is the thread for me!

    You know you're obsessed with OK Go when you're thirteenth birthday is OK Go themed. ( Ah, last month was awesome. ) I went to the Club Nokia concert on the 27th( the last thirty minutes of the concert were actually on my birthday), and today, since my sister's birthday present came extra late, I GOT THE EXTRA NICE ADDITION! AREN'T I JUST SO EXCITED? WHY YES, I AM. Excited enough to use Caps Lock! * slaps self *

  • daisychains said:

    Oh Lord, this is the thread for me!

    You know you're obsessed with OK Go when you're thirteenth birthday is OK Go themed. ( Ah, last month was awesome. ) I went to the Club Nokia concert on the 27th( the last thirty minutes of the concert were actually on my birthday), and today, since my sister's birthday present came extra late, I GOT THE EXTRA NICE ADDITION! AREN'T I JUST SO EXCITED? WHY YES, I AM. Excited enough to use Caps Lock! * slaps self *

    I can't believe I didn't do that last month! I did get some OK Go stuff, though... (happy very belated birthday, by the way (this might seem a little creepy since you don't know me, haha))

  • It's okay, Silver. Thanks for the belated birthday. :D
  • Sounds like an awesome birthday, daisychains! Laugh

    Aahhh I missed this thread! I can't tell you how many times I've had an obsessive moment over the past several months and did not know who to tell about it!

    YKYOW you get up at 7 am after having stayed up to help out your roommate until 3 am, take your last final of the term at 8 am, and then immediately have your other roommate drive you to Portland so you can catch a plane to Phoenix so you can catch a plane to Las Vegas so you can see OK Go the next day. All while wearing only one contact! Yup, that's what I'm doing right now. Sitting in the airport in Portland, and man, this place is nice! Efficient too. Hence the ample time for posting.

  • YKYOW:

    You have a dream with OK Go music in it and wonder why the hell it was only music, not the people.

    You can think of a night when you had three dreams with the boys in one night...

    You drive two and a half hours for your third concert when your first one was 15 minutes away and your second 45 minutes away

    You join a message board (no offense.. but still.  >>)

    You feel bad for neglecting your other music.. and then try to listen to your other music.. and halfway through an album feel like you're neglecting OK Go, and proceed to listen to all four albums (plus disc 2 of ENE) before realizing how little sense that made...

    You spend 9 buck on the three song you didn't have yet, because you want them legally and in physical cd form.

    I could go on.  xP

  • Totalgeek42 said:

    You join a message board (no offense.. but still.  >>)

    Dude, you think *that's* obsession?  You ain't seen nothing.  A message board is a technologically-savvy support group.  ;-)

    I've seen some seriously disturbing tattoos.  Not on OK Go fans (I only saw one girl who tattooed the logo on her arm), but one woman I saw had a photorealistic tatoo of Rufus Wainwright's face on her arm.  I like him too, but, you know, limits.

  • DJRose said:
    Totalgeek42 said:

    You join a message board (no offense.. but still.  >>)

    Dude, you think *that's* obsession?  You ain't seen nothing.  A message board is a technologically-savvy support group.  ;-)

    Definitely a support group!

    HA! I've seen the Rufus tattoo (at least I hope there aren't multiple woman with his face in permanent ink!), but if we're talking walking adverts for being fans, you need to see some of the folks who follow–I mean live–all things Brian Setzer. I used to know some guys in a band that toured at jam band festivals and such, and you haven't seen obsessed fans until you've met your third kid of the day who was named after the child/spouse/dog of some member of the Grateful Dead! Yell

    Back on thread: YKYOW when your second thoughts of the day upon waking is (first thought of the day upon waking is "Did I make the coffee yet?"): "Was there supposed to be OK Go news today?"

    You're REALLY badly off when the next thoughts are: "There was a show last night! There will be photos!" And although you know that they will be photos of the same blue suit and smirk, and the same red guitar and smouldering gaze, and the same confetti storm, and that they will be virtually indistinguishable from previous photos, you drag yourself to the computer (sometimes before the coffee is even brewed!) to look for them anyway!

    Good thing there's a technologically savvy support group to help deal with obsession of this magnitude! Wink

  • YKYOW: Whenever you see a paisley pattern, you freak out. And after such a long time of doing this, your mother starts to call it the "OK GO pattern".

    Also, YKYOW: You play OK Go's music so much that anyone in your house could sing along with you if they so wanted to (especially your 11 year old brother). And your mom is able to know when you have a new song.

  • YKYOW:

    You take a painting class in school and had terrible painting days for the first three days of the week, and a great painting day on the fourth.  When trying to figure out why this could possibly be, you realize you were trying to temper your OK Go obsession with other music for the first three days... you gave up on the fourth.

    One of your best friends threatens to unfollow you on tumblr if you post another damian picture

    You follow so many OK Go related tumblrs that you look at your dash and about one or every six new posts isn't OK Go related.

    You feel the need to always capitalize the O, K, and G, despite the uselessness of this

    And finally, when you can't wait to wear your fantastic purple paisley tie to your next OK Go show just in case you meet the band, and they notice the paisley.  Your next show won't be for at least two months... if you're lucky.

  • Totalgeek42 said:

    When trying to figure out why this could possibly be, you realize you were trying to temper your OK Go obsession with other music for the first three days... you gave up on the fourth.

    Lol there's just no fighting the Forces That Be dearie ;) 


    - I've been listening to so much OK Go at home, my mom can hum to numerous OK Go tunes out of the blue. (Yay mom! but srsly thaz a bit freaky)

    - My days start, and end with OK Go (with couple-hr intervals in between) - think Tumblr surfing, YT browsing, FB scanning etcetc

    - I get REALLY excited seeing new Boardie msgs on my RSS feed Kiss

    - My friends are so sick of me talking abt OK Go/Damian, they've resorted to saying "OK Stop" at the slightest mention :( (did u see those CAPS??? I hate it when ppl dun type the band's name correctly - see below)

    - It totally peeves me when I see ppl refer to OK Go as "Ok Go", "okgo" (unless it's Twitter-related), "Okgo", "OkGo" etcetc.  And dun even get me started abt "Damian"/"Damien".  I mean, if you're gonna be doing an interview with a person, at least have the decency to verify their name??? Yell 

    - Similarly, I hate seeing facts that interviewers have reported wrongly.  What happened to journalistic integrity and quality??? (You really gotta have standards! ;)

    - I see someone/thing pass by with an outfit that is vaguely royal blue and I get this lil jump in my heart and think, "OMG Damian!"

    - I realise I can just abt associate any random thought I have abt anything under the sun to OK Go. 

    - I have a serious urge  to even out (and eventually succumb) all my iTunes play counts for all OK Go songs on each album. I never fast-forward any OK Go track either.  If there's been another non-OK Go track thaz been playing a bit too many times (coz iTunes on random is anything but o.O ), I skip that song juz so I can keep OK Go as my all-time most-played band.  I look at my iTunes playlist with pride because each album has its own album cover, and artist/album names are all super neat etc.  Which explains why some of my OK Go tracks have homemade covers which I made with love and affection ;) mind u ive NEVER done anything this anal for anyone/thing. EVER. 

    - I taught myself how to make animated GIFs from scratch (via Photoshop) in the name of making fan-art for OK Go.  And you bet I am damn proud. Cool 

    - I practice the "A Million Ways" dance (or at least run thru the steps in my head) whenever I hear it playing.  Of course I only learnt it like, maybe a month ago :P (my obsession with OK Go only kicked in officially this March)

    - I've had OK Go/Damian's face(s) on my iPhone front-screen for God-knows-how-long now. I use the mic photo (from the Bonerama benefit concert) that Damian took onstage as my background.  

    - I'm still trying to think of things to write for this (coz this is yet another excuse for me to hv more OK Go thoughts Kiss) instead of doing my dissertation paper (7,500 words min) of which I've barely done half.  Deadline: TMR. Cry

    - Incidentally, my paper is on NET NEUTRALITY. (figures, no? ;)

  • Laydeejol, I think you are my hero right now. Laugh


    At least for me - when I create content for the fandom.

    For whatever reason, that was always my guide to see if I'm being too obsessed. Loving Doctor Who, House/Hugh Laurie, The Big Bang Theory, King's X (other favorate band), Apologetix (other other favorate band), Lord of the Rings back in the day, searching for all sorts of content - news, pics, articles, reviews, Livejournals, LJ icons, Deviantart, etc, I still didn't actually MAKE content.  (I did try my hand at a few LJ icons with limited success and a few Pieces of Flair on FB.)

    But I would tell my friends who would tease me (lovingly, trust me) about being obsessed, I would say, "Nope! I'm not making anything for this - I'm just looking at stuff! 

    When I borrowed a Flip from my friend and made my tiny RGM machine and WON TICKETS  -  I think that was the beginning.

    Make a VIDEO? I've NEVER done that! Never even thought I would be doing that!

    I've made tons of "Pieces of Flair" for OK Go. I've captioned and meme'ed a bunch of OK Go stuff. I won a flipping awesome signed pic with a silly LOL OK Go.

    I've created content. I'm doomed.

  • Not doomed! Liberated!

    OK Go: rendering consumers into creative participants one loopy challenge at a time.

    Don't you love the image of the dad learning the guitar part for "the house wins" so he can play it along with his 8-yr-old son on piano?! Awesome.

  • laydeejol said:

    - It totally peeves me when I see ppl refer to OK Go as "Ok Go", "okgo" (unless it's Twitter-related), "Okgo", "OkGo" etcetc.  And dun even get me started abt "Damian"/"Damien".  I mean, if you're gonna be doing an interview with a person, at least have the decency to verify their name??? Yell 

    Oh, me, too! Haha, I used to have to correct my best friend about the spelling. But she's awesome and has learned.

    YKYOW: Your best friend has learned to spell OK Go and corrects anyone that spells it incorrectly.

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